Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Trilogy Blu-Ray Amazon/BestBuy Pre-order $69.99


51 (100%)
I can't count the number on 2 hands of people I know waiting on this to come out. The details are scarce, the price is steep, but here it is. Releasing June 28th.

$69.99 Amazon

$69.99 Best Buy($5 coupon floating around to make it $64.99)

$10 Best Buy "One Ring" Pre-order Bonus

$99.99 Best Buy exclusive Figures Bundle:
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Lord+Of...2216778&skuId=2629128&st=lord rings&lp=2&cp=1
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[quote name='arcane93']WTF are you talking about? All I was doing was pointing out to the people complaining about the price that we don't really know for certain that it actually is the price yet. I only had to justify it further because you tried to claim that all of the information was in the trailer, when it's not. I never claimed that there was any "conspiracy", just a history on Amazon's part of jumping the gun a little.[/QUOTE]

You said "there's still no officially announced release," which seems to say that the existence of this set wasn't officially confirmed at all. All I replied to was that, to say that yes, this set is officially announced, and that's all I was replying to.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You said "there's still no officially announced release," which seems to say that the existence of this set wasn't officially confirmed at all. All I replied to was that, to say that yes, this set is officially announced, and that's all I was replying to.[/QUOTE]

No, there's not an officially announced release. There's a trailer on Amazon. That trailer could be for a product that is coming out in November, or next month, or two years from now. It could be for a product that costs $119.98, or $79.99, or $4,123.63. We don't know. All we know from that trailer is that yes, indeed, at some point in the future there will be a blu-ray release of the extended editions (something which I don't think anyone doubted), and what it will (probably) look like. Nothing more. That's not an official announcement.
[quote name='arcane93']No, there's not an officially announced release.[/quote]
Yes, there is. These assets, product features, and information are direct form the studio.

You're confusing the term "release" with "release date." The product has been announced. The release date hasn't.

That's not an official announcement.
Yes, it is. Just not of the date. You can announce something, without announcing the date. Like, Iron Man 3 has been announced, but they haven't set a date yet.

Yes, we always knew it was going to happen, but this is official, studio-sanctioned word on it, not just out assumptions and passing comments from Peter Jackson.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You're confusing the term "release" with "release date." The product has been announced. The release date hasn't.[/QUOTE]

You're playing games with semantics when you clearly know what I meant. If you really want to get that technical, though, no there has not been an "official" announcement. Nothing has been directly announced by the studio as of yet. A trailer posted to a third-party site (even if we are 99.9% sure that it's legit) is not an "official" announcement. Whether Amazon jumped the gun and leaked it earlier than they were supposed to, or whether they made a deal with the studio to show it first, or whatever the reason may be that they have it before anyone else, content on Amazon isn't "official" until it is directly verified by the studio that is releasing the title.

Note that I'm only being pedantic about this because you're being pedantic -- it really doesn't matter that much to me. And with that, I'm done with this ridiculous argument.
i try not to double dip when it comes to me already owning a movie on dvd, i might for this though, but not at that price. Ill wait till i can get it for 30-40 on sale.
[quote name='eastx']I'm hoping for a cheaper European version, myself.[/QUOTE]

The only problem with that is going to be that if the special features really are on DVDs (I'm having a hard time believing that, but I guess we'll see), they'll at the very least be in PAL even if they're not region coded.
I imagine the special features will be on DVD. Not much reason to put them on more expensive BR discs when they're in standard def. And I can't imagine that Amazon has fake details, they probably just leaked the info early.

There's been some other BR releases with DVDs for the extra features discs as well. I think Blade Runner may have been one (can't recall, just remember some mentioning a few others when discussing this LOTR Amazon announcement on another forum).
[quote name='coolsteel']Yeah they looked rough, ROTK came out the best but even that was barely squeaking by .[/QUOTE]
That's why I won't be getting these on release day. Waiting to see if they do it right this time.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I imagine the special features will be on DVD. Not much reason to put them on more expensive BR discs when they're in standard def. And I can't imagine that Amazon has fake details, they probably just leaked the info early.

There's been some other BR releases with DVDs for the extra features discs as well. I think Blade Runner may have been one (can't recall, just remember some mentioning a few others when discussing this LOTR Amazon announcement on another forum).[/QUOTE]

If we were talking a one-to-one disc ratio, then sure. But rumors that I've heard have suggested that we're talking up to nine DVDs -- which makes sense, if we're talking all of the special features from the DVD extended editions (at two discs each), plus the Costa Botes documentaries. Consider that on blu-ray, all of these could easily be put on two discs, or three if you want to have one to go with each movie, and the extra cost of manufacturing blu-ray discs (not really that much higher at this point when you're manufacturing in the kind of bulk they are) becomes a lot less of an issue (probably cheaper, actually, to manufacture three blu-rays than it is to manufacture nine DVDs). Beyond that, there's the additional packaging (and the packing process) to hold nine DVDs along with the movie discs. Finally, by putting all of the features for each film on a single blu-ray (let's assume for the moment that we're talking one features disc per movie), you put everything in one place and eliminate the confusion for the consumer of having them spread across multiple discs. So yes, there are plenty of reasons for the special features to be on blu-ray, and very little reason for them not to be.

And yes, I know that other BR releases have had the special features on DVD in the past, but generally that's been limited to a single disc. This would be the first one that I know of that spreads them across so many discs. I'll have to check my copy of Blade Runner later, as it's been a while since I've looked at it so I may be forgetting, but I'm pretty sure all of the discs in that package were blu-ray. Edit: Looked it up, you're right, the special features discs for Blade Runner were DVDs. But that was only two discs, not nine, and was done back when the production costs on blu-rays were a lot higher than they are now. So I still think that my point stands.
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[quote name='dmaul1114']I imagine the special features will be on DVD. Not much reason to put them on more expensive BR discs when they're in standard def. And I can't imagine that Amazon has fake details, they probably just leaked the info early.

There's been some other BR releases with DVDs for the extra features discs as well. I think Blade Runner may have been one (can't recall, just remember some mentioning a few others when discussing this LOTR Amazon announcement on another forum).[/QUOTE]If I'm remembering right from what I have personally, I think Misery and The Graduate are ones that are that way, as the included DVD disc on each has the movie and some to all of the special features. I'm sure those aren't the only ones out there.
[quote name='arcane93']If we were talking a one-to-one disc ratio, then sure. But rumors that I've heard have suggested that we're talking up to nine DVDs -- which makes sense, if we're talking all of the special features from the DVD extended editions (at two discs each), [/QUOTE]

I thought I'd read 9 discs, not 9 dvds.

Which would be the 6 extra discs from the DVD extended set and 3 blu rays for the movies.

Guess we'll find out when they release more details. I really don't care as I never watch extra features anymore (and have seen most of these years ago anyway), so I'm just buying it to get the EEs on Blu.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I thought I'd read 9 discs, not 9 dvds.

Which would be the 6 extra discs from the DVD extended set and 3 blu rays for the movies.

Guess we'll find out when they release more details. I really don't care as I never watch extra features anymore (and have seen most of these years ago anyway), so I'm just buying it to get the EEs on Blu.[/QUOTE]

It really has to be 9 DVDs, if the special features are on DVD -- the two special features discs from each of the extended editions don't have any additional room on them, and the Costa Botes documentaries are all feature-length in and of themselves (totaling about five hours between the three of them, to my understanding -- haven't seen them yet myself). Oh, and don't forget the digital copy.

On the other hand, 9 discs would make sense if the special features were on blu-ray -- one disc for the movie, one disc for the special features, and a digital copy disc for each film.

Personally, I'm not terribly excited about the special features either. Given that I already have the extended edition DVDs with the discs that came with them, the only thing that I have to gain here is the Costa Botes documentaries. I'm actually probably more likely to watch those than I am the rest, but the reality is that I probably won't ever get around to it.
I checked the Amazon chart again.

It doesn't list number of discs. It just says " Blu-ray, with Special Features on DVDs".

It also has this for digital copies " Yes, online" where as the prior blu ray release has " Yes, on three discs". So maybe the digital copies are just download codes.
I don't really know where the 9 DVD/9 discs discussion came from, I've just seen it in several forums now. It could have come from someone with some kind of insider knowledge, or it could just be speculation that spread. No idea. Like I said, it makes sense when you consider it based on the various configurations.

So yeah, it's really a moot point until the studio releases the details officially. For all we know, the studio could have told Amazon that the special features will match those on the extended and limited edition DVDs, and Amazon could have interpolated that they'd be on DVD from that. Who knows. I trust that Amazon has the general info for the release right, but I am more skeptical of the details until there's official word on it (as I said before, Amazon has been known to jump the gun and copy and paste info from other versions, interpret/interpolate information incorrectly, or just flat out make things up in the past when it comes to listing items in advance like this).

I just hope they're on blu-ray, because I really don't want to have to dedicate the shelf space to a box large enough to hold all of those DVDs. :lol:
I didn't read the whole thread but is there any mention of disc swapping? Will the extended editions of each movie fit on one blu-ray per movie so I don't have to get up in the middle and swap out the disc?
[quote name='javeryh']I didn't read the whole thread but is there any mention of disc swapping? Will the extended editions of each movie fit on one blu-ray per movie so I don't have to get up in the middle and swap out the disc?[/QUOTE]

Hasn't been announced yet.

Per BR.com, it could be done but some worry quality will suffer from compression.
[quote name='javeryh']I didn't read the whole thread but is there any mention of disc swapping? Will the extended editions of each movie fit on one blu-ray per movie so I don't have to get up in the middle and swap out the disc?[/QUOTE]

Realistically, do you not think you'd WANT to get up at some point during a 3- to 4-hour movie (to go to the bathroom at the very least)? The "Wah! I don't want to have to stand up and walk five feet!" argument has always rubbed me the wrong way, especially when the alternative is more compression and compromised sound and video quality. Priorities, people!

I just try to imagine people at theatrical screenings of "Dr. Zhivago" or "Lawrence of Arabia" or some similarly lengthy film seeing that intermission title come up and muttering, "You mean we have to stand up! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!" At some point you have to realize that being given the opportunity to move once over the course of four hours is a courtesy, not an imposition. ;)
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[quote name='arcane93']I don't really know where the 9 DVD/9 discs discussion came from, I've just seen it in several forums now. [/QUOTE]

Well, hell.

I just noticed on bluray.com (and checked Amazon to confirm) that the product description on Amazon.com now says that it's 15 discs.

The Quest Is Over: All three extended versions in dazzling 1080p and DTS HD-MA 5.1 Audio. Deluxe set includes over 26 Hours of spellbinding behind-the- moviemaking material, including the Rare Costa Botes documentaries, on 15 discs.

The comparison table is also updated with: "15 Discs Total: Films are on Blu-ray, with Special Features on DVDs".

Still lists Digital Copies as " Yes, online."

So my guess (and it's just a guess) is the Movies are on 2 Blu Rays each, then you have the 2 DVDs of extras for each movie that came in the DVD extended set, and then 1 DVD for the Costa Botes documentaries for each). So 5 discs for each movie, 15 total.
[quote name='nepenthegram']Pre-ordered, but slightly irritated the the Star Wars set, with all six films on nine discs, is practically the same price. Hopefully this goes down a bit before release. Thanks, OP.

yeah i hope so too.
[quote name='dabamus']Just a note, but it no longer mentions the word "limited" on the Amazon listing or on the boxart.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I noticed that too.

Then read that the updated art is straight from Warner Home Video.

I guess at one time they wanted to make it a "limited" edition.
But then someone must of told them that it would limit their profits $$$$$$$$$$

I'll wait for a 40-50price point.
[quote name='Ivanhoe']I guess at one time they wanted to make it a "limited" edition.
But then someone must of told them that it would limit their profits $$$$$$$$$$[/QUOTE]

For crying out loud, it was never "limited" (any more than everything is limited. It's not like there are infinite copies of any movie DVD, so, yeah). It was just marketing. Ad copy on the box. That's it.
$83 is ridiculous ($27.68 per disc).This outrageous price is because of crazy fan boys.Normal buyers should never buy at this price .Starting price doesn`t matter its LE or not should be $50.we are encouraging studios to keep treating us like that and studio make sure to implant mole everywhere to spread their propaganda .I don`t `ve any blu ray edition of LOR and `ll wait until it touch $40 .
[quote name='shrike4242']Here's some breakdown of the contents of the EE set:


Big point of note is that they are splitting the movie into two BD discs, so there should be no excuse for disk space being an issue for PQ.[/QUOTE]


Damn it, you would think that a BD disc would be big enough to fit each film individually. I hate that they break it down into 2 discs each...now I'm wondering if I should keep my pre-order or not.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']No!

Damn it, you would think that a BD disc would be big enough to fit each film individually. I hate that they break it down into 2 discs each...now I'm wondering if I should keep my pre-order or not.[/QUOTE]When you get a picture bitrate in the high 20MBps/30+MBps, you usually have issues going beyond 3hrs of movie, especially with a higher bitrate audio track.

I'm just hoping that after some of the crap they had over the TE versions having less than amazing PQ, there's no excuse now if they're doing two discs per movie.

You should cancel your pre-order because you don't want it immediately on release, not because they went with two discs per movie.
I may not be savy when it comes to disc space but I could have sworn that they have bigger options for BD discs. Why not use a bigger disc to fit the entire movie. It just seems lazy.
I'm fine with two discs per movie, but I'm still pissed about them recycling the special features DVDs verbatim from the earlier DVD releases. I already have those DVDs (except for the Costa Botes documentaries) and don't feel inclined to pay for the exact same thing again. If they'd consolidated them onto blu-rays, I'd have at least considered it something.

I do want the movies on blu-ray regardless, but I think I'll be holding out until I can get a better deal.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I may not be savy when it comes to disc space but I could have sworn that they have bigger options for BD discs. Why not use a bigger disc to fit the entire movie. It just seems lazy.[/QUOTE]BD50, a dual-layer disc, is as big as we have currently for mass-market releases. There is a triple-layer, 100GB disc out there, known as BDXL:


You need a new player to play those discs, so as we don't have those out yet, there's no point in that.

[quote name='arcane93']I'm fine with two discs per movie, but I'm still pissed about them recycling the special features DVDs verbatim from the earlier DVD releases. I already have those DVDs (except for the Costa Botes documentaries) and don't feel inclined to pay for the exact same thing again. If they'd consolidated them onto blu-rays, I'd have at least considered it something.

I do want the movies on blu-ray regardless, but I think I'll be holding out until I can get a better deal.[/QUOTE]I'll agree with you that the lack of consolidation onto BD discs is a lazy move. Alien Anthology consolidated a ton of SD special features onto two BD50 discs. That's how they should have done it on this release, so I'm also probably going to wait this one out, at least until the holiday season.

I've heard good things about the Costa Botes documentaries, though that would be the only special features I wouldn't have between a TE set on DVD and a EE set on DVD when they originally released.
Also a tidbit that I didn't see mentioned yet in this thread; according to futureshop it releases on the 28th of June.
I'm skeptical of the June 28th date, just because it would make a lot more sense for them to wait and make it a big holiday release. Still, much of what they've done with this set hasn't made sense to me, so I suppose there's no reason why the release date should either.

On the plus side, if it really does come out that early, we may well see some good deals on it by Black Friday after all.
[quote name='arcane93']I'm skeptical of the June 28th date, just because it would make a lot more sense for them to wait and make it a big holiday release.[/QUOTE]

Not with the Star Wars blus coming out around the holidays. They know most folks are going to want both mega sets, but only be able to justify shelling out for one if they come out within a month of each other. Putting 5 or 6 months between them ensures people will pick up both at release.
Apparently the June 28th date is official:

And yes, they appear to have remastered Fellowship Of The Ring from the original 2K digital master, so it should be better PQ than before on the TE release.

There's a breakdown of what's on each disc as well, which ends up being 2 BD + 3 DVD for each of the three movies, with one of the DVD discs per movie being the Costa Botes documentaries.
[quote name='Tybee']Not with the Star Wars blus coming out around the holidays. They know most folks are going to want both mega sets, but only be able to justify shelling out for one if they come out within a month of each other. Putting 5 or 6 months between them ensures people will pick up both at release.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was thinking that if we're seeing Star Wars in September, this would probably be a November release -- i.e., it would come out at just the right moment to trump Star Wars on the Chirstmas sales. Not doing that seems like a strange act of generosity on Warner's part.

Still, I guess it's official. Fine with me -- like I said, with a release in June, maybe we'll see some deals before the end of the year after all.
Works for me. I have more time to watch movies in the summer than the fall.

And good news that FOTR has been remastered and that the movies are on two discs to maximize quality. I'm not a big videophile at all, but I'll still take quality over convenience of not having to change discs. As I said I tend to watch these one disc at a time on DVD anyway as it's hard to find 4 hours of consecutive free time.
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Gonna order it from amazon. With shipping/tax, WBshop came out to 98.23

Glad I have no desire to own any portraits of any of the ugly cast members in LOTR. They were great in the movies, but I don't need pics of them around. (was sort of tempting tho, but the extra $$$ sure put a stop to any thought I had.)
I went ahead and preordered this on Amazon. I love the trilogy and already have the extended cuts on DVD but this package sounds like a must-have for huge LoTR fans like myself. I almost never drop this much coin on movies but I think I have to make an exception for this.
[quote name='wasabi5858']Gonna order it from amazon. With shipping/tax, WBshop came out to 98.23

Glad I have no desire to own any portraits of any of the ugly cast members in LOTR. They were great in the movies, but I don't need pics of them around. (was sort of tempting tho, but the extra $$$ sure put a stop to any thought I had.)[/QUOTE]

NVM: Didn't know they killed the 25% discount.
Any coupon or codes out there for this thing? I'll hold out for a sale unless I can find a code since these are kind of expensive (given the bonuses are on DVD - boooo)
Whoa, what the fucking god damn shit is this? Two blu-ray discs per movie? The main reason I was looking forward to this was to have one movie per disc.
Fuck you Warner Bros, fuck you.
[quote name='ROB64']Whoa, what the fucking god damn shit is this? Two blu-ray discs per movie? The main reason I was looking forward to this was to have one movie per disc.
Fuck you Warner Bros, fuck you.[/QUOTE]

wait so one movie is split up onto two discs? or is one the movie and one is special features cuz im good with that.
[quote name='seether254']wait so one movie is split up onto two discs? or is one the movie and one is special features cuz im good with that.[/QUOTE]

The movies are on two discs. If I remember correctly the sound on these movies is in ridiculous quality. That combined with the length makes them gigantic when moved to disc. The Blu-ray movies need two discs to maintain picture and sound quality the same way the DVDs did.
[quote name='Sulik2']The movies are on two discs. If I remember correctly the sound on these movies is in ridiculous quality. That combined with the length makes them gigantic when moved to disc. The Blu-ray movies need two discs to maintain picture and sound quality the same way the DVDs did.[/QUOTE]
Given the picture quality on the theatrical blu-rays, I'm skeptical as hell that these will have pristine picture quality.
bread's done