lord of the rings war in the north


372 (100%)
is this game gonna be any good? i havent played any lotr games, though i am a fan of the movies. ive got it preordered on amazon with the $20 credit, but i havent heard much about it for quite a while, kinda getting worried about it with release just over a week away
Why the hell would you preorder this? This is the type of game that will be 20 bucks in like 3 or 4 months. Honestly it could be either terrible or half decent, but i highly doubt its gonna be anything amazing.

Who knows, it could blow us away but i sincerly doubt it.
To be honest I've never played a LOTR game worth full retail. I love the films and books, but the games never really panned out.
It's clear they're trying to go for a Mass Effect/Dragon Age design-type with this game but from what I've seen so far it seems to be falling short of both. I agree with Kenshindono, this game will likely be hitting the bargain bin in a short amount of time anyway. Even if it comes out as a half-way decent game, there's no way its going to compete in, what I believe, is one of the most jam-packed holiday season release schedule I've ever seen.
I played it at E3, it's pretty fun and reminded me of Champions of Norath. Considering the fact that it's the same studio that makes sense. The big take it or leave it feature is the 3 player co-op. If one player "Bleeds out" then you restart at the previous checkpoint. This isn't such a big deal if you're playing with friends who are of the same skill level as you, however if you're talking about online co-op this could be frustrating.

I happened to play at E3 with one of the developers and some woman who kept asking what the buttons did despite the fact that there was a controller reference sheet on the table in front of her. She would roll into a group of 20 orcs for funzies and the developer and I looked at each other as if we both knew what had to be done and one of us would use every special we had to distract the 20 orcs while the other one tried to save her.

This is the norm in games like Gears of War but I don't think I've ever seen it in hack and slash games before... I'm not sure how I feel about it.... It'll be worth waiting for though. I mean you'll have Uncharted, Batman, Battlefield, and Skyrim to play before you'll want to delve into this bad boy. By the time you've finished playing those it'll be $20. Just my advice :)
[quote name='Kenshindono']Why the hell would you preorder this? This is the type of game that will be 20 bucks in like 3 or 4 months. Honestly it could be either terrible or half decent, but i highly doubt its gonna be anything amazing.

Who knows, it could blow us away but i sincerly doubt it.[/QUOTE]

You may not, but keep in mind that they are people out there who are fans of Snowblind Studios, LOTR, and hack n slash such as myself so this games looks good to me. It has a bad release date, other than that it could be pretty damn good so I'd reserve your judgment until reviews comes out.
[quote name='Kenshindono']Why the hell would you preorder this? This is the type of game that will be 20 bucks in like 3 or 4 months. Honestly it could be either terrible or half decent, but i highly doubt its gonna be anything amazing.

Who knows, it could blow us away but i sincerly doubt it.[/QUOTE]

honestly i just preordered it for the 20 bucks promo, but then i watched a video of the game (dragon lord of the rings age) and cancelled it.
bread's done