Lost, Desperate Houswives Episodes for $2!!!!

Why would anyone pay $2 to watch reruns of TV shows on a tiny iPod screen? Makes absolutely no sense to me. But since it's the "hip" new thing, all the yuppies will buy them.
Man, there are hella times I've missed Lost and had to download it off BitTorrent, and this is much less sketch. I would like a bigger screen though...like 8". Doubt I'm gonna buy it anyways, though...
[quote name='b0bx13']Yes you can.[/QUOTE]

Meaning full-screen on a PC, yes? It's how I've been watching Rome...

I can imagine ad execs running around like chickens with their heads chopped off after Jobs announced the ABC deal.
Quackzilla needs to change his avatar to a picture of him performing fellatio on a PSP.

It's a neat idea, and $2 isn't bad. I don't think that the "I can get it for free if I download it illegally" holds as an argument, especially if you consider the success Apple has had in the music market facing the same kind of competition. I won't partake in it, myself (I already own an iPod), but this will (perhaps) inevitably lead to movie downloads via iTunes, something entirely cool IMO. Would you pay $5 to download new releases to watch on your iPod?

For fuck's sake, Quack thinks that paying $15-$25 for UMD movies (which I have nothing against, BTW) is a genius idea, but $2 for a fucking television show is too much? You are easily the single dumbest frequent CAG I've encountered.

Of course, if they strip the advertisements from the shows, that's some major incentive (though, what do you think of legal tv downloads that include/force you to watch ads, so long as they were free?).
[quote name='mykevermin']what do you think of legal tv downloads that include/force you to watch ads, so long as they were free?[/QUOTE]

Interesting idea and I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen but I'd gladly pay $2 to NOT watch the commercials. Ever since I got my DVR I just can't stand them anymore - what a complete waste of time. So inefficient...
I downloaded a couple Music Videos (No TV yet since I'm caught up on Lost) from iTunes yesterday right after it was announced. $2 I think is pretty good for a TV show or Music Video. I'm never home when Lost is on so I normally just use BT to get the episodes. But I rather pay $2 for them and get them legally. I hope more shows show up like Stargate and Battlestar.

Everyone keeps thinking you can only play these on the new iPods, that is 100% false. You can play them full screen on your computer and if you have TV out you can play them on your TV. And they look fine, Not DVD quility but what do you expect. Any better and you would be looking at having to wait a couple hours to get a show. Right now it takes a little under 2min to download a 3min music video. I can't wait for Apple to start offering movies.
All of Season 1 and What has been curently aired of Season 2
What will be happening is the day after its aired on TV it will show up on iTunes.
I think this would be fantastic for people who are always on the go... crap, even watching this while getting your car serviced would be excellent.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Why would anyone pay $2 to watch reruns of TV shows on a tiny iPod screen? Makes absolutely no sense to me. But since it's the "hip" new thing, all the yuppies will buy them.[/QUOTE]

I think that sums it up for many folks like myself who just plain don't get this at all.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']whats interesting, is that these are files that should be playable on a PSP. Wish i still had mine to try it...[/QUOTE]

They won't play on a PSP, they are locked out of playing on anything else just like the music you buy on iTunes.

And people who keep saying you have to watch them on a iPod, that is not 100% ture you can watch them on your computer. You are not limited to just the small iPod screen.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']whats interesting, is that these are files that should be playable on a PSP. Wish i still had mine to try it...[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was about to bring that up

I'm a huge mac (computers and iPods) fan and a huge psp fan but in this situation I am on the PSP's side
It could be good for anime, but for american tv shows, the dvd sets tend to be inexpensive; i'd rather shell out $36 for the whole season of lost than buy single eps.
Wow some people...

Yeah, buying a whole season of a show would be kind of dumb if you can buy the DVD, but for shows like Lost where a missed episode leads to seppuku, this is GREAT!

Bittorrent sometimes takes a while and there's always that fear - however slight - of the RIAA knocking on your door.

I also think the new iPod kicks ass... I'd rather get that than a PSP. I'm just not sold on the whole UMD thing, and I have a PS2 so the games don't interest me much.
RIAA is looking for music pirates and i think you have a better chance of getting hit by a car than getting sued, not to mention for bittorrent i think they go for the sites mostly.
For the complaints about the screen just bag a Dish Pocket then. it's got a HDD and you don't have to pay for the stuff you download.
bread's done