Lost Odyssey $39.99 @Amazon - Universal Drop? + 120GB 360 HDD $149.99


2 (100%)
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My favorite RPG of this generation so far, Worth every penny at MSRP, and worth every penny now.
This would explain the Target clearance as well. Target tends to clearance items out that are up for a price drop... it's odd, but I've noticed that trend.
[quote name='simpsonps121']Funny, the game bored me.... I just got to the first disk change...


The first disk is slow, but it definitely picks up from there. I'm playing through it now, and just hit the 4th disk last night. I'd say it's a solid 8.5 or so if I were scoring it. Story is fairly predictable, but the game is a lot of fun.
[quote name='argyle']The first disk is slow, but it definitely picks up from there. I'm playing through it now, and just hit the 4th disk last night. I'd say it's a solid 8.5 or so if I were scoring it. Story is fairly predictable, but the game is a lot of fun.[/quote]

The first disc is awful.. being forced to use that insanely horrible mage Jansen makes the game hard -_-V
It's by Sakaguchi, of Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger (through FF 10) fame. I personally didn't like it as much as FF 9 or 10, and maybe not even as much as some of the other late ones, but it's still very clearly one of his games, and something you shouldn't miss if you're a fan of his stuff (but then you probably already own it).

It's slightly uneven in difficulty, in that the very hardest battle in the entire game is the first boss battle (and a few of the other battles early on are also much harder than anything later in the game). Took me MANY tries (thankfully you restart right before the battle or I would have quit)-and apparently Sakaguchi died there even when he was demoing the game! Why they didn't just weaken a handful of bosses early on I have no idea...

Other annoyances-the music's by the "Final Fantasy music guy" (I'm sorry, his name slips my mind at the moment) who did 1-10 (but also not 12), but it isn't really on par with some of those games IMO, though it's certainly not bad.

And-this really bothers me-several of the characters have HORRIBLE costume design. The queen especially. Seth and Kaim look great, but some of those other ones are embarrassing.
And the story, while very strong, didn't quite resonate with me the way 9 and 10 did, though it's really on par with his earlier stuff more or less.

All in all though, this to me is the first real big Japanese RPG this generation (let alone being practically the only one), so it's pretty much a must play if you're a fan of the genre.

If I was just buying it now, I'd wait until Microsoft's fall update so I could install it to the drive so it wouldn't sound like a vacuum and I could maybe get more immersed in it. I think the 360's noise is a big reason I didn't enjoy it as much as some of the earlier games.
[quote name='Wolfpup']It's by Sakaguchi, of Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger (through FF 10) fame. I personally didn't like it as much as FF 9 or 10, and maybe not even as much as some of the other late ones, but it's still very clearly one of his games, and something you shouldn't miss if you're a fan of his stuff (but then you probably already own it).

It's slightly uneven in difficulty, in that the very hardest battle in the entire game is the first boss battle (and a few of the other battles early on are also much harder than anything later in the game). Took me MANY tries (thankfully you restart right before the battle or I would have quit)-and apparently Sakaguchi died there even when he was demoing the game! Why they didn't just weaken a handful of bosses early on I have no idea...

Other annoyances-the music's by the "Final Fantasy music guy" (I'm sorry, his name slips my mind at the moment) who did 1-10 (but also not 12), but it isn't really on par with some of those games IMO, though it's certainly not bad.

And-this really bothers me-several of the characters have HORRIBLE costume design. The queen especially. Seth and Kaim look great, but some of those other ones are embarrassing.
And the story, while very strong, didn't quite resonate with me the way 9 and 10 did, though it's really on par with his earlier stuff more or less.

All in all though, this to me is the first real big Japanese RPG this generation (let alone being practically the only one), so it's pretty much a must play if you're a fan of the genre.

If I was just buying it now, I'd wait until Microsoft's fall update so I could install it to the drive so it wouldn't sound like a vacuum and I could maybe get more immersed in it. I think the 360's noise is a big reason I didn't enjoy it as much as some of the earlier games.[/quote]

good review.

whats up with the kids? Mack and his sister
I had too much of expectation for blue dragon which I paid 51buks believing that I'll enjoy the game. But the game lost me duringbthr first 4hrs and I still haven't touched the game. I was sick to my stomach for paying almost a full price that I don't even touch.

Lost odyssey is in my wanted list and I can certainly wait for further drop.
Picked a used copy that looked almost untouched at GS for 27ish after tax. Not bad at all. I was surprised to see two used copies of Tales of Vesperia (which I splurged and went for the CE on).

Some people sure trade stuff in fast, though I have a hunch it was probably an employee from another retail chain trading in a copy he/she snagged when no one was looking. I was there once and some guy was literally trading in 10 unopened Rush Hour 3 Blu-Rays. Hmmm, that's not suspicious or anything.
Target is also clearancing it out. Right now the clearance price is at $41.98. Now I saw this price at 4 different Targets. So they will be dropping soon. I am going to hold out to see if I can get it for $20 or less.
[quote name='hohez']My favorite RPG of this generation so far, Worth every penny at MSRP, and worth every penny now.[/quote]

Probably cause theres been what 5 total on all systems?
[quote name='Smallville123']Probably cause theres been what 5 total on all systems?[/quote]

The lack of RPGs really is saddening. Most of the good ones are on the portable systems, which seems strange, and for someone like me who doesn't like the battle system much in something like Vesperia, well...

Regardless, I bought Lost Odyssey last week for $49.99. My bad. If only I'd been a little more patient. I waited like a year just for a $10 drop. Why didn't I wait another week? I've hardly had a chance to play it. Sigh.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']The lack of RPGs really is saddening. Most of the good ones are on the portable systems, which seems strange, and for someone like me who doesn't like the battle system much in something like Vesperia, well...[/quote]Same here. I want to be excited that the JRPGs are finally starting to arrive again, but for someone who's not really a fan of Tales-type real time battle systems, the next-gen console of choice is... still the PS2.
well Lost Odyssey was the first very good next-gen JRPG in my opinion. And i'm not using the "next gen" qualifier to say it's ONLY better then just the rpgs released this generation so far. I'd say it's good enough that it beats out a lot of PS2, and PS1 rpgs as well. Hardly one of the best of all time, but definately it's a very good game that is great no matter which generation of games you're stacking it against. May not beat many of em, but doesn't mean it's not great
I broke down and bought this yesterday at GS with the 25% off coupon, since i have been waiting for it but refused to buy at full price like i did with every other next gen RPG.

I actually enjoyed Blue Dragon, but you really need to get over the first 15 hour hump before the game becomes a lot more enjoyable. Hopefully this will be just as good.
[quote name='Wolfpup']It's by Sakaguchi, of Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger (through FF 10) fame. I personally didn't like it as much as FF 9 or 10, and maybe not even as much as some of the other late ones, but it's still very clearly one of his games, and something you shouldn't miss if you're a fan of his stuff (but then you probably already own it).

It's slightly uneven in difficulty, in that the very hardest battle in the entire game is the first boss battle (and a few of the other battles early on are also much harder than anything later in the game). Took me MANY tries (thankfully you restart right before the battle or I would have quit)-and apparently Sakaguchi died there even when he was demoing the game! Why they didn't just weaken a handful of bosses early on I have no idea...

Other annoyances-the music's by the "Final Fantasy music guy" (I'm sorry, his name slips my mind at the moment) who did 1-10 (but also not 12), but it isn't really on par with some of those games IMO, though it's certainly not bad.

And-this really bothers me-several of the characters have HORRIBLE costume design. The queen especially. Seth and Kaim look great, but some of those other ones are embarrassing.
And the story, while very strong, didn't quite resonate with me the way 9 and 10 did, though it's really on par with his earlier stuff more or less.

All in all though, this to me is the first real big Japanese RPG this generation (let alone being practically the only one), so it's pretty much a must play if you're a fan of the genre.

If I was just buying it now, I'd wait until Microsoft's fall update so I could install it to the drive so it wouldn't sound like a vacuum and I could maybe get more immersed in it. I think the 360's noise is a big reason I didn't enjoy it as much as some of the earlier games.[/QUOTE]

Great review. MASSIVE KUDOS. I appreciate the time that you took.

FF 9 is probably my favorite RPG (or Suikoden 1 or 2). Chrono Trigger was also great. I hated FF 10 (I beat it, but ugh... never quite figured out the plot... Sin... Dad.. My dad is sin? huh? Wait, Your dead? But your alive? Ugh... There is something to be said that a game needs a GREAT bad guy.)

I will pull out LO and try again. Maybe it will grow on me. Right now it is just irritating. If I have another dumb fetch flowers, now fetch sticks... I am going to try to put the game in my shredder...

bread's done