Lost Odyssey / Blue Dragon Thread (Gameplay Videos)


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TGS (All Videos Gone now... again)
With TGS here and the MS press conference we're getting some nice first looks at Mistwalker's 360 releases. Lets all hope these games really kick some major ass. I'm still not getting my hopes up for the possibility for increased 360 sales in Japan, but if it does that just means more devs jumping on board and more games for 360. I don't have a problem with that at all ;)

Streaming versions of video available (Thanks ksuwild25)



Lost Odyssey:

"JAPAN: Lost Odyssey Will Wow TGS"


and new scans from famitsu


Blue Dragon:



Much longer Bootleg Video

we'll see if it will wow anything ;)

When creator Hironobu Sakaguchi once again flexed his ambitions to engulf the world, it was in the form of a computer-generated movie with the Final Fantasy name on it, which was a colossal box-office failure. Square assigned Sakaguchi to the proverbial Desk in the Corner, and went about creating sequels that capitalized on Japanese animation trends, appealing solely to the consumers who had been most wowed by Final Fantasy VII.

Years later, Sakaguchi stood up and left his office. He started a developer called Mistwalker. Sakaguchi's idea was to craft "new" games. Games that didn't owe anything to the past. Games with big themes, telling moving tales. The first two announced were Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, both for the underdog Xbox 360 system, which Japan, even until now, has been rejecting like a bad kidney transplant.
needs to make up for Ninety Nine Nights. Since this is a direct Mistwalker game, hopefully it will :)
These games are going to be awesome (Lost Odyssey in particular.) I really hope Sakaguchi was serious when he said that he intended to have Blue Dragon out by the end of this year because I really want to see how these games turned out.
[quote name='Apossum']needs to make up for Ninety Nine Nights. Since this is a direct Mistwalker game, hopefully it will :)[/QUOTE]
??N3 was a Q Entertainment game e.g. Rez, Meteos, Lumines
[quote name='spoo']??N3 was a Q Entertainment game e.g. Rez, Meteos, Lumines[/QUOTE]

yeah he's got the wrong guy, that was Tetsuya Mizuguchi
But all those japanese names sound the same though eh? ;)? lols

but then again he prob should have been able to tell via company. I just hope they don't plan on dropping this like True Fantasy Online. Level 5 themselves are working on another game, but yeah the bad sales in Japan are a bit annoying. Maybe lost Odessey can pump life in the 360.
[quote name='Apossum']needs to make up for Ninety Nine Nights. Since this is a direct Mistwalker game, hopefully it will :)[/QUOTE]
That was Q entertainment
Ninety Nine Nights was really made by Phantagram (makers of the Kingdom Under Fire series.) All Mizuguchi really did was write the story.
AWWWWWWWWWW its fucking turned based? God dammit, I was excited watching that until i saw that it was freaking turned based :( For some reason I'm an action RPG guy now. Man it does look purty though. AWWW FRICK there BOTH turned based....not to sure why I was expecting anything different from Sakaguchi...oh well :(
[quote name='OGHowie']Is it me or is the main character for LO really fugly?!? They need to go back and remodel his face.[/QUOTE]


is this more your type ;)?
[quote name='Zoglog']

is this more your type ;)?[/QUOTE]

hottttt! lol

However, I am looking forward to FF xii since I was a fan of Vagrant Story and its in game art style.
[quote name='Zoglog']

is this more your type ;)?[/QUOTE]

yeah, she's hot!

I'm glad Sakaguchi left the company. Square has sort of lost its roots. There's always room for argument, but the fact is all there. In order to appeal to the mainstream crowd, you gotta have the effeminate boy heroes - just another liberal cowardly word for homosexual. For the perverted men, you gotta have the clad, undressed women who cannot hold a candle to the very-womanly Terra of FFVI (who proves you don't have to be a slut to be a female hero).

Lost Oddysey and Blue Dragon looks to change the direction of traditional turn-based RPGs once again, like Chrono Trigger and FFVI did once. Sorry, FFVII fans, but everything in FFVII was done in FFVI, except graphics and full-motion CG, which was all hardware-dependent.

I just hope they did not take any advice from Yuji Horii-san, Dragon Quest creator. I was too young to realize what he did for the industry but DQ8 was like going to a bathroom, take a poop, flushing the toilet, and have water splash in my face! It was so dull. It was a cat and mouse chase the bad guy cliche all the way to the end.
Anyone else digging Uematsu's music for Blue dragon? I sure am

intro for LO looks very nice, I like the segway into gameplay from the intro trailer.
[quote name='Zoglog']Anyone else digging Uematsu's music for Blue dragon? I sure am

intro for LO looks very nice, I like the segway into gameplay from the intro trailer.[/QUOTE]

I haven't heard it yet, but Uematsu generally = fantastic... I really haven't heard much of his stuff for a while so it should be interesting to see if he's got anything radically different from the norm.
[quote name='Chacrana']I haven't heard it yet, but Uematsu generally = fantastic... I really haven't heard much of his stuff for a while so it should be interesting to see if he's got anything radically different from the norm.[/QUOTE]

unfortunetly I wouldn't say it's radically different. The Sound is very much along his typical style.
Man Xboxyde is getting hammered, tryin to get the gameplay vid for lost odessey. The intro is such a tease ;)
[quote name='62t']nice, but any info on US release?[/QUOTE]

None yet. However Lost Odessey is quite awhile away from done, so I wouldn't expect it at earliest until late 2007. Supposedly Blue Dragon is almost done though. As long as they don't drag thier feet on localization we could see it in early 2007.
[quote name='Zoglog']None yet. However Lost Odessey is quite awhile away from done, so I wouldn't expect it at earliest until late 2007. Supposedly Blue Dragon is almost done though. As long as they don't drag thier feet on localization we could see it in early 2007.[/QUOTE]

It's scheduled for December 7th in Japan so yeah, MS could have this out by Spring... and they really should since there's this huge void after Gears of War.
[quote name='Zoglog']unfortunetly I wouldn't say it's radically different. The Sound is very much along his typical style.
Man Xboxyde is getting hammered, tryin to get the gameplay vid for lost odessey. The intro is such a tease ;)[/QUOTE]

Follow their bittorent link, much faster.
[quote name='OGHowie']Is it me or is the main character for LO really fugly?!? They need to go back and remodel his face.[/quote]

Well, I've never seen you, so I can't comment on that, but, yeah, the main character in LO looks pretty bad.
[quote name='Zoglog']unfortunetly I wouldn't say it's radically different. The Sound is very much along his typical style.
Man Xboxyde is getting hammered, tryin to get the gameplay vid for lost odessey. The intro is such a tease ;)[/QUOTE]

Well as long as the music's up to Uemetsu's standard I think I'll be fine.

I'm not even going to try to download the movies for these games yet... my internet connection at school is terrible and Xboxyde is getting raped.
[quote name='Zoglog']Anyone else digging Uematsu's music for Blue dragon? I sure am[/QUOTE]

I like it. It fits the game's overall style, especially during that boss battle at the end of the 1st clip. (which looked fantastic by the way)

After watching those clips of Blue Dragon, I have to say I am even more excited about this game. :)
I like the end of battle theme for Blue Dragon very Final Fantasyesque but I can see myself humming it in my head like the classic FF one.
Both games look like potential AAA games. I hope the marketplace gets the LO demo ASAP.:D

[quote name='nintendokid']In order to appeal to the mainstream crowd, you gotta have the effeminate boy heroes - just another liberal cowardly word for homosexual.[/QUOTE]


1. (of a man or boy) having traits, tastes, habits, etc., traditionally considered feminine, as softness or delicacy.

Don't see homosexual in there? I just see a girly man or girly boy.

And when did effeminate become liberal? lol
Both these games need to get here now. Hopefully these two don't turn into some of the over 50 games that MS said would be available in Japan only.
[quote name='AdvOfJet']Both these games need to get here now. Hopefully these two don't turn into some of the over 50 games that MS said would be available in Japan only.[/QUOTE]

I highly doubt it. For those he's probably referring to market specific games like "Idol Master" which would have no selling power here. The realistic thing is that everyone's been doing this all the time, MS just put a little spin on it since they're really trying to back development in Japan for this console
Damn, that's harsh, now all Videos from the Press Briefing are gone.....

lets hope MS at least gets these on Marketplace though.
[quote name='ksuwild25']You can still view the the two trailers from the links I provided earlier. It can only be streamed though.[/QUOTE]

yeah, video quality isn't as good though =(, better than nothing tho heh, thanks.
[quote name='Chacrana']It's scheduled for December 7th in Japan so yeah, MS could have this out by Spring... and they really should since there's this huge void after Gears of War.[/QUOTE]

So maybe January or February, possibly end of December for me to get the subtitled Asian version? Snicker.
[quote name='Sarang01']So maybe January or February, possibly end of December for me to get the subtitled Asian version? Snicker.[/QUOTE]

only if you have a Japanese or Asia 360. All First party games published by MS Studios have been reigon locked that I know of.
[quote name='Zoglog']only if you have a Japanese or Asia 360. All First party games published by MS Studios have been reigon locked that I know of.[/QUOTE]

And the bastard has an Asian 360... :cry:

I'll be kinda sad if Asia does get an English language release before we do in teh states.
[quote name='Chacrana']And the bastard has an Asian 360... :cry:

I'll be kinda sad if Asia does get an English language release before we do in teh states.[/QUOTE]

Look at N3. If MS does it like that I'll gladly import it for the lower price plus I don't want a Dub shoved down my throat. I don't like being treated like the dumb American and resent it.
I'm a bit worried about Lost Odessey. I know it's pretty early on, but the gameplay mechanics seem a bit antique. Also the environments looked rather lifeless. Oh well the game isnt coming out for awhile so all good.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Wait, an antique battle system, in a game made by the creator of Final Fantasy? NO WAY![/QUOTE]

Blue Dragon is from the same guy and the gameplay sysem is quite different.
I'll buy both of these most likely. Lost Odyssey is a bit more appealing but damnit anyways I need some more RPG goodness than just Enchanted Arms.
bread's done