Lost Planet $39.99 at Best Buy.

Will D Thrill

Important news first.

$39.99 for Lost Planet at Best Buy (360 & PC as well as Regular and Collectors Edition).

This seems to be the new price reduction everyone (like myself) has been waiting for because it doesn't mention "As Advertised."
If you don't mind used you can get this from Gamefly for $29.99. All of GF's used games come complete and in excellent condition.
Okay with the news posted I get to talk about other crap now. First I didn't see this new posted anywhere else, thus the thread I made. Secondly how much I HATE BB.

I got to check out and and there are actually no lines for once. However there's only two registers open and one has no line and no cashier. So I go to that line. Turns out there's three employees chatting a couple of registers over not even paying attention to the unmanned register. I have this new thing I do in this situation where I put my item(s) on the security sensor of the item table. This causes an annoying alarm to go off and so far every time it doesn't stop until you remove the item from the area (maybe they hit a button to stop it or maybe it's because I have multiple items stacked up all of the time).

Well the dolt runs over to give me the BB equivalent of customer service. I'm very efficient when it comes to checking out so I have everything ready to do the deed. My BB Reward Zone card is already laying on the counter RIGHT NEXT to my items. The guy asks "Do you have your BB:RZ card?" and I say nothing and just point at it (he even has a hard time scanning the card).

After he scans my items he asks if I want a one year replacement plan on my copy of Lost Planet (it costs.......no not $1.99, it costs........$4.99!) I just shook my head left and right and said "Nope". I actually payed with my BB Credit Card this time (and the past couple times actually) and it seems they have COMPLETELY STOPPED checking ID's when people use their own credit cards (WTF!?!?!). That's pretty much it, you know, the same old same old. Just thought people might enjoy the story.
[quote name='Scorch']universally dropped to 39.99 today[/quote]Okay cool, that's what I thought. I've been waiting a while for this to hit that magic $40. Just by coincidence it happened today.
[quote name='Puffa469']If you don't mind used you can get this from Gamefly for $29.99. All of GF's used games come complete and in excellent condition.[/quote]Do you have to be a GameFly member? I never looked into any of that.
Oh and I've also noticed recently that Microsoft is doing something that I thought Nintendo was going to do with the Wii. They have an Xbox Best of Greatest Hits section. Pretty self explanatory and obviously BackCompat on the 360. Probably just another way of getting as many Halo and Halo2 total sales as possible.

I thought Nintendo would have done this for sure because of the lack of a graphical leap. I guess they are going to go the path of the Wiimake instead of keeping GC games on the shelves and really padding their game library in the process.

Probably old news to most but I thought I'd share.
[quote name='Will D Thrill']Okay cool, that's what I thought. I've been waiting a while for this to hit that magic $40. Just by coincidence it happened today.[/QUOTE]

I remember the good ole days when the magic number was $20.
Remember that the first two multiplayer map packs and the collector's edition map, Battleground, are free now too.

I highly recommend the multiplayer for this game, especially Post Grab for excellent teamplay.
Did the collectors universally drop to $40?
Wait... oh snap that did to. Looks like im finally going to pick this game up very shortly.
SPECIFY damnit. ;) I thought this was talking about the PC game and that's a big "DUH!" It's $35 at Fry's and $35 after WoW GC coupon at Best Buy. Best Buy is the better place to get it at due to the Summer of Entertainment promo.
[quote name='Will D Thrill']Okay with the news posted I get to talk about other crap now. First I didn't see this new posted anywhere else, thus the thread I made. Secondly how much I HATE BB.

I got to check out and and there are actually no lines for once. However there's only two registers open and one has no line and no cashier. So I go to that line. Turns out there's three employees chatting a couple of registers over not even paying attention to the unmanned register. I have this new thing I do in this situation where I put my item(s) on the security sensor of the item table. This causes an annoying alarm to go off and so far every time it doesn't stop until you remove the item from the area (maybe they hit a button to stop it or maybe it's because I have multiple items stacked up all of the time).

Well the dolt runs over to give me the BB equivalent of customer service. I'm very efficient when it comes to checking out so I have everything ready to do the deed. My BB Reward Zone card is already laying on the counter RIGHT NEXT to my items. The guy asks "Do you have your BB:RZ card?" and I say nothing and just point at it (he even has a hard time scanning the card).

After he scans my items he asks if I want a one year replacement plan on my copy of Lost Planet (it costs.......no not $1.99, it costs........$4.99!) I just shook my head left and right and said "Nope". I actually payed with my BB Credit Card this time (and the past couple times actually) and it seems they have COMPLETELY STOPPED checking ID's when people use their own credit cards (WTF!?!?!). That's pretty much it, you know, the same old same old. Just thought people might enjoy the story.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the Credit Card Merchant's Agreement prohibits the retailer from refusing a transaction due to failure to show identification. It doesn't prohibit them from asking, so it's used as a deterrent. That means it's nothing more than an inconvenience when they card YOU. Even so, many employees still mistake it as a way to screen fraudulent transactions and will refuse the sale if you do not provide it.

Honestly, don't you remember the Visa check card campaign's ad formula? It always included a very recognizable person (who should not need ID) getting the "I need to see ID" treatment when using a check. Obviously, it was promoting the check card as an alternative because it was processed like a credit card (without requiring ID).

Credit cards are promoted to be competitive with cash. Any inconvenience is the retailer's to absorb. It's the reason why minimum purchase prices for credit are also against credit card merchant's agreements. Though it is common, any sign you see stating a minimum is violating the contract.
[quote name='Will D Thrill'] I have this new thing I do in this situation where I put my item(s) on the security sensor of the item table. This causes an annoying alarm to go off and so far every time it doesn't stop until you remove the item from the area [/quote]

dick, but funny. :cool:
[quote name='Wolfpup']Obvious question-what version? Neither the title, nor the post say.[/quote]

OP, please update the title!
[quote name='Will D Thrill']Okay with the news posted I get to talk about other crap now. First I didn't see this new posted anywhere else, thus the thread I made. Secondly how much I HATE BB.

I got to check out and and there are actually no lines for once. However there's only two registers open and one has no line and no cashier. So I go to that line. Turns out there's three employees chatting a couple of registers over not even paying attention to the unmanned register. I have this new thing I do in this situation where I put my item(s) on the security sensor of the item table. This causes an annoying alarm to go off and so far every time it doesn't stop until you remove the item from the area (maybe they hit a button to stop it or maybe it's because I have multiple items stacked up all of the time).

Well the dolt runs over to give me the BB equivalent of customer service. I'm very efficient when it comes to checking out so I have everything ready to do the deed. My BB Reward Zone card is already laying on the counter RIGHT NEXT to my items. The guy asks "Do you have your BB:RZ card?" and I say nothing and just point at it (he even has a hard time scanning the card).

After he scans my items he asks if I want a one year replacement plan on my copy of Lost Planet (it costs.......no not $1.99, it costs........$4.99!) I just shook my head left and right and said "Nope". I actually payed with my BB Credit Card this time (and the past couple times actually) and it seems they have COMPLETELY STOPPED checking ID's when people use their own credit cards (WTF!?!?!). That's pretty much it, you know, the same old same old. Just thought people might enjoy the story.[/QUOTE].

Wow, no, really didn't enjoy that story. In the history of story-telling that is near the bottom for any type of story that ever has or ever will be told again. Please, for the sake of all those with reading ability (or ears for people who would hear an oral presentation from you) never EVER tell a story again. And may God have mercy on your soul.
[quote name='rerun']What's the difference between regular and Collector's Edition?[/quote]

According to BB site, CE comes with a bonus map, some steel binder thing, and a CD "loaded" with bonus features. My question is: is the bonus map downloadable off XBLM, and is it free?

Also... what is with GameStop not listing anything other than a Used copy of the standard edition on their site? Didn't this game come out only 6 months ago? Are they really that hard up that they can't keep titles that came out 6 months ago in stock?
[quote name='rerun'].

Wow, no, really didn't enjoy that story. In the history of story-telling that is near the bottom for any type of story that ever has or ever will be told again. Please, for the sake of all those with reading ability (or ears for people who would hear an oral presentation from you) never EVER tell a story again. And may God have mercy on your soul.[/quote]Riiiiiight. :roll:
[quote name='guyjr']According to BB site, CE comes with a bonus map, some steel binder thing, and a CD "loaded" with bonus features. My question is: is the bonus map downloadable off XBLM, and is it free?[/quote]

I own the Lost Planet CE (actually have been looking for deals because I want to convince a couple of my friends to buy it).

The case is metal, and pretty nice as cases go. It's solid, not bulky (like f'in Gears) and comes with a slip cover.

Inside, there's two discs. The game and the bonus disc which honestly doesn't have much on it...it's also only playable in your computer, there's nothing for the 360 on it. It's got some wallpapers, art, a couple videos. Nothing all that special.

There's the regular manual, then a sort of foil-covered mini-art book with some concept sketches and art. I love that kind of stuff, so that's a major plus for me.

There's also a card for a download code for the Battleground map but since you can download all the extra maps on Live anyway (and Battleground is free), that's not really an issue (I bought them all way back when anyway). The incentive for CE owners there was that they could play Battleground from Day 1 but no one played it, so it was a sort of useless bonus.

It's totally up to you if you want the CE or the regular, but there's no real "must-have" bonus content and nothing that matters is exclusive (the maps). I have it because Lost Planet is probably one of my favorite 360 games, so it's worth it to me. Your mileage may vary.

If anyone picks this up though, feel free to look me up on Live.
In for the Collector's Edition. Bought it online and chose in store pickup. Hopefully all goes well and they actually give me a collector's edition.
Thanks for the notice, OP. For this price, I couldn't pass it up...no matter how much my wallet cried out.
Didnt this game just come in January? wow
Not to sidetrack but R6 came a few months earlier, does anyone know when its getting a price cut?
[quote name='Xo ColdKilla oX']Didnt this game just come in January? wow
Not to sidetrack but R6 came a few months earlier, does anyone know when its getting a price cut?[/QUOTE]

No, it came out last fall. And I'd be interested if it hits a reasonable price point. $40 is what these games should START at, not end up at as a "bargin". What happened to the CAGs here? :D
I meant that Lost Planet came out in January

[quote name='Wolfpup']No, it came out last fall. And I'd be interested if it hits a reasonable price point. $40 is what these games should START at, not end up at as a "bargin". What happened to the CAGs here? :D[/quote]
[quote name='Wolfpup']No, it came out last fall. And I'd be interested if it hits a reasonable price point. $40 is what these games should START at, not end up at as a "bargin". What happened to the CAGs here? :D[/quote]

lost planet came out in jan
[quote name='Xo ColdKilla oX']Not to sidetrack but R6 came a few months earlier, does anyone know when its getting a price cut?[/quote]If you have been keeping your eyes peeled R6:Vegas has been on sale for $40 multiple times since its release. It just hasn't permanently dropped yet. This is the first time I have EVER seen any kind of price cut for LP.
[quote name='Will D Thrill']If you have been keeping your eyes peeled R6:Vegas has been on sale for $40 multiple times since its release. It just hasn't permanently dropped yet. This is the first time I have EVER seen any kind of price cut for LP.[/quote]

At CC rite? Everytime i checked their website it said it was out of stock
[quote name='MysterD']I just wish on the PC version, the SP (Single Player) portion didn't require an Internet connection.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no kidding. That's incredibly lame.

The OP still needs to be updated with the version!

And yeah, this came out in January. I must have been thinking of Dead Rising.
[quote name='Xo ColdKilla oX']At CC rite? Everytime i checked their website it said it was out of stock[/quote]Actually I've seen it at CC, BB and Target for $40 a couple times since release. Currently I don't see a deal for it but with all of these new titles coming out so soon a price drop is inevitable.
And I'm still on strike about that. $30-40 is full price. It's $20 or nothing for me.

Come on, we're CAGs!
Good deal, good game. Waiting for some more drop simply because I rented and got a lot of mileage out of it when it first came out (playthroughs and all medals on reg and hard levels). I can wait a while longer before heading into Extreme mode.
[quote name='Will D Thrill']Do you have to be a GameFly member? I never looked into any of that.[/quote]

Absolutely not.

Ive never been a member of Gamefly and I buy used games from them all the time.

I do believe that GF members may get some kinda extra discount, or free shipping maybe, but I dont think its that much.
[quote name='Will D Thrill']If you have been keeping your eyes peeled R6:Vegas has been on sale for $40 multiple times since its release. It just hasn't permanently dropped yet. This is the first time I have EVER seen any kind of price cut for LP.[/QUOTE]

I bought the PC version a few weeks ago for $19.99 on sale at GameStop.

For the PC, cheapest I've seen it is $30 @ Best Buy for a regular price.
[quote name='Xo ColdKilla oX']Didnt this game just come in January? wow
Not to sidetrack but R6 came a few months earlier, does anyone know when its getting a price cut?[/quote]
You're not alone, I'm waiting for it to drop to $30 before I bite. As stated by another poster, it has dropped to $40 a few times, but I have not come across a place that has been selling it at $40 normally.

Lost Planet is a pretty good game, but I personally would wait until its in the $20 range before I pick it up.
bread's done