was that on again?

I tell you, if they keep handing out those little gold statues to everyone, pretty soon it's going to get tired......

...... it's bad enoughthey're giving out 11 of them but think of how bad it would be if they gave out 11 of them every year ;-)
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Lame. Maybe now it'll go away.[/quote]

I second that. Its pretty disgusting when a "popcorn flick" wins best picture.
That movie sucked ass. Too bad the Academy was swayed by all the press. A bunch of midgets and a homo wizard. Big freakin deal.

magneto is a hottie in any role:)

It's almost worth getting a sex change operation to date him ;-)
personally, i HATED the LOTR series when i first watched it, but i sat through it again, and i cant get enough of it. ive only seen a little bit of #2, but the first one kicked major ass(nowhere near as good as the Matrix Trilogy(which features one of my favorite actors, Hugo Weaving.))
I'm happy for the cast and crew. To be rewarded for the hard work and time put into something that monumental is awesome. I've worked both on and off screen for a local production company here in Fort Wayne. When we finally released it here in a theater with the local press coverage, It felt like we were on top of the world! We lead the 11 o'clock news, signed autographs , everything. I know what it's like to work on a movie and not know if it's gonna turn out good or if anyone will like it.

My hat's off the Peter Jackson and everyone at Weta Workshop! I hope they continue the success they had tonight.

BTW: The movie was horror,not porn....
I think that some people just like to hate anything "popular"..... as for it winning 11 oscars I think it rocks, I think it was snubbed the last 2 years and will go down as one of greatest movie/movies of all time......
as for
That movie sucked ass. Too bad the Academy was swayed by all the press. A bunch of midgets and a homo wizard. Big freakin deal.


I can understand disliking a movie, but disliking because of 'midgets and a homo wizard'? thats pretty shallow
Popcorn flick? Try glorious epic! I'd hardly call movies based off the greatest literary masterpiece of the 20th century a "popcorn flick". Peter Jackson pulled off the impossible. For years no one wanted to touch a live action version of LOTR due to the complexity of the novels. It's amazing that Jackson did it --and did it well. Purists have some problems with it, but overall the movies were very very well done.
obviously this thread's got some controversy going on. What i'm saying is, hands down, LOTR ROTK, one of the best movies i have ever seen in my whole life, all fan-boyism and popcorn movie deals schmeals aside. I was surprised however at how many awards they had won, and felt like that (IMO!) Mystic River should've gotten more recognition.. an absolutely breathtaking, intense movie. It was nominated for about 7 academy awards, but only won about what.. 2? 3? Yeah. But , you know, it shouldnt have been a clean sweep. LOTR was superb, but so was mystic river. seabiscuit didnt float my boat so much, don't see why people thought of it as such a big deal, surprised it was nominated for anything at all anyways (and didn't win anything, by the way). the ending was just completely unrealistic imo.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']What i'm saying is, hands down, LOTR ROTK, one of the best movies i have ever seen in my whole life, all fan-boyism and popcorn movie deals schmeals aside.[/quote]

You should get out and see more movies! :lol:
I have to agree, even my wife loved the movie. I tried to read the book, but just couldn't get into it, so it's not like I'm one of those big LOTR fans. I definitely like the movies, and compares to what they were going against, I think they deserved it.

To who ever mentioned The Matrix Trilogy, well it just sucked...seriously...badly sucked. The first one was awesome but the last two were nothing but dissapointment.

The biggest dissapointment in my opinion...well I was rooting for Bill Murray for best actor.
[quote name='kaw']Popcorn flick? Try glorious epic! I'd hardly call movies based off the greatest literary masterpiece of the 20th century a "popcorn flick". Peter Jackson pulled off the impossible. For years no one wanted to touch a live action version of LOTR due to the complexity of the novels. It's amazing that Jackson did it --and did it well. Purists have some problems with it, but overall the movies were very very well done.[/quote]

I wouldn't call it a "glorious epic". To claim the film series is a glorious epic is an insult to cinema. And to the book for that matter. Anything that has to rely on special effects isn't a "glorious epic", the acting and chemistry in the movie was pure garbage.

Go back and watch real "glorious epics" like Seven Samurai and Citizen Kane. Those are real epics, not some drivel Hollywood pumped out to make money.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']What i'm saying is, hands down, LOTR ROTK, one of the best movies i have ever seen in my whole life, all fan-boyism and popcorn movie deals schmeals aside.[/quote]

You should get out and see more movies! :lol:[/quote]

And you should just get out :)
Although I was surprised by how well it performed, ROTK deserved it. The trilogy was a monumental task, but Peter Jackson pulled it off. And to anybody who didn't like it, fine. They're my three favorite movies of all time already. To those who can't accept others' opinions on something as simple as a film and have to say how wrong the people who like it are, you are a sad and pitiable thing.
[quote name='Silrod'] And to anybody who didn't like it, fine. They're my three favorite movies of all time already. [/quote]

So three movies that came out within the last three years are your favorite movies of all time? Boy, do you just not watch movies at all?

I don't really care for anyone's opinion of the movie. However anyone who pretends like its the greatest piece of modern cinema is wrong. If thats your opinion, its wrong. And Yes, opinions can be quite wrong (My opinion is that my cat has twelve legs, an obviously false statement but I'll continue to claim it as my opinion).

I'll say it again: When you have to rely on computer special effects to weave a tale as epic as the trilogy, you do a disservice to everyone who grew up reading the books. Rather than allowing us to recreate the epic adventure in our own mind (how any great literature should be handled - regardless of genre), New Line said "Look at all the money Lucas makes on Star Wars trilogies, we really need a piece of that pie." So then Jackson went out and cast quite possibly the worst actors (save for McKellen, Mortensen, and to a lesser extent Lee) and threw in thousounds of special effects shots (which I will admit some are impressive) and turned it into New Line. There was no "I'm doing this for the art" going on, the man knew he was printing money the second he agreed to it.

The film trilogy wasn't some great "Thank you" to fans for supporting Tolkien's books. It was a lackluster effort to cash in. Don't believe me? Explain why there is two individual releases of each film with another "Complete" set rumored to be due out in November of this year?

Bottom Line: Like the movie, don't like the movie. I don't give a shit. But don't sit there and pretend its on par with something like Schindler's List. It was a popcorn flick used to rake in consumer money, dvd sales, and oscar gold.
You know what they say... Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one, and everyone else's stink.

Personally, I agree with Silrod. These were the three greatest movies I have ever seen. Three movies, one story, which is why I think the Academy waited until the story was finished to give it the major awards (director and best picture). Jackson was using Tolkien's book as a screenplay for the movie. The book called for those 1000's of special effects, which is the exact reason no one has attempted to make this a full-length feature before now.

I strongly disagree with your statement saying Jackson knew he was printing money the second he agreed to it. When word first broke that Jackson would be doing the LOTR there was a major outcry from the LOTR fanbase. Not a soul out there thought that this unknown B movie director, and an unknown SE studio could pull it off. Myself included. Jackson knew he had the hardest critics in the world to please. Stray too far from the novels and get slammed, put in every detail and the casual movie-goer would be bored to tears. Jackson managed to edit the movie finding the happy-medium keeping nearly everyone pleased.

You can have your Schindler's Lists and Citizen Kanes. I for one like fantasy. I always have, so obviously these movies are going to appeal to me.

And if you think I'm insulting cinema by calling LOTR a glorious epic then I guess myself, the Academy, and millions of others don't have a fucking clue.
[quote name='kaw']...I guess myself, the Academy, and millions of others don't have a fucking clue.[/quote]

Absolutely true. :lol:

The Academy voters are a bunch of industry professionals who like to pat themselves on the back.

As far as "millions of others" - hell, millions went to see Cat In The Hat. Box office toll rarely equates to movie quality.
Well, the movie being a.. fantasy.. movie, why is special effects even an argument? How could you do magic and the like without special effects? Paper balls and light bulbs? If you have to create the effects to get the point across, then you may as well make them magnificent.

Time has nothing to do with the fact that a movie is someone's favorite movie ever. I could understand if you're 60+, and simply don't understand a young person's views.
The films are good and deserved the awards it got because it is a huge achievement and they snubbed the first 2 films. I liked ROTK, but I wouldnt say it was the best movie ever. I walked out of the theater thinking, "that was cool." It closed everything up and was entertaining. I liked it and the series, but I'm not in love with it like some people here.

I agree, The Matrix series got worst as it went along. The first Matrix is the only with a good story and I just watch Reloaded for the fight scenes.
Methinks there be some hotheads in here who don't like to hear an opposing opinion. I just love people who hate\love something and try to "force" their thoughts\views\opinions on everyone and damn anyone who disagrees.

You didn't like the trilogy,so what! Maybe those that loved it will hate something you love. Does that give them the right to belittle you? Didn't think so.

You loved the trilogy,good for you! Remember that there will always be someone(s) who didn't. They can hate it, it's their right. Keep that in mind when something comes out you hate.

There are no wrong opinions just differing ones. Case in point: I love my wife very much while others do not. Who is wrong, me or them? Neither-we just have a DIFFERENT opinion! Please leave the arrogance at the door, it's not needed.

These are my opinions, just that. If yours are different, cool with me. Just respect the fact that mine are no less\more valid than yours.

BTW: I absolutely love the trilogy. 8)
Quoting terribledeli:

Rather than allowing us to recreate the epic adventure in our own mind (how any great literature should be handled - regardless of genre), New Line said "Look at all the money Lucas makes on Star Wars trilogies, we really need a piece of that pie."

There was no "I'm doing this for the art" going on, the man knew he was printing money the second he agreed to it.

Actually, Jackson had been wanting to make the movies for a long time, but no studio wanted to take the risk. And before the first movies numbers came in, New Line was shaking in there pants because they took the huge risk of filming all three at once; if the first one tanked then they would have been screwed.

~first time trying to quote somebody....don't have time to figure it out now so I did it the old fashion way :oops:
bread's done