Lunar: Dragon Song discussion


4 (100%)
I know there has been some discussion on the reviews the game has gotten so far. I played for about 20 minutes tonight.

First impression: Can I make the text go any faster??? ARGH. I read a couple of pages a minute, so scrolling text is a real pain. Most RPGs these days let you hit a button to advance the text all the way (instead of sllllllooooowlllly scrolling out the words). The text speed is fast enough that I can tolerate it, but not great. And yes I had it set to maximum.

Other impressions: The lose-HP while running thing is annoying. I ran myself down to 14HP just running around the town. Maybe if this was a FF game with bloated starting HP it would be ok, but when you have < 30 HP it's a problem.

I died in the first area after this, since I had depleted my HP to 14 running around town.

And yes, you can't pick which monster to fight. Kind of lame.

Still, it has the Lunar style and quirkiness so far.
ill tell you tomorrow, game stores get them a day late because of shipping... which really doesnt make sense since people can get them on launch day, oh well.
[quote name='iheartmetal']ill tell you tomorrow, game stores get them a day late because of shipping... which really doesnt make sense since people can get them on launch day, oh well.[/QUOTE]

I asked a friend of mine that used to be a GS store manager, and he told me this is because for most titles (i.e. ones with low preorders) GS won't shell out the extra $$ to get priority shipping that will get the games there on launch day.
Alright the more I play this the more I enjoy.
Auto battle + R-trigger = my life easier
Unfortunately I don't like that I can pray before battle for xp or not for items... I want items and xp! They purposely made these quirks to extend the game. The run thing doesn't bother me, cause I'll run anyways cause I can usually find a statue or heal or something.
The music and style is very reminscent of Lunars. It's fun but it could be better.
[quote name='Dingleberry']Just read the review and am now disgusted that you can't direct your attack.[/QUOTE]

It's the worst idea since Camelot decided to prevent the spill-over of attacks if you target something that dies before that character attacks in Golden Sun. The Dragon Song choice is far worse, but similar in that it turns back the clock to the RPG stone-age
I see some not so good reviews of this game I wll borrow a friends first and give it a go b4 buying. Glad to hear member reviews here.
hmmm I am still on the edge about this one....Maybe I should save my money for castlevania next week.....
The whole reason I can't even play the original Lufia is the whole "cant pick which monster, only groups", and this game seems to have made it even worse. Thanks, assholes at Marvelous.
*sigh* I bought this and lost in blue at work. Now with all the bad reviews, i'm going to return them and just wait for Castlevania.

I can wait for price drops on those games along with trace memory.
[quote name='mykevermin']Can anyone say something positive about the game?[/QUOTE]
It has good music and is enjoyable to play.
I don't see why people are so pissy about the enemy selection, there's usually only two enemies on the ground to choose from anyways.
Most people who are bitching haven't even played it to experience it.
[quote name='evilmax17']This is a depressing thread.[/QUOTE]

Yes. How could they go so wrong. Couldnt they have, I dunno, tested it first? Now the PSP may be first to get a really good turn based RPG(?)
From what I understand and have seen, it's $39.99 everywhere except Ubisofts website.

I've played it, and in all honesty, the lack of targeting specific enemies isn't that much of a hinderance. So far, Jian's going to have to hit the bloody bugger in question to kill it, so it doesn't much matter what anyone else does. As far as the walking, I hate it, but I can see why they implimented it (because of their "pocketwatch" reward system), but I've gotten use to it. The only real reason you'd need to run on the map is to skuttle from enemies or to catch them in your timelimit.

*shrugs* Technically, the other Lunar's weren't that great, but I still enjoyed the hell out of 'em. This one seems to be the case, even if it is the technically inferior game to the other two (though I do think this game beats Lunar Legends by a longshot).
[quote name='Amano']From what I understand and have seen, it's $39.99 everywhere except Ubisofts website.

I've played it, and in all honesty, the lack of targeting specific enemies isn't that much of a hinderance. So far, Jian's going to have to hit the bloody bugger in question to kill it, so it doesn't much matter what anyone else does. As far as the walking, I hate it, but I can see why they implimented it (because of their "pocketwatch" reward system), but I've gotten use to it. The only real reason you'd need to run on the map is to skuttle from enemies or to catch them in your timelimit.

*shrugs* Technically, the other Lunar's weren't that great, but I still enjoyed the hell out of 'em. This one seems to be the case, even if it is the technically inferior game to the other two (though I do think this game beats Lunar Legends by a longshot).[/QUOTE]

It is $29.99 at Gamerush.

Wow - I have this and was planning on playing it during my trip next week - 8 hours of plane flights both ways, plus down time at the hotel every evening. I still need to finish Advance Wars DS and was going to do that first - but now all this negativity has made me anxious to play it (though Advance Wars is a perfect airplane game - no need for precise controls or to hear the sound). Maybe I'll play AW on the way out, and then start Lunar once I'm at the hotel. My expecations are low, so I guess that's good - hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised :D.

Edit - It is also $29.99 at Fry's, this weekend anyway.
Meh, I don't have to be blind to poor game design to enjoy the game, none the less. And I love Lunar. Besides the point, I'm finding Dragon Song enjoyable. Call me crazy, but, like I said, even with the painfully obvious design flaws, I'm still having fun.
Finally got this game today. After playing around a bit, it isnt as bad as most review said. Will give a more in depth review later on.
[quote name='Deadpool']this a PSP game? I haven't heard anything about it, and am too drunk at the moment too look it up.[/QUOTE]

Yes. A PSP game in the DS forum.
I've loved Lunar since the Sega CD and I hate to say it but - THIS GAME IS TERRIBLE. It's like they took every annoying rpg mechanic and put it into a single game:

1) Running endurance thing - Ever played Evergrace? UGH
2) Inability to target mobs - just janky
3) Grid-style towns and world map - Ever play FF Mystic Quest? VOMIT
4) XP/Gold system - So I have to grind for xp, then grind for gold so I can buy crappy items that are obsolete by the time I have enough gold to get them?

Man, they really screwed the pooch on this one. I returned it the day after I got it (Thursday) after I couldn't take it any more (three hours gameplay). It may get better, as some fanboys claim on the DS board on gamefaqs, but do you really want to have eat a bucket of dog crap hoping that you'll come across a snickers bar?

I took the $39.99 that I paid for it and paid for Castlevania entirely and put the other $5 on Trauma Center. Both those look incredible, or as least better than this 2-inch plastic piece of virtual monkeyshit.

P.S. - I hear that if you search for "Failure" in the gamerankings search, Lunar DS is the first game that comes up.
[quote name='azel']I've loved Lunar since the Sega CD and I hate to say it but - THIS GAME IS TERRIBLE. It's like they took every annoying rpg mechanic and put it into a single game:

1) Running endurance thing - Ever played Evergrace? UGH
2) Inability to target mobs - just janky
3) Grid-style towns and world map - Ever play FF Mystic Quest? VOMIT
4) XP/Gold system - So I have to grind for xp, then grind for gold so I can buy crappy items that are obsolete by the time I have enough gold to get them?

Man, they really screwed the pooch on this one. I returned it the day after I got it (Thursday) after I couldn't take it any more (three hours gameplay). It may get better, as some fanboys claim on the DS board on gamefaqs, but do you really want to have eat a bucket of dog crap hoping that you'll come across a snickers bar?

I took the $39.99 that I paid for it and paid for Castlevania entirely and put the other $5 on Trauma Center. Both those look incredible, or as least better than this 2-inch plastic piece of virtual monkeyshit.

P.S. - I hear that if you search for "Failure" in the gamerankings search, Lunar DS is the first game that comes up.[/QUOTE]

Where is it that people like you shop that you can get away with returning it rite away after buying it and getting full credit for it back?
you paid $40 for it after joining CAG? It should not be that hard to get $5-10 off from the regular price.
If anybody wants my copy... I don't think I'm goin to play it.. anymore... after the reviews.. it's new sealed...

it's yours for $29.99+ shipping...
I bought it at gamestop for $39.99 new. Trust me, I know that is the epitome of anti-cheapass but I make the exception of paying full price (or even a few bucks more) for games that I'm really looking forward to or games that are in my favorite series (i.e. Castlevania, Panzer Dragoon, Klonoa, Dragon Warrior).

I don't know if Gamestop is doing returns everywhere like I got, I've actually got a neat story about how I got the credit back:

I bought it at Gamestop at Regency Mall in Richmond, VA (Henrico County). Anyway, I go to the mall during my lunch break to return it and I tell the guy - "I need to return this. It's the biggest pile of crap I've ever played." He then looks me square in the eyes and says "Sure, no problem" - at which point he disappears in the back room. So I wait and give the store a quick 360 for deals while he's in the back room. So I continue to wait - and about 10 minutes later he comes back out to the register and says "Man I'm sorry for your wait. I just had some pulled pork last night that is killing my insides. We don't usually do refunds on new games now, but I'll make an exception since you waited so long."

I guess the me telling him that Lunar DS was a big pile of crap made him remember that he had the runs. Morale of the story: If you want to wear down retail salespeople, catch 'em when they have mudbutt. They will avoid confrontation and bend the rules to your favor.
I played this last night (Borrowed a copy from someone crazy enough to have bought it since he had enough of it himself) for a bit. As a fan and first day purchaser of the original 2 Lunars on my old Sega CD, I have to tell you....IT SUCKS. Why does it suck?

The GRAPHICS are horrible, especially the pixellated battles; This pisses me off because I KNOW the DS can do some killer 2D graphics. When I first booted it up and saw that lovely title screen I was saying "This looks nice" but then the game started. Hell, even the text for the menu selection on the touch screen is blocky as crap!

Losing HP while running. Regardless of what people say, yes...IT SUCKS. Your characters walk at a snails pace already and this is a flat out rediculous way to penalize or make the game "Longer" GET OUTTA HERE.

And my BIGGEST beef which for some reason doesn't seem to bother a lot of people (I guess because they paid $40 for this crap and can't return it so they gotta force the love)
is the fact you cannot target specific enemies. WHAT THE HELL!? This was one of the key strategies I used in the originals to actually WIN a lot of the harder monster battles. How could you downgrade from a game in the series created over 10 years ago? Its all random now and makes the battles worthless. The developers obviously knew this since you can automate and speed through battles now too, they realized their own game SUCKED.

When I first heard way back that Lunar was set to appear on the DS, I was estatic. It was one game that was a part of my "Must have" list when I gave in and got my DS in July after seeing the incredible onslaught of games coming out. When I saw those images and videos of Lunar on IGN the other month I started getting nervous...So the game went onto my "Proceed with caution" list. Well, after trying it out its now off my list completely.

I'm honestly not a big JPN RPG fan as I find the originality of the characters and gameplay very lacking. All those PS2 RPG's look like one big blob when I glance over at the PS2 rack in EB. I loved the Sega CD Lunars, the first Wild Arms (PS1), and FF7 was OK but I'm the old school Bard's Tale on Commodore 64 type (Hell, give me Bard's Tale II over this crap any day of the week). But as someone who loved the original Lunar's, I can say AVOID.

Now I can have the extra cash to get Trauma Center along with Castlevania and FIFA 06 (Shockingly GREAT on the DS!) this week.
Oh I forgot one point....I guess the one single positive (Besides the lovely title screen) of this game is the music. I actually kinda liked it and its probably the only remaining "Essence" of the older Lunar games in this one.
[quote name='Womp']I played this last night (Borrowed a copy from someone crazy enough to have bought it since he had enough of it himself) for a bit. As a fan and first day purchaser of the original 2 Lunars on my old Sega CD, I have to tell you....IT SUCKS. Why does it suck?

The GRAPHICS are horrible, especially the pixellated battles; This pisses me off because I KNOW the DS can do some killer 2D graphics. When I first booted it up and saw that lovely title screen I was saying "This looks nice" but then the game started. Hell, even the text for the menu selection on the touch screen is blocky as crap!

Losing HP while running. Regardless of what people say, yes...IT SUCKS. Your characters walk at a snails pace already and this is a flat out rediculous way to penalize or make the game "Longer" GET OUTTA HERE.

And my BIGGEST beef which for some reason doesn't seem to bother a lot of people (I guess because they paid $40 for this crap and can't return it so they gotta force the love)
is the fact you cannot target specific enemies. WHAT THE HELL!? This was one of the key strategies I used in the originals to actually WIN a lot of the harder monster battles. How could you downgrade from a game in the series created over 10 years ago? Its all random now and makes the battles worthless. The developers obviously knew this since you can automate and speed through battles now too, they realized their own game SUCKED.

When I first heard way back that Lunar was set to appear on the DS, I was estatic. It was one game that was a part of my "Must have" list when I gave in and got my DS in July after seeing the incredible onslaught of games coming out. When I saw those images and videos of Lunar on IGN the other month I started getting nervous...So the game went onto my "Proceed with caution" list. Well, after trying it out its now off my list completely.

I'm honestly not a big JPN RPG fan as I find the originality of the characters and gameplay very lacking. All those PS2 RPG's look like one big blob when I glance over at the PS2 rack in EB. I loved the Sega CD Lunars, the first Wild Arms (PS1), and FF7 was OK but I'm the old school Bard's Tale on Commodore 64 type (Hell, give me Bard's Tale II over this crap any day of the week). But as someone who loved the original Lunar's, I can say AVOID.

Now I can have the extra cash to get Trauma Center along with Castlevania and FIFA 06 (Shockingly GREAT on the DS!) this week.[/QUOTE]

i dont see why people dont Read reviews before buying... almost every review i read said

2. YOU CANT Pick what monster to hit

so stop crying about it when the reviews told you right off the back...
[quote name='Womp']I played this last night (Borrowed a copy from someone crazy enough to have bought it since he had enough of it himself) for a bit. As a fan and first day purchaser of the original 2 Lunars on my old Sega CD, I have to tell you....IT SUCKS. Why does it suck?

The GRAPHICS are horrible, especially the pixellated battles; This pisses me off because I KNOW the DS can do some killer 2D graphics. When I first booted it up and saw that lovely title screen I was saying "This looks nice" but then the game started. Hell, even the text for the menu selection on the touch screen is blocky as crap!

Losing HP while running. Regardless of what people say, yes...IT SUCKS. Your characters walk at a snails pace already and this is a flat out rediculous way to penalize or make the game "Longer" GET OUTTA HERE.

And my BIGGEST beef which for some reason doesn't seem to bother a lot of people (I guess because they paid $40 for this crap and can't return it so they gotta force the love)
is the fact you cannot target specific enemies. WHAT THE HELL!? This was one of the key strategies I used in the originals to actually WIN a lot of the harder monster battles. How could you downgrade from a game in the series created over 10 years ago? Its all random now and makes the battles worthless. The developers obviously knew this since you can automate and speed through battles now too, they realized their own game SUCKED.

When I first heard way back that Lunar was set to appear on the DS, I was estatic. It was one game that was a part of my "Must have" list when I gave in and got my DS in July after seeing the incredible onslaught of games coming out. When I saw those images and videos of Lunar on IGN the other month I started getting nervous...So the game went onto my "Proceed with caution" list. Well, after trying it out its now off my list completely.

I'm honestly not a big JPN RPG fan as I find the originality of the characters and gameplay very lacking. All those PS2 RPG's look like one big blob when I glance over at the PS2 rack in EB. I loved the Sega CD Lunars, the first Wild Arms (PS1), and FF7 was OK but I'm the old school Bard's Tale on Commodore 64 type (Hell, give me Bard's Tale II over this crap any day of the week). But as someone who loved the original Lunar's, I can say AVOID.

Now I can have the extra cash to get Trauma Center along with Castlevania and FIFA 06 (Shockingly GREAT on the DS!) this week.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'll be avoiding this till its atleast $10 or less. I was realy hoping the 'random attacks' was that you just were not using the stylus to select an enemy...guess its ALL random.
i feel sorry for anyone who got this at 30 or higher. i got it off gamefly today played it for 2 hours so far and totally hate it i will probally keep it a week or so (since gamefly has nothing i want till the 12th of oct) im glad i never got it
where have people been paying more than 30 for this game? we just got these in at work and they rang up 29.99.

I kind of wonder if I would pick up this game at 19.99 or less, despite all the bad/mediocre reviews.
[quote name='slidecage']i dont see why people dont Read reviews before buying... almost every review i read said

2. YOU CANT Pick what monster to hit

so stop crying about it when the reviews told you right off the back...[/QUOTE]

I did read about 10 friggin reviews so I knew what to expect but then again you also have that camp of people that ALSO say "Well, have YOU PLAYED IT!? Then shut up" I thought I would just give my opinion on this game and after trying a friend's copy (If you read, I wrote that I borrowed it, I certainly didn't pay $40 for it BECAUSE of the reviews) I find that the reviews were pretty damn dead on.

Damn, I had more fun playing D&D on my Intellivision than this crap. Seriously!

Sorry if I seem so over the top but I have to tell you that this game was one of my biggest dissapointments of the year, I had a lot of "OOhhh YEAH!!" moments bouncing around when I heard this was coming out for the DS. I have to also say its one of the reasons I was inclined to get a DS, luckily it wasn't my only one.

DS rocks. :D
[quote name='asianxcore']where have people been paying more than 30 for this game? we just got these in at work and they rang up 29.99.

I kind of wonder if I would pick up this game at 19.99 or less, despite all the bad/mediocre reviews.[/QUOTE]

Telling us where you work would be helpful then. :cool:

But seriously where do most people buy their games:



I have yet to see it for $29.99 besides the Ubi-Soft site and its $39.99 everywhere else.

And to be honest? Save that $19.99 for something worthwhile...STILL not worth it. The mechanics of this game are its major downfall.
[quote name='Womp']I did read about 10 friggin reviews so I knew what to expect but then again you also have that camp of people that ALSO say "Well, have YOU PLAYED IT!? Then shut up" I thought I would just give my opinion on this game and after trying a friend's copy (If you read, I wrote that I borrowed it, I certainly didn't pay $40 for it BECAUSE of the reviews) I find that the reviews were pretty damn dead on.

Damn, I had more fun playing D&D on my Intellivision than this crap. Seriously!

Sorry if I seem so over the top but I have to tell you that this game was one of my biggest dissapointments of the year, I had a lot of "OOhhh YEAH!!" moments bouncing around when I heard this was coming out for the DS. I have to also say its one of the reasons I was inclined to get a DS, luckily it wasn't my only one.

DS rocks. :D[/QUOTE]

I played this for a few more hours when RAW was on and im starting to Like it. I played it nostop last night for 5 hours and really like it. I would love to grab this around 20 bucks

i would say right now this is one of the top 5 games that is holding most of my time.... we also got the new Pokemon game for the gamecube BUT that is awful (got them off gameflY)

Love to be able to find it used for 20 or under
bread's done