Maaaannn... the bitch had herpes!

[quote name='Apossum']Should've just had ear sex.[/quote]
Aural sex is hawt.

[quote name='Hex']Well at least now the two of you can go hiking/bike riding/canoeing like those trendy couples in the herpes medicine commercials.[/quote]

I'm amazed that, moral considerations aside, people still have premarital sex with all the crap out there that can happen. From herpes to HIV, it ain't worth it folks.
[quote name='daroga']I'm amazed that, moral considerations aside, people still have premarital sex with all the crap out there that can happen. From herpes to HIV, it ain't worth it folks.[/QUOTE]

Is there any other kind??
[quote name='Roufuss']Is there any other kind??[/quote]Not if you get yourself all diseased up and no one will come near you let alone marry you. ;)
[quote name='daroga']I'm amazed that, moral considerations aside, people still have premarital sex with all the crap out there that can happen. From herpes to HIV, it ain't worth it folks.[/quote] yeah but just because you married doesnt mean you wont catch the crap out there. 1. you gotta protect your self 2. you have to know and trust your partner. I think those rules go for everyone
...people have sex after they get married? Nonsense.

[quote name='daroga']I'm amazed that, moral considerations aside, people still have premarital sex with all the crap out there that can happen. From herpes to HIV, it ain't worth it folks.[/quote]
[quote name='daroga']I'm amazed that, moral considerations aside, people still have premarital sex with all the crap out there that can happen. From herpes to HIV, it ain't worth it folks.[/QUOTE]

Your amazed that people still have premarital sex with all that's out there. You mean to tell me, you would buy a car, without test driving it first?

To the TC: good luck dude, hope everything goes good your way!
[quote name='Maxwell31']Your amazed that people still have premarital sex with all that's out there. You mean to tell me, you would buy a car, without test driving it first?[/quote]What? If there's a chance the brakes don't work in a car, I'm not going to be real inclined to take it for a test drive down a steep hill. So, yeah, I'm still amazed.
[quote name='daroga']What? If there's a chance the brakes don't work in a car, I'm not going to be real inclined to take it for a test drive down a steep hill. So, yeah, I'm still amazed.[/QUOTE]

But your still "inclined" to drive it to see if it works, which means, you've tasted the goods before hand. So don't be so suprised that people have sex out of wedlock with all that's out there. No matter the risk, sex, will go on, till the end of time my friend. ;)
[quote name='Maxwell31']But your still "inclined" to drive it to see if it works, which means, you've tasted the goods before hand. So don't be so suprised that people have sex out of wedlock with all that's out there. No matter the risk, sex, will go on, till the end of time my friend. ;)[/quote]
True true
Your post reads like prose....fucking Walt Whitman! Post of the year for sheer art! Hip Hip! Hooooray!!!!!

I am serious, fuckfaces.
[quote name='Maxwell31']But your still "inclined" to drive it to see if it works, which means, you've tasted the goods before hand. So don't be so suprised that people have sex out of wedlock with all that's out there. No matter the risk, sex, will go on, till the end of time my friend. ;)[/QUOTE]You can't get herpes from driving in a fucking car. End of analogy.
[quote name='Maxwell31']Your amazed that people still have premarital sex with all that's out there. You mean to tell me, you would buy a car, without test driving it first?[/quote]
And this is why our divorce rates are so high. :roll:
[quote name='Matt Young']See, I knew you were going to say something like that.

I called your statement ignorant. I did not call you ignorant.[/quote]

That breaks the laws of indirect characterization. By calling his stament ignorant you ARE calling him ignorant.
[quote name='help1']That breaks the laws of indirect characterization. By calling his statement ignorant you ARE calling him ignorant.[/QUOTE]
That's not what "indirect / implicit characterization" is.

If he said he was ignorant because of his ignorant statement, that would be an indirect characterization.

If that's what your tenth grade English / Speech teacher told you it was (recently, undoubtedly), I suggest dropping out of high school.
[quote name='help1']And this is why our divorce rates are so high. :roll:[/QUOTE]

You keep thinking that and I got a bridge to sell you. Cheap.
Best of luck, man. At the very least, know that if she wasn't in the middle of an outbreak the odds are in your favor.
Damn, homey, that's some hard travelin' if you've got the herpes. I'll be lighting a Mexican Jesus candle for you.
Why do grocery stores sell those in the ethnic food aisle?

[quote name='Scobie']Damn, homey, that's some hard travelin' if you've got the herpes. I'll be lighting a Mexican Jesus candle for you.[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']Why do grocery stores sell those in the ethnic food aisle?[/QUOTE]

They're popular as all get out (Catholicism and superstition run deep through Mexican culture) and, I suspect, they've got very high profit margins.
[quote name='Scobie']They're popular as all get out (Catholicism and superstition run deep through Mexican culture) and, I suspect, they've got very high profit margins.[/QUOTE]
Coming soon: Mexican Candle: The Game!
[quote name='Kayden']:lol: Can you get sent to hell for enjoying that?[/QUOTE]

I'm no theologian, but I think you can. However, you can probably cancel the effect by lighting another Mexican Jesus candle.
Brak, how much do you get paid? You must be paid a lot of money for that genius-caliber brain of yours. Must be one of those CEOs or something.

Really, telling someone to drop out, great advice. From that statement alone I can characterize you as an idiot.

Oh wait, your gamer score is over 23 thousand and you make over 10 posts a day. You must have no life whatsoever. So, I'll let you have your internet persona, since it's all you'll ever have. Your 23 years old, its time to grow up and get a life, and stop sitting around wasting your life here thinking your the shit, trying to put other people down. Fact is, your more pathetic than those who you try to put down. Look at me, Im a kid that has less responsibilities than you (well, atleast I think I do, you might just be a bum who plays games all day) and I dont even have as many posts a day as you, nor a gamer score close to that of yours, and the only system I play is the 360 and the only site I go to is

*waits patiently for someone else to some in and scrutinize help1, because after all, he is one of the youngest members here and is easy prey. And he likes to play halo, that means he is a bad kid.*



Its possible that Brak does have a life, because unlike everyone else on this site, I dont make final assumptions based on their posts, since well, its the friggen internet. Im tired of this unrelenting bashing in every thread, so im gonna bash ya back.
[quote name='help1']Brak, how much do you get paid? You must be paid a lot of money for that genius-caliber brain of yours. Must be one of those CEOs or something.

Really, telling someone to drop out, great advice. From that statement alone I can characterize you as an idiot.

Oh wait, your gamer score is over 23 thousand and you make over 10 posts a day. You must have no life whatsoever. So, I'll let you have your internet persona, since it's all you'll ever have. Your 23 years old, its time to grow up and get a life, and stop sitting around wasting your life here thinking your the shit, trying to put other people down. Fact is, your more pathetic than those who you try to put down. Look at me, Im a kid that has less responsibilities than you (well, atleast I think I do, you might just be a bum who plays games all day) and I dont even have as many posts a day as you, nor a gamer score close to that of yours, and the only system I play is the 360 and the only site I go to is

*waits patiently for someone else to some in and scrutinize help1, because after all, he is one of the youngest members here and is easy prey. And he likes to play halo, that means he is a bad kid.*



Its possible that Brak does have a life, because unlike everyone else on this site, I dont make final assumptions based on their posts, since well, its the friggen internet. Im tired of this unrelenting bashing in every thread, so im gonna bash ya back.[/QUOTE]

I like how this post didn't say this earlier; in fact, he conceded to how I was correct.
[quote name='Brak']I like how this post didn't say this earlier; in fact, he conceded to how I was correct.[/quote]
This is true, I said to a slight degree you were correct. I was forced to remove the message as per request (it had to do with the example I used).

The message really just said taht if you cannot characterize someone based on their actions and words, then what the hell are you supposed to characterize them on. For instance if someone makes fun of a certain race in highly offensive ways, I can say that that person is a racist, by taking into account his actions and characterizing him. He never does directly coem to me and say "I am a racist" but it is his actions that characterize him. Im sorry if this doesn't fall in line with what you were taught in english, as im not speaking about english here, but rather personal experience. Im more of a MAth/Science guy anyway.
Again: indirect / implicit characterization is when one comes to a conclusion on one's character based on an action.

If, say, my parents made an ignorant statement - and everyone's parents do - does that mean I think they are ignorant? No. They've just made an ignorant statement. If I tell them that the statement was ignorant, does that mean I think they're ignorant people? Again: No.

If I thought that they were ignorant people based on what they've said, that would be me practicing indirect / implicit characterization.

I'm not saying that you can't judge someone's characters based on their actions, appearance, words, etc.

The racist example you've given supports what I am saying, and indirect characterization; the instance where you said the poster, earlier, thought that another poster was ignorant because he said that his post ignorant isn't indirect characterization, as he never said, or thought, "This person is ignorant based on what he said."

Well, actually... that was indirect characterization, on your part. That's what you gathered from the poster's actions.

See? Saying that I have no life based on having a 23,000 gamerscore would be an indirect characterization, because you bridged a gap and drew a conclusion. High gamerscore = no life. And you verbalized it to me and everyone else -- but, most importantly, to yourself. You made a direct statement towards your conclusion. That's why the poster you accused earlier didn't practice the law of indirect characterization, as there was no direct conclusion drawn on the person's character.
OP is an asshole... but I probably would have done the same thing.

Nice job on getting rid of her before you needed to get your crotch fumigated.
[quote name='Brak']
That's why the poster you accused earlier didn't practice the law of indirect characterization, as there was no direct conclusion drawn on the person's character.[/quote]

I hear if you break the law of indirect characterization you can go to jail. Jail leads to herpes. Herpes leads to the OP dumping you. Lesson: don't break the law.
bread's done