Mac games?


Hey everyone,

I just got a brand new iBook and I was wondering if folks have any game recommendations?

I've already picked up WoW, and plan to eventually get Neverwinter Nights, but I was wondering what else out there is great and available on Mac.

If you wanted to play PC games you really should have gotten a PC.
However, if your looking for a good RTS I think that Rise of Nations: Gold has been released for Mac.
I've played the CoD demo through so many times, I really should buy the game. Being a Mac gamer sucks, just go to the apple store and ask the guys their, they are helpful. Are you going to do any video editing? Now that I can help you with,
its an Old series, but you HAVE to get;
The Marathon Trilogy

There are a ton of games out there for the Mac, more then some people might think. Most AAA games get ported to the Mac, they just take a little longer to come out.

Ambrosia puts out some pretty fun games;

Here is a good site for Mac Games:

But the Mac was never really intended for Gaming.
Yea, there's alot more games out there on the Mac than people think. I'd say about 3/4 of the big titles do make their way to the Mac after the initial release.

If you go to Apple's website and look in the software section on the online store they've got a pretty nice list of games you can get.
Last I heard HL2 for the Mac is in the cards and may allready be in the works.

Truthfully I wouldn't be at all surprize to hear something about it at E3 or the next MacExpo.
if you bought an iBook for any gaming, prepare to be disappointed. a PowerBook can handle some games, but an iBook cannot. I got a Mac mini and it seems incapable of gaming, and the mini out performed the iBook in every test given, if I remember correctly. Comparisons between the eMac, iBook, Mac mini, PowerBook and iMac were given at cnet (I think that's where it was at least) and they came in the aformentioned order in performance (eMac being the lowest and iMac being the highest)
I didn't buy the iBook specifically for gaming, but it is the best hardware I won now, so I figured I'd see what I could run.

I've been running World of Warcraft with no problems at all and really loving the game. Though I had some fun trying to buy it. EB games swore to me that it wasn't availble for Mac over the phone--even though it is, and the retail box contains both the PC and Mac versions. So I went and picked it up over at the Virgin store.

Thanks for the recommendations. I'll check those sites out.
I have a year 2000 PowerBook G3 and it runs games in OS X no problem. Obviously nothing graphically intensive will run at a great frame rate, but I've yet to try anything that wouldn't work or ran so slowly as to be unplayable.

My vote for Mac games is Fallout and Fallout 2.
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