Macho Man stopped the rapture with a flying elbow drop! OOOOOTT YEEAAAAH!!!

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Just beat L.A. Noire. Good game and an excellent story for a video game (which isn't saying much but still .. )

EDIT: Oh cool stuff after the credits
I'm really excited for E3 and getting to meet my homeboy CheapyD. I'm also excited for the open bar tab.

*points at Cheapy* "well, if that guy at the table over there is Seabass."
I think sony might win. Nintendo might introduce a new wii console, but I have a hard time thinking they'll have new blockbuster titles. Sure Skyward Sword has yet to be released, but Kirby just had a game, and I don't really expect any of their other characters getting a new game with a new console possibly on the horizon.

As for Microsoft, they'll probably focus more on the Kinect. For that sole reason, I don't expect them to win. I admit I've never had face time with the Kinect, but it just never did impress me.

As for Sony, I don't know what to expect from them since I don't have a PS3, I don't really follow them too closely. But from what I expect or don't expect from the other two, I think PS3 could win for that sole reason, provided their show doesn't totally botch.
Hmmm, so MS is announcing Halo 4 today. I know Reach was never officially titled "4" but it was still a complete game. I'm assuming it has to do with being able to play as Master Chief, but still.

Also, Halo:CE Anniversary Edition is being announced, which should be interesting, but call me when they release an HD remake of Halo 2 with full online multiplayer compatibility.
Signed up for a trial a while back and it was a fucking bitch to cancel just now. I had to call a number to be given a number to call specifically to cancel and then jump through more hoops to let them know i wanted to cancel.
[quote name='Maklershed']Just beat L.A. Noire. Good game and an excellent story for a video game (which isn't saying much but still .. )

EDIT: Oh cool stuff after the credits[/QUOTE]

They said they cut alot of content just to make it fit on the three discs, I feel that some of the cut stuff really hurt the story. (The affair, and the arsonist, and BD Killier) specifically.
[quote name='Number83']Morning, OTT.

Who wins E3 this year: Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony?


I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I think Nintendo probably will. A new system that they can finally call next gen is in all likelihood going to be more important than anything Microsoft or Sony could announce. Let's just hope Nintendo announces some games that aren't for babies to go with that console.
I just saw the last half of MS presentations and it was all kinect shit so I didn't care for it.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim looks great.
And it apperars the Microsoft has opened the proceeding in 3rd place...And those children were annoying. You want to see real children play Kinect? Come to my house and watch Number85 plant a well placed knee to Number84's groin while Number83.5 yells that he wants to watch Jersey Shore.

Skrym might be the E3 Game of the Show...If not, it definately set the bar in the stratosphere.
[quote name='Number83']...Yikes.[/QUOTE]

Haha, no, not that. There will be a first time for that though.

And while I guess it applies to that as well, I probably should learn some of these things at some point.
Can't wait to hear more about the Xbox live streaming .. and particularly UFC TV.

Skyrim is gonna be epic. I think I'm gonna take off a few days after its release date.
People are god damn stupid.

So I am at gamestop taking advantage of their 50% bonus deal. A lady walks in with her 9ish year old kid. I am really bad at judging ages but this is a kid kid..not a teenage kid. Like a still gets scared of the dark kid. She walks up and says can I have Gears of War 3. Guy behind the counter says its not out the kid ask for LA fucking Noire! The guy starts to ring it up like everything is A-OK. I waited until the very end of the transaction.

So I walk up and say, "Mam not to be in your business and I am not sure if you are buying this game for your son here but its REALLY not intended for kids. Its not even intended for young adults...there are fully nude dead women in the first 10 mins of the game and through out the story." Then I look at the gamestop worker and say, "So you werent even going to tell her that either...just going to wait until she shows up on FOX claiming how video games are ruining our youth." The gamestop employee just mumbled something and looked sheepish but the mom yelled at me to stay out of grown folks business and that she will buy whatever she wants for her so and stormed out.

Granted...maybe that kid was the most advanced kid in the world and could handle it...maybe it wasnt for him after all but I doubt it. The kid asked for it and got it. I really wish I could punch that mom in the fucking throat. Parents just give their kids anything and then blame others when their kid cant process the difference between real life and a video game.
[quote name='Soodmeg']
Granted...maybe that kid was the most advanced kid in the world and could handle it...maybe it wasnt for him after all but I doubt it. The kid asked for it and got it. I really wish I could punch that mom in the fucking throat. Parents just give their kids anything and then blame others when their kid cant process the difference between real life and a video game.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I noticed parents have become fucking lazy nowadays. Instead of doing their job and watching what their kids do, they let them do whatever and then get all pissy if they see something bad and blame the video game industry. Seriously, it's like all of those 12 years old calling people bad names and saying bad words on x-box live and the parents not doing shit.
Just saw the video for that Ghost Recon game. Friggin awesome.

So has anyone ended their conference today with "by the way .. one more thing .. "

EDIT: With Sara Underwood and Morgan Webb on the screen, its hard to stay interested in the games.
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[quote name='Soodmeg']People are god damn stupid.

So I am at gamestop taking advantage of their 50% bonus deal. A lady walks in with her 9ish year old kid. I am really bad at judging ages but this is a kid kid..not a teenage kid. Like a still gets scared of the dark kid. She walks up and says can I have Gears of War 3. Guy behind the counter says its not out the kid ask for LA fucking Noire! The guy starts to ring it up like everything is A-OK. I waited until the very end of the transaction.

So I walk up and say, "Mam not to be in your business and I am not sure if you are buying this game for your son here but its REALLY not intended for kids. Its not even intended for young adults...there are fully nude dead women in the first 10 mins of the game and through out the story." Then I look at the gamestop worker and say, "So you werent even going to tell her that either...just going to wait until she shows up on FOX claiming how video games are ruining our youth." The gamestop employee just mumbled something and looked sheepish but the mom yelled at me to stay out of grown folks business and that she will buy whatever she wants for her so and stormed out.

Granted...maybe that kid was the most advanced kid in the world and could handle it...maybe it wasnt for him after all but I doubt it. The kid asked for it and got it. I really wish I could punch that mom in the fucking throat. Parents just give their kids anything and then blame others when their kid cant process the difference between real life and a video game.[/QUOTE]

You did the right think Sood...people still dont beleive it when I say I won't let my son or daughter play M rated games, especially Call of Duty.

But he still
I really hope that Ico & Shadow of the Colossus wasn't delayed just so the could add bull shit 3D.

Who keeps telling these fools that 3D is good.
I'd love to see a PS3 fanboy in action .. dildos in hand while wearing huge 3d glasses.

Uncharted 3 looked slick as hell. And Resistance 3 looked pretty good in the demo.
All the 3D and Move pushing made me turn it off and watch this documentary on PBS about Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers.
[quote name='flowery']I really hope that Ico & Shadow of the Colossus wasn't delayed just so the could add bull shit 3D.

Who keeps telling these fools that 3D is good.[/QUOTE]Did they talk about those games already? Hopefully I didn't miss any The Last Guardian talk.
[quote name='DT778']Did they talk about those games already? Hopefully I didn't miss any The Last Guardian talk.[/QUOTE]

They just said it will be out in September. They hadn't talked about The Last Guardian before I stopped watching.
[quote name='MusicNoteLess']I think I'll be getting a PS Vita.[/QUOTE]

I'll probably use it sparingly, but I want one.

History Channel sucks...
[quote name='Eviltude']
History Channel sucks...[/QUOTE]

What's on now? Aliens, apocalypse, Nostradamus, creatures that don't exist, or conspiracy theories?

Pawn Stars! How could I forget Pawn Stars?!
[quote name='zewone']I'm going to get a Vita but that conference was wack as shit. Nintendo is primed to win.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo did well last year and there wasn't shit to play on their systems. They can put on an amazing show but it is all going to be smoke and mirrors..
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