Mad at Nintendo - wont buy Wii U

I didn't have a hard time hacking my PS3. If Wii U ends up being unhackable, I'll just wait for a modchip to come out. And if that doesn't work, then I'll either find some other way to play imports or I won't play them at all. Hundreds of new games are released each year; it won't kill me to miss a few.
PC gaming has almost every game that the consoles has. (At least the ones that are good)
One exception to this is L.A. Noire. I would buy it if it comes out for the PC.
They dont make or even bring over games I want to play already translated into English on their current system, so yes why would a sane person buy the next one? I'm old enough not to be a sucker gamer and use self control to only buy a system that truly has the games i want to play. Without radicial changes there is no way I will touch WiiU, at best on the cheap at the end of its life IF there are some games without gimmickry I want to play.
It would be awesome if the Wii U was region free!

I'd get Another Code R, Disaster: Day of Crisis, and Xenoblade. I know nothing about Xenoblade so far and will see what all the commotion is about.

I would gladly get a Wii U if it has all three of the following:
1. Region-Free like the PS3 and some of the Xbox 360 games where you can play any Wii U/Wii game in the world on any Wii U console.

2. DS player and 3DS player.
use that giant touch screen controller for the bottom screen of a DS/3DS and your television as the top screen

3. Bump up/upscale Gamecube and Wii games to at least 720p through component cable or HDMI
Anybody see the interview with the creator of MOTHER? He talked about Iwata as a programmer.

"When we were working on games called MOTHER, I decided who I wanted to team up with because one person had said, 'Programmers aren’t allowed to say ‘no’.' Basically, that programmers can’t say, 'We can’t do that,' to any ideas we would come up with. After hearing this from one of the programmers – who happens to be the president of Nintendo now – I said, 'Oh?! I can just tell you to do whatever I want?” To which he responded, 'Of course. That IS your job, after all, Mr. Itoi.' He told me, 'Only at the very end, as a last resort, should one say, ‘We can’t do that.’ Having him say that made everything so much easier on me."

Seems like he has forgotten his roots.
FYI JRPGs are a dead genre. I haven't played a good one since the early PS2 and gamecube era. Consumer taste has moved on for the better.
And playing with a bunch of little kids online on a fps is better taste?
I don't enjoy war-based games.
No thanks.
Yeah I don't care to play online with a bunch of cheaters myself, not saying everyone is but when you are playing random matches in some game its almost inevitable that you will run into cheaters. Rather play something single player and offline, I don't mind connecting online to upload stats and stuff but there is too much pressure for me to be the best in some game and I don't really want to devote my whole life to that.
[quote name='Sk']FYI JRPGs are a dead genre. I haven't played a good one since the early PS2 and gamecube era. Consumer taste has moved on for the better.[/QUOTE]
They are alive and well on the handhelds, mon frer. JRPG's have been the main thing keeping PSP afloat the last couple of years.
bread's done