Madden '11 PS3 League Sign Up Thread

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[quote name='melokeith']bump - what is going on? is this league dead already??[/QUOTE]

it will be dead when you play me. you will want to quit...

jk lol.
Odd - I can't get my game vs. the CPU to start. I've tried 6x over the past two nights and it just hangs on the loading page. Has anyone else experienced this?
[quote name='dickybeans']Odd - I can't get my game vs. the CPU to start. I've tried 6x over the past two nights and it just hangs on the loading page. Has anyone else experienced this?[/QUOTE]

have you tried restarting your router?? maybe you should check the madden 11 forums since it seems to be an isolated incident. Ive had no problems vs the cpu online.
[quote name='dickybeans']Odd - I can't get my game vs. the CPU to start. I've tried 6x over the past two nights and it just hangs on the loading page. Has anyone else experienced this?[/QUOTE]

You can also try using a friends internet connection, there might be some issues w/ your ISP. If everything is fine when you try it @ some ones home, call your ISP and have them do diagnostics you might be dropping packets.

Its happened to me before with DSL and FIOS.
[quote name='Jinchuriki']it will be dead when you play me. you will want to quit...

jk lol.[/QUOTE]

I never quit, even when i should - lol
I'd just be glad to play someone. Still pissed I lost to auner without playing auner. GRRR!!!
Can't get in touch with TheDuck (PSN - Fembot666) to schedule a time to play my game. Sent him a message here and a PSN friends request. Feel free to sim if I still haven't gotten in touch with him by whatever day you're planning to advance the week.
[quote name='Jinchuriki']we should just finish this one. why waste more time on a new league. its going to be the same players.[/QUOTE]

well, let's see... because this ones been a mess since it started with two commissioners dropping, cpu controlled teams, people drafting free agents while others were told not to, people have lost games to people who never even reply or play - (btw how hard is it to just sign on for a free account to CAG if you're in a CAG league?) divisions are unbalanced, and I suppose I could go on... also, the question of "why waste more time" implies in itself that time has been wasted already - if something's a waste of time why continue it?

A new league could have sign ups, thus soliciting for more players on the main page, people in the league (as a group) could actually decide on FAs, fantasy draft vs. actual teams, and the number of teams could match the number of players so that cpu games are not necessary - also, there would be no changing the difficulty level after some people had already played games...

of course, the band did continue to play on the Titanic, so we could all stay on this sinking ship...
[quote name='melokeith']well, let's see... because this ones been a mess since it started with two commissioners dropping, cpu controlled teams, people drafting free agents while others were told not to, people have lost games to people who never even reply or play - (btw how hard is it to just sign on for a free account to CAG if you're in a CAG league?) divisions are unbalanced, and I suppose I could go on... also, the question of "why waste more time" implies in itself that time has been wasted already - if something's a waste of time why continue it?

A new league could have sign ups, thus soliciting for more players on the main page, people in the league (as a group) could actually decide on FAs, fantasy draft vs. actual teams, and the number of teams could match the number of players so that cpu games are not necessary - also, there would be no changing the difficulty level after some people had already played games...

of course, the band did continue to play on the Titanic, so we could all stay on this sinking ship...[/QUOTE]

I actually kind of take offense to this as I feel there's some indirect shots taken at me here. You really think it's that easy to get a fully functional 32-man league going?

1. Look how early I started sign-ups. About two weeks before launch. In that two week period we barely got like 18 people to sign-up. Have fun waiting two months for a full 32-man league to fill. People couldnt even accept their God damn league invites without me hounding them.

2. You act as if I just made decisions about the league without consulting the players. I posted plenty of times in here asking about what you guys wanted to do. Only problem, I'd be lucky if one person would respond. Don't bitch about a commissioner taking things upon themselves when you did jack shit to contribute.

Good luck getting another league together, let alone one that has 32 active players.
true ^^^ this league is already rolling, you really want to wait a couple of weeks before another starts. The people that are not being active will eventually get booted, IDK we should have a rule for people that miss consecutive games... 3 and a row and you get the boot... idk

Just talked to auner626, PLEASE BOOT HIM. he sold madden.
[quote name='SEH']I actually kind of take offense to this as I feel there's some indirect shots taken at me here. You really think it's that easy to get a fully functional 32-man league going?

1. Look how early I started sign-ups. About two weeks before launch. In that two week period we barely got like 18 people to sign-up. Have fun waiting two months for a full 32-man league to fill. People couldnt even accept their God damn league invites without me hounding them.

2. You act as if I just made decisions about the league without consulting the players. I posted plenty of times in here asking about what you guys wanted to do. Only problem, I'd be lucky if one person would respond. Don't bitch about a commissioner taking things upon themselves when you did jack shit to contribute.

Good luck getting another league together, let alone one that has 32 active players.[/QUOTE]

I was actually referring in no small part to the fact that you made some decisions and then they weren't followed by others. Also, after you left, things did not get better, they got more confusing.

Also, if you read carefully, I said we could just do a league with however many sign up - I'm pretty sure we don't need 32 teams. The overall point is that for whatever reason this league is a dud, so why not try again now that we know who's in and who's not.

I know it can't be easy being commissioner, I'd just like to play with some committed people. I thought that with a public forum like CAG, there would be enough people to make a solid go of it. I prefer that over "randoms" because at least through a forum, you have some recourse if someone is a jerk. I acknowledge and applaud your efforts at the start. So why can't it be tried again without you getting upset? Don't you think that what you tried to do was right and worth trying again?

How many active players do we have - seriously, I just am curious. It won't hurt me any to stay in this league, I'm not trading in the game or anything, I just thought it would be a good idea to start over and try to all be on the same page now.
I'm not upset or angry that you want to start a new league, I quite frankly don't give a shit since I don't even own this game anymore. Do whatever you want. I just didn't appreciate what appeared to be jabs at me.

As for starting a league with less than 32 people, then you wind up having to play games against the CPU, which was one of your points you complained about. There is no way to make custom divisions, if there was, I would've just done that from the start.
[quote name='melokeith']
How many active players do we have - seriously, I just am curious. It won't hurt me any to stay in this league, I'm not trading in the game or anything, I just thought it would be a good idea to start over and try to all be on the same page now.[/QUOTE]

well bro go ahead and start a thread and make a new madden league for committed players. Send me an invite when you create the franchise. I wouldn't mind being in two leagues.
[quote name='melokeith']Hey Jinchuriki - did you get the commissionership of this one?[/QUOTE]
Yup, i just advanced it.

It will be 2 games per week. Ill post the schedule in a bit.
Sounds good. I've had no trouble with the players I've played so far. I think we have some committed people. I certainly don't think this league is DOA, we just have some people that have made the experience less enjoyable.
Well you can put in a game on Saturday before midnight and another on Sunday.

Im thinking of creating a new thread, but i might copy and paste the 1st post of this thread since it looks nice and pretty.

ill be sending a msg to the TS to delete this one, so that i can have full control. Will be posting stats and leaders records, standing.. make it all nice and prety for you all. If any one would like to contribute plz hit me up.
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