MAG Discussion Thread

2 things I hate, one minor one huge.

Minor, the repair light is way to bright. I have to look away from my tv when using that tool.

Major, this game needs to filter players by rank, I get put on too many squads with only 2 guys ranked over 20 or so. Most of the time my squad has one 31 (me) maybe one 25 or so and then the rest levels 6-10.

enufs8d said:
once you switch pmc via veteran, you're forced to quit your clan?
It says it gives you the option of veterancy which implies that it allows someone to stay at 60 until they press that button to sign up for another faction. So until that is done, you can just stay at 60 with your current faction. :)
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Anyone on Valor that wants to, add me to your friends!

Also, I have a SVER costume code (gamestop) and would love to trade it for a Raven code
I was in two of the betas, final one showed some great improvement. The graphics all around got an update but I noticed that adding people to your "party" voice chat didn't work til you were actually waiting for the game to start. Is this still true????

Damn walmart in store pickup is retarded. I ordered this on monday and I'm still waiting for my pick up email. Sorry to go off topic but i'm kinda pissed.
[quote name='mykee98']I was in two of the betas, final one showed some great improvement. The graphics all around got an update but I noticed that adding people to your "party" voice chat didn't work til you were actually waiting for the game to start. Is this still true????

Damn walmart in store pickup is retarded. I ordered this on monday and I'm still waiting for my pick up email. Sorry to go off topic but i'm kinda pissed.[/QUOTE]

I was playing a game with wotcher awhile ago and we could chat in the menu. That was just one time though.
i sent a few cag clan invites to people. so far, i haven't have any games in anyone. so if you're looking for a real clan, i would caution against cag. theres just not enough people in it to play consistently. but i still have the [CAG] sign on my name as a badge of honor.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']I was playing a game with wotcher awhile ago and we could chat in the menu. That was just one time though.[/QUOTE]

good to know thanks man
i got done playing with kandal and captnstryker on acquisition attacking raven. and that map is a bitch to attack. if you can't get pass the first bunker, youre going have a miserable game. it didnt help that you need a coordinated attack of rpgs and rushers. and we kept have people quit on us.

i played that map a few times and i dont think my squad has ever advanced pass it. we would win but it wasnt due to our efforts. lol.
I just played for 4 hours straight. I can't even remember the last time I played a shooter for that long without taking a break, or quitting due to frustrating bs game mechanics. The game just plain works. I shoot someone, they die, simple. Valor is also winning a lot more recently, atleast for me. Don't think I've lost vs Raven even once today. S.V.E.R. is still about 50/50 though. Winning almost 100 % defending in Sabo as Valor, people finally realized how easy it is to defend the C building.
so someone already made an CAG clan? I made one for sver if anyone wants to join. Ive been looking for people to play this with since I've been playing it quite heavily since i got it. so let me know if your interested in joining my cag clan, or if there is an existing CAG sver clan, let me know and ill join that
[quote name='knightsdwn']Raven seems to have been overrun by idiots. No mics, no teamwork, 2 wins out of 10 matches today :cry:.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, I know what you mean. When I see ya playing I'll join you or invite me or something.
I was on a damn good winning streak the other night. We beat, Sver twice and Raven 3 times before I lost.
Well I managed to go veteran and move to Valor. Also... :lol: 

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is anyone on right now playing MAG, if you are and need another person with a mic then send me a group invite @ joe_sparxx . im so sick and tired of playing with people that just want to run around on their own.
[quote name='the_grimace']so someone already made an CAG clan? I made one for sver if anyone wants to join. Ive been looking for people to play this with since I've been playing it quite heavily since i got it. so let me know if your interested in joining my cag clan, or if there is an existing CAG sver clan, let me know and ill join that[/QUOTE]

Add 'Wotcher'. He knows what he's doing as well. I'll send you a friend request as well.

[quote name='Joe Sparxxx']is anyone on right now playing MAG, if you are and need another person with a mic then send me a group invite @ joe_sparxx . im so sick and tired of playing with people that just want to run around on their own.[/QUOTE]

I'll send you a friend request.

Lol @ Supplice picture. Funny stuff.
[quote name='enufs8d']i got done playing with kandal and captnstryker on acquisition attacking raven. and that map is a bitch to attack. if you can't get pass the first bunker, youre going have a miserable game. it didnt help that you need a coordinated attack of rpgs and rushers. and we kept have people quit on us.

i played that map a few times and i dont think my squad has ever advanced pass it. we would win but it wasnt due to our efforts. lol.[/QUOTE]

It was a very frustrating game, when guys abandon the bunkers it's hard to repair when the attackers swarm, I've started to be a jack of all trades assault, repair, & medic ..

watcher after you left I met up with harley-tj and seemed to have a better game, at least the guys seem to be smarter lol
[quote name='Frank Deluded']Add 'Wotcher'. He knows what he's doing as well. I'll send you a friend request as well.

I'll send you a friend request.

Lol @ Supplice picture. Funny stuff.[/QUOTE]

how can i get into wotchers clan? I had my own cag clan, but I figured I should just join his since it seems he made it first and its bigger :p
ill send you a clan invite. its probably not the best clan out there a long shot. just the few us that are on, we try to play together.
Valor rapes Sver on home turf....Soodmeg goes for 48 kills 10 deaths and over 500 xp!

I am going to start sending out friends request to some cags would love to actually win a couple rounds in a row every now and then.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Valor rapes Sver on home turf....Soodmeg goes for 48 kills 10 deaths and over 500 xp!

I am going to start sending out friends request to some cags would love to actually win a couple rounds in a row every now and then.[/QUOTE]

Invite me if you are on Valor!
[quote name='Soodmeg']Valor rapes Sver on home turf....Soodmeg goes for 48 kills 10 deaths and over 500 xp!

I am going to start sending out friends request to some cags would love to actually win a couple rounds in a row every now and then.[/QUOTE]

:applause: That's very funny! you sir haven't met Wotcher and I on the battlefield. Let's just keep it that way if you still want to keep that smile and wins going. :D
YES!! and SEAN TOO!! *SaLUTE*! Why aren't you playing now? My buddies and Wotcher are beasting some VALOR / RAVEN as we speak. go kill em!!
From a CAG's perspective, what would be the ideal price point for this game?

I'm starting to get antsy with all the people on my friend's list playing this game.
[quote name='Kandal']YES!! and SEAN TOO!! *SaLUTE*! Why aren't you playing now? My buddies and Wotcher are beasting some VALOR / RAVEN as we speak. go kill em!![/QUOTE]

I have to be up in 5 hours :[

I should be able to play tomorrow after 10pm est.
There needs to be a vote for kick button to notify other squads of teamkillers/assholes, as my latest match in sabotage featured one guy that would shoot you in the back and then heal you for XP and another that literally just stuck a knife in my back and killed me. Nobody in our squad could do anything because they had no authority over them. We still won because we kept our main station defended well, so they weren't much of an effect. Domination doesn't seem to be that good of a mode to jump once you get to level 8 or at least with the lack of great leaders to play with, as it seems like nobody can make a dent in anything.

Now I'm going to build up skill points through level 20 to unlock all of the medic skills, though I could work until I can respec to help a bit.
there is a kick feature. i dont know how to use it. but i heard the most common people kicked are team killers, crappy snipers camping at spawn sites, and people that fucking drive the apc towards gun fire. the apc is parked there for a reason!

the main thing that i hate about the game is that its so hard to play with your friends. theres more a few times that i try to join a cag's game but its full. or i get a PM to group up. so i quit my game to find out that the other person is already in another game. !!!

you're always left wondering: should I wait until their game is finished or start by myself. you must remember that each game is about 20 minutes long. For all those people that PM me, I tried to join your games, honestly, only to get a game is full message. Its a bad game of phone tag.

Frisky - are you going to change your signature image from kz to mag?

option - i dont think it will drop that fast. there are a few maps that you tired of them quickly. but almost each game plays differently. the great thing about mag is that it has depth. its fairly noobish now in a straight-forward way. as time gets along, better leadership (commanding officers) will emerge and different strategies develop. the game is about communication, strategy, and teamwork. most of the time you wont get all 3. but in the games where you do, its awesome. its so good that you keep coming back for more. there were some battles with kandal and me where 80% of game is going too good. then all of sudden all hell breaks out. and we struggling to fix our triple A (anti-aircraft). mechanics are struggling to repair while healers and assault are backing them up. its a great feeling to work together to push back the tide.

to try to answer your question, i dont know the price. i got mine with amazon trade + coupons for ~$3. its really a shooter mmo. so i can argue for a $60 price point because you get replayability and zipper community support. plus, you're already a zipper fan.
[quote name='enufs8d']there is a kick feature. i dont know how to use it. but i heard the most common people kicked are team killers, crappy snipers camping at spawn sites, and people that fucking drive the apc towards gun fire. the apc is parked there for a reason!

the main thing that i hate about the game is that its so hard to play with your friends. theres more a few times that i try to join a cag's game but its full. or i get a PM to group up. so i quit my game to find out that the other person is already in another game. !!!

you're always left wondering: should I wait until their game is finished or start by myself. you must remember that each game is about 20 minutes long. For all those people that PM me, I tried to join your games, honestly, only to get a game is full message. Its a bad game of phone tag.[/QUOTE]

sorry I had to leave that game earlier. It glitched up bad. I couldnt exit the bunker at all, so I killed myself, then the game froze...... i said fuck it and took a break, lol
I'm just not a PS3 fan, I've heard about it and it looks ok but I know I won't like it. What are the load times like, if they are anything like Socom it will be an instant FAIL. My friend sounds interested though.
Frankied and Wotcher are beasts. We need to try and to get 8 of us to fill up a squad.

Also, to kick. Press start and highlight their name press x and vote to kick, it will start a vote to kick someone off a team and if you vote again that will count as one.

If the person is in another squad notify your squad leader so he can pass it along the other squad leaders.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']Frankied and Wotcher are beasts. We need to try and to get 8 of us to fill up a squad.

Also, to kick. Press start and highlight their name press x and vote to kick, it will start a vote to kick someone off a team and if you vote again that will count as one.

If the person is in another squad notify your squad leader so he can pass it along the other squad leaders.[/QUOTE]

there obviously must be more then 8 of us CAGers playing MAG and as SVER. But I agree, an 8 man squad sounds like a sweet idea. it sucks only wotcher can send invites though. I think wotcher can set the clan up so members can invite as well.

but yea, join the cag sver clan!
[quote name='Frank Deluded']Frankied and Wotcher are beasts. We need to try and to get 8 of us to fill up a squad.

Also, to kick. Press start and highlight their name press x and vote to kick, it will start a vote to kick someone off a team and if you vote again that will count as one.

If the person is in another squad notify your squad leader so he can pass it along the other squad leaders.[/QUOTE]
The squad leader was trying to figure out how to get the word out on these guys but it took a while for anything to be done. Just having a vote to kick feature would just make it easier to kick them quickly.

Load times are practically nothing (10 seconds to load the game and a few seconds to get into the prep screen) compared to SOCOM, Vip. Zipper's streamlined the process of getting into the action greatly.

[quote name='enufs8d']Frisky - are you going to change your signature image from kz to mag?[/QUOTE]
Probably not. I like the look and style of the image, so it'll stay until I find something that captures my fancy.
Wotcher our group has done it again tonight!! We're just too good, Just when we think the game is over right from the start. Enemies penetrating from the inside, blowing up bunkers and vital defense mechanism. Yet, WE FIGHT LONG AND HARD. At the end of the story, guess who is victorious? S.V.E.R!~
i forgot i can promote people. ill promote you guys tomorrow.

kandal is a really good mechanic. maybe hes a better SL than I am. lol. sometimes i think its stressful setting up fragos, waiting for strikes, defusing c4s, reviving and getting the occasional kill. I wonder how am I supposed to get the rest of these ribbons?

i joined a game with someone on my friend's list. to my surprise, i found out that hes an OIC that never setup a fargo. the game that i joined had his buddy as the SL. Some of us were yelling at him to setup a fargo. A kick vote was going but there wasn't enough votes. Then it occured to me if he didn't how to setup one up. I explained the process of setting a fargo up. But nothing happened.

in all the domination games that Ive been, I haven't heard the OIC. whats worst is theyre playing like rambo. all this time, i respectively declined the position. if youre an OIC, then at least dont die. stay in the back of the group and stay alive. your leadership bonus aura of armor resistance and health regen is too important to the squads around you. well, im not that the level of OIC since im not well versed in the tactics of sensor jammers, rapid deploys and etc.

frankied14 - i didnt noticed that you got kicked from the game until it was over (domination defense sver). the squad had great communication and balance. there were callouts every few minutes. people were proactive in fixing tripleA, roadblocks and/or bunker. i thought myself this is why frank is so high level. then i find out that i wasn't even talking to you.

Frisky - i found out that it takes 6 kick votes (out of squad of 8, well 7 not including the kickee) to kick someone out. wow, thats incredibly hard.
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[quote name='the_grimace']there obviously must be more then 8 of us CAGers playing MAG and as SVER. But I agree, an 8 man squad sounds like a sweet idea. it sucks only wotcher can send invites though. I think wotcher can set the clan up so members can invite as well.

but yea, join the cag sver clan![/QUOTE]

Where's the CAG SVER clan? !!! Add me, looking for people to play, I'm a very good medic / demolition guy when needed. Have all medic stats filled up and mainly heal and lead teammates (been squad leader once, my squad played great and followed good orders and we won easy) but prefer to just be the squad medic or assault type guy, whatever is needed. Have a headset and always use it.
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enufs8d said:
if youre an OIC, then at least dont die. stay in the back of the group and stay alive. your leadership bonus aura of armor resistance and health regen is too important to the squads around you. well, im not that the level of OIC since im not well versed in the tactics of sensor jammers, rapid deploys and etc.
For my preference, I rather not stay in the back. All the XP is up on the front! lol Anyway, it feels like I'm doing nothing for the group, it means a lot to your company when your up there leading in the frontlines. I say this because of the messages I receive, minus perverts, from other people in my faction. They usually say that previous OICs just camp it in the back, don't communicate with PL's or SL's, or use FRAGO. If your going to go in the frontlines, have a squad dedicated to you with at least 2 medics, 1 engineer, and 1 LMG/Assault.

General tips as an OIC. Just assess the situation carefully. If things are not going so well then deploy tactical assistance and re-think your strategy on the field. The same could be said about your squad going up to a new objective, giving them support before they get their to make their jobs much easier. Also, listen to PL's and SL's, read the battlefield map, and general voice chatter. Also, find out where your presence is needed. If your needed in the frontlines then go, the health recovery skill can turn the tide in a big battle if your there. :)

fatmanforlife99 said:
Valor is kicking ass tonight.

Yeah, it feels good to be paired in matches with other clans that somewhat communicate since joining Valor. Swept 12 matches in a row the other day for around 1K XP each (my usual except for Domination matches). I noticed Raven getting their act together a bit more, they made it tough for us on both sides of sabotage and acquisition maps. :)

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I've been following this thread with great interest because I'm on the fence between how much I really want to play it vs. my apathy level for an FPS on a console.

And $60 is a big hit to get a game and hope that it wins me over despite the control mechanism.
[quote name='Flan']I've been following this thread with great interest because I'm on the fence between how much I really want to play it vs. my apathy level for an FPS on a console.

And $60 is a big hit to get a game and hope that it wins me over despite the control mechanism.[/QUOTE]

You could try renting it. Or on the less expensive route go to Game Stop, buy it used, and if you don't like it return it within 7 days. I know it's kind of underhanded to do that but as long as it's not abused I don't see an issue if you genuinely don't like the game.
[quote name='Flan']I've been following this thread with great interest because I'm on the fence between how much I really want to play it vs. my apathy level for an FPS on a console.

And $60 is a big hit to get a game and hope that it wins me over despite the control mechanism.[/QUOTE]

If you do rent it give it a chance. It seems like people go through a sort of "I hate this game" period for the first 10 hours or so. I love the game and would recommend it.
[quote name='Supplice']For my preference, I rather not stay in the back. All the freaking XP is up on the front! lol Anyway, it feels like I'm doing nothing for the group, it means a lot to your regiment when your up there leading in the frontlines. I say this because of the messages I receive from other people in my faction stating that previous OICs just camp it in the back, dont communicate with PL's or SL's, and well don't use FRAGO. If your going to go in the frontlines, have a squad dedicated to you with at least 2 medics, 1 engineer, and 1 LMG/Assault.

General tips as an OIC. Just assess the situation carefully. If things are not going so well then deploy tactical assistance and re-think your strategy on the field. The same could be said about your squad going up to a new objective, giving them support before they get their to make their jobs much easier. Also, listen to PL's and SL's, read the battlefield map, and general voice chatter. Also, find out where your presence is needed. If your needed in the frontlines then go, the health recovery skill can turn the tide in a big battle if your there.

Yeah, it feels good to be paired in matches with other clans that somewhat communicate since joining Valor. Swept 12 matches in a row the other day for around 1K XP each (my usual except for Domination matches). I noticed Raven getting their act together a bit more, they made it tough for us on both sides of sabotage and acqusition maps.[/QUOTE]

Yeah dude, the bell tower is insane on that map. I like to play sabo a lot since its a lot of fun, I went 52/8 KDR with the light machine gun. Max that thing out and its a beast. The enemy team is so exposed at data center A.
bread's done