Magic the Gathering


3 (100%)
Anyone here expert Magic players? I would love to discuss it anytime with anyone who is interested. I also have many cards if you're looking for one just ask and I will be glad to inform you if i would be willing to trade. My best deck I think would be my burn deck. Just love to chat if anyone wants to get to know me.;)
Alucard~the slayer
How odd. I just got back from drafting with my friends.
Though, I'd hardly call myself an expert, to which my DCI rating would attest to.
Oh well, at least I did fairly well for myself at Grand Prix Detroit.
[quote name='Ledhed']That reminds me Sweeney; I found a rather funny story that I think you could appreciate. ;)[/QUOTE]

That was awesome.

a sizable percentage of them were surprisingly friendly and decent people who had an incurable obsession, like lovable alcoholics

What an apt description of me :)
Of course, at the two local geek-holes where I've played, there's at least 2-3 guys that fit that description in the story.
Of course, I just can't wrap my head around the idea that there are people that go to work, go to a gamestore, go home and go to bed and restart the pattern the next day.

I probably play, read about and shop for magic cards maybe 5 hours a week...
10 or so if there's a prerelease or a big tournement my friends entered.

I'm just the loveable goofball that makes decks that are so ridiculously stupid that the people who are far more involved in the game than I sneer at, and then whine while I make them do ridiculous, almost arbitrary things, like flip 100+ coins during the course of game, or shuffle thier deck 50 or more times.
I play "crappy" cards, just because I actually like just playing to have fun... and not necessarily to win.
So, did anyone decide to hit up a Saviors prerelease?
After Grand Prix Detroit, I was kind of burnt out on tournment play for a while.
I think I'll get to the Prerelease for the first set of the Ravinica block in a couple of months, though.
Ironically, I got into it even after seeing a roommate totally absorbed by it - I only play online though - it seems to keep the addiction down somewhat ;)
I try to keep less then 4-5 decks formed at one time, otherwise It'd just become overwhelming...and more expensive then I'd like, so I'm usually tearing them apart and putting them back together with other stuff.

favorite decks are currently (the ones I have anyway) are a cowerdice deck that uses some kodama card drawing mojo with targeting artifacts that bounce back opponants creatures instantly. And a B/W cleric deck with some tricks up it's sleeve.
[quote name='tauruskatt']I try to keep less then 4-5 decks formed at one time, otherwise It'd just become overwhelming...and more expensive then I'd like, so I'm usually tearing them apart and putting them back together with other stuff.

favorite decks are currently (the ones I have anyway) are a cowerdice deck that uses some kodama card drawing mojo with targeting artifacts that bounce back opponants creatures instantly. And a B/W cleric deck with some tricks up it's sleeve.[/QUOTE]

I never really sat down and thought about how many decks I actually have put together... it's a good thing they aren't optimized due to the fact that I refuse to let myself purchase a single that costs more than $20. (It's rare that I purchase a single that costs more than $10, and most of my single card purchases come from varied $1 Rare boxes)

Of course, that accounts for why most of my decks are gimmicky alternate win condition decks that make my more serious tournement playing friends cringe when they emerge from thier deck boxes.
I went to the Saviors Prerealese:bouncy: . I got some great cards from it and since everyone didn't get to chose their decks, play was sort of random. Black and red deck is what I ended up with, and I won about 60% of my matches. If they allowed us to use decks we made I would have definately gotten further.

If you think 5 decks is tough to maintain, try 30. That's about how many I have made, currently though some of been disfigured by taking some important cards and putting them in the decks I currently play with which is 12. But I have way too many decks, but that's why I split them up between me and my brother. I blew off over $150 at the prerealese so I'm spent. But at least I got the weatherlight crew from it.

Sorry to have rambled on too much;) .
I have about a thousand cards, I hate the game though.

Instructions on the cards are always vague an open to "inteerperetation", and the game itself is very simplistic and very long.

Pokemon TCG was so much better it's not even funny.
[quote name='Alucard']I went to the Saviors Prerealese:bouncy: . I got some great cards from it and since everyone didn't get to chose their decks, play was sort of random. Black and red deck is what I ended up with, and I won about 60% of my matches. If they allowed us to use decks we made I would have definately gotten further.

If you think 5 decks is tough to maintain, try 30. That's about how many I have made, currently though some of been disfigured by taking some important cards and putting them in the decks I currently play with which is 12. But I have way too many decks, but that's why I split them up between me and my brother. I blew off over $150 at the prerealese so I'm spent. But at least I got the weatherlight crew from it.

Sorry to have rambled on too much;) .[/QUOTE]

I'm curious... what formats?

5 Color?
Damn. I was into the whole Magic thing a couple years ago, but there really wasn't anywhere to play in my squat little town. Me and my friend had to play with one deck that he had gotten out of town, so the game became quite repetitive. I had no idea there were all these complexities behind it, though.
I'll dork out here and admit that me and a buddy play Culdcept. Best $12 I ever spent, and I never have to worry about my cards getting ripped/torn.
[quote name='camoor']I'll dork out here and admit that me and a buddy play Culdcept. Best $12 I ever spent, and I never have to worry about my cards getting ripped/torn.[/QUOTE]

Hm... I'll have to look into that. I heard it was relatively pretty good, but speaking of card-based video games, has anyone checked out that Magic Xbox game? What's it like?
[quote name='False Hope']Hm... I'll have to look into that. I heard it was relatively pretty good, but speaking of card-based video games, has anyone checked out that Magic Xbox game? What's it like?[/QUOTE]

The Magic Xbox game is not very good at all.
It's not that true to the game itself, nor is it very entertaining to anyone not all that interested in the cardgame.
Wizards just sent me a textless Mana Leak. I wanted a textless Fireball. :(
Oh well, at least I got a Goblin token.
At the prerealese they gave you a tournament CHampions box and three Saviors boosters which you marked on a paper what cards you got, and then switched around randomly until you got someone else's box. Then using those cards you get to build a deck which you use for the rest of the tournament so winning chances are pretty random. The decks I have so many of that are not premade but built by me and my brother consist of many different varieties. Extended, Prismatic(5-color), block, vintage, legacy, standard, random themes such as burn, merfolk, rebels, mercenaries, ninja, wizard, morph, soldier, knight, cats, flying, beasts, elves, dwarves, barbarians, land destruction, life gaining, soul sucking, artifact, legend, and that's all I can remember off the top of my head. As you see I have plenty of things to do on the weekend. Remember to check my list of games if anyone wants to purchase or trade. Pat's selling list in the trade forum. Thanks.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I have two or three Magic decks and a few hundred cards, but I rarely play now.
If anyone wants to play online for free check out this website[/QUOTE]


Being a cheapass, I won't play Magic Online... I refuse to pay full retail for packs...
so that removes it from what is possible.

Apprentice is ok, but I prefer Magic Workstation.
This is kind of off-topic, but what's the best way to sell Magic cards? I have some I bought back when Magic first came out that I never used, and I need to raise some money to pay for expenses for my wedding in two weeks. Is there a website that lists the value of each card? Also, what is the best way to ship them? Will a regular envelope work, or is it better to buy a hard plastic case and/or a padded envelope?
i used 2 play in highschool with my friends 2 kill time, we all got into it at te same time savea bout 1 or 2, so it was alot of fun, i got pretty good i made a soldier deck and its pretty fun..
[quote name='Wet Ninja']This is kind of off-topic, but what's the best way to sell Magic cards? I have some I bought back when Magic first came out that I never used, and I need to raise some money to pay for expenses for my wedding in two weeks. Is there a website that lists the value of each card? Also, what is the best way to ship them? Will a regular envelope work, or is it better to buy a hard plastic case and/or a padded envelope?[/QUOTE]

Usually the best way to move cards is to first go check at
This site will show you the information about the card, and then lists prices at which people are selling the cards. Usually, if you sell at the lowest price people are selling at, though most methods (ebay, etc.) you'll move product quicker, and if you sell near the average price, you really shouldn't have a problem moving them.

To ship cards, I've usually found it depends on what you're shipping.
Bulk commons (which you're usually better off not selling) are unwieldy to deal with, but for most other cards, if you take the card, put it into a soft sleeve, then put that sleeve into a hard sleeve, place that sleeve between a couple of light pieces of cardbord and stuff that into a bubble mailer, you should be good.

When dealing with more expensive cards like any of the pieces of power or generally anything booking over $50, it pays to send certified.
THANX for the tip Sweeney...I have some old cards that have been sitting around (revised, Antiquities, Arabian Nights, etc.) that I wanted to get rid of too. Speaking of card games...anyone into V:TES by any chance? That is the only one I've ever kept up on...
[quote name='Quackzilla']I have about a thousand cards, I hate the game though.

Instructions on the cards are always vague an open to "inteerperetation", and the game itself is very simplistic and very long.

Pokemon TCG was so much better it's not even funny.[/QUOTE]

You must not be playing right. The cards are straight forward and most of them now even have reminder text on them. Simplistic? Are you sure you aren't thinking about the Pokemon card game? ;) Magic has a lot more strategy involved in it than Pokemon simply because as a player you have more opportunities for action. As for length, I've played games that have ended before I got to take my first turn, and also games that went the whole length of the round (60 min)
How many ppl here play Magic Online? I just play every now and then with the few cards that I have. If there are enough ppl who play online we could form the CAG clan. :)
bread's done