Magicka: Wizard Wars major peripheral pack & DLC giveaway


Hey there CAGsters, 

Ben here with Curse. 

Just wanted to tip you folks off that we've got a sweet giveaway running for Magicka: Wizard Wars.

What's that, you say? The game is free to play? Right you are! That's why we're bundling a top-o-the-line peripheral pack and enough DLC to choke a goat (don't quote me on that) for the lucky winners.

So the question is: do you feel lucky?

If so, head on over to this link to enter.

[Some quick notes: I've got CheapyD's permission to post this, so hopefully I don't get the banhammer. Also, this is a US / UK contest. If you live elsewhere - deepest apologies. No worries, though - other stuff is in the pipeline  :D]

Hey Ben, thanks for posting this. I entered a little while ago, before the deadline closed. Fingers crossed!
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