Man kills over his xbox!

It gets burned in your head, the propoganda....THE PROPOGANDA!!!!!!!! Man, that reminds me of that song from the bar in Beyond Good and Evil. Damn catchy, it 'twas.
This sounds more like a mob hit, I don't think this was really caused by the xbox being stolen. It was probably just the fact that they stole shizznite, still that doesn't make any sense whatever.

This better not get brought up as violent video games influcicing.
Microsoft will probably just use this to launch a new "X-TREME" marketing angle where they'll rephrase the motto to "Xbox. It's fun to slay together.".
Those people got killed on the principle of the matter, i'm seriously doubting anyone would risk jail time just to avenge the loss of an xbox. The fact that the article mentions the xbox and not the brand of clothing shows this is jaded as hell.
Reality's Fringe]Sounds kinda gang-related to me. I mean said:
4[/b] people committed murder over an xbox and some clothes.
"Hey man, that shaq-fu stole my Box!"
"This shall not stand! Assemble the men; we shall attack at dawn!"

It looks like an excuse to take out a rival gang-member/leader without tipping authorities off to the bigger problem(the gang) and setting up an all-too-tried defense(but your honor, the vIDEOGAMES MADE ME DO IT). I could be wrong though, and those people could just be shaq-fuin' nuts.

[quote name='guardian_owl'][quote name='Xevious']You know whats more pathetic than killing a man over an Xbox?

Killing a man over a Gamecube.[/quote]

You know what's more pathetic than both of those together? Killing over an N-gage :twoguns:[/quote]

You got me there!
It'd be better if it were over a Gamecube, cause the cops would have no idea what to do with four 5 year olds.
[quote name='mario23air']"The murder was organized by a man who was angry because he believed his Xbox video game system and some clothes had been stolen, said Sheriff Ben Johnson."[/quote]

I think we're missing the big picture here. It was the clothes, People! He killed over the clothes.

We should put warning labels on clothes to alert and inform the parents and not let anyone under 18 wear clothes. Call your Congressmen.
Stating the obvious, but this didn't really have anything to do with an Xbox. These heartless thugs would have killed over the loss of anything that made them feel disrespected I'm sure. The thing that surprises me the most when I see stuff like this is that the kids must have known they'd get caught quickly. I doubt he'll get much Xbox time from here on in....
bread's done