Mark of Kri: Rise of the Kasai $29.99 at EB B&M YMMV

[quote name='psiufoxx2']Wow that didn't take long..[/QUOTE]

The game got very average reviews.

Mark of Kri was a sleeper hit for it's time, but everything evolved greatly since then. The developers seemingly have the same gameplay as Mark of Kri this time around, and apparently the partner AI is pretty dumb.

Mark of Kri had good 3rd person gameplay back then, but compared to stuff like God of War and DMC 3 (that feel more fluid) it just dosen't compare.

They counted on the games cult status to pull through strong sales for Rise of the Kasai, much like Atlus does on all their games. It works for Atlus, it didn't work for RotK.
It was alright but a very disappointing sequel to a great sleeper hit. I truly enjoyed the first one, Mark of Kri, but this one failed on so many ends. The last one I would have gladly picked up at full price had I known how good it was, this one on the contrary, I'll wait for some more price drops.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']For those who have played this, is it bad because it is bad or bad because it is more of the same?[/QUOTE]

A friend who played it said bad because it's more of the same, espically since games have come out since then that evolved the genre and Rise of the Kasai did nothing to evolve. He also mentioned the very bad partner AI.

He sold it before I could try it, but he told me to wait until it hits 5-10 like Mark of Kri did.
The best part about Rise of the Kasai is it's a lot like the original Mark of Kri; and the worst part about it is it's a lot like the original Mark of Kri. In many ways, it feels like a direct continuation of the first game - which isn't bad per se, but after 3 years, it's not unreasonable to hope they might've done more with the sequel. The graphics, the controls, the camera, the gameplay - and the issues with all of the above - it's all pretty much the same thing as MoK.

Part of the problem is that the most intriguing / promising element of RoK - two-player coop - was stripped out of the game design at some point. So you're left with a semi-competent AI buddy instead, which isn't nearly as satisfying. The coop mode of the last two Tenchu games was kinda half-baked, but at least it was there.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']For those who have played this, is it bad because it is bad or bad because it is more of the same?[/QUOTE]
It's not really bad, necessarily, but it pales in comparison to the original.
It's more of the same, but made worse by the AI of your partner. Most of the game is something like "Okay, I'll just sneak up and stealth kill this guy. What?! No! No, AI partner! Don't run out into his plain sight! Aw, goddamnit! Now he blew his horn and we have to fight off a couple waves of jerks."

I bought it for $20. I don't really regret it, but the game could've (should've) been so much better.
Maybe its a YMMV thing, because its still $39.99 at my local B&M EB.
If it had co-op I would pick it up at $30 and it probably would sell better. But minus co-op and with it coming out about the same time as GOW and DMC3 I think everybody just basically said to themselves "I'll just wait for it to drop to $10-$15 like Mark of Kri did."

There may be cult following for Mark of Kri but probably because it's a good game at an unbeatable price.
[quote name='Masterkyo']Mushashi Samurai Legend is much better :)[/QUOTE]

There's another game that will see a price drop very soon, I bet.
[quote name='Rozz']Maybe its a YMMV thing, because its still $39.99 at my local B&M EB.[/QUOTE]

That's just it. It didn't drop in price at B&M's. The OP either misread the box, or it was mislabeled.
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