Marten got Marten' and more!


42 (100%)
Ok, so as some/most of you know...I have this annoying habit of mailing...erm...random things to people around the world.

Random like dilsticks.

And beer.

And more beer.

Well, I got a taste of my own medicine today when I got home from work.

The box:


Innocent looking enough, I know. Till I opened it...and spied this:



Turn it over.


I knew this was going downhill quickly...already the scheming began in my head as to payback for this.

Course, I had a few other things to deal with:


*sigh* we go:

Box 1!


Ho ho innocent enough start! Peanut butter chocolate ball type things are evil. They stare at you....waiting for you to devour them. Temptation was high.

The green jolly ranchers will hold a special place on my desk until I grow weak.

The tupperware tin holds wasabi peas (with a bit of dog fur perhaps inside, from what I have heard.....?!?!?!?)

On to box 2!


Toys FTW. Michelangelo and pocket sudoku (it's the Ariel box) doesn't get much better than that.

Or so I thought....

Box 3!


.......John fucking Madden. :roll:

Box 4!


I have a gnome.

.......fucking cool. He shall be my desk gnome to help me plot and scheme. :D

Box 5!


You knew it was coming. What more can I say. :lol:

But wait, there's more!

The super secwit envelope!



What was awaiting me!??!?!?


Censored for obvious reasons, of course. There's a story behind this one, which I will let the culprits of this box explain.

Now, who would do this to me?


And the moment of truth...



A worthy box indeed from the creator of the random box.

The gauntlet was thrown, and thrown well. I look forward to you receiving your box in the future. :evil: :D ;)
[quote name='tiredfornow']Can you send me the sticky dick?

I'll pay for shipping! :oops:[/quote]

You going to give it to Johnny?
That is pretty awesome. Random box FTW!

Edit: I should mail random crap too. Pay it forward I say. But I don't have any dildos or dick paraphenalia. :whistle2:k
[quote name='georox']Epic. I should start sending random CAGs doujinshi. That would be fun.[/quote]If there's anything Fire Emblem, send 'er on over.
I demand royalty fees to be paid on that handsome print-out up there.

I also demand it be reprinted with SUFFICIENT INK LEVELS and sent to recipient with an apology letter attached. As well as more royalty fees sent to me.

Gimme sumdat internet money.
How come you didn't take a picture of that coffee can Frosty filled with doodoo from the past weeks, marten?

Definitely the best part of the box. :cool:
I have to applaud Frosty and Chika - they gave me a good laugh for the day.


Although I'm starting to think they need a hobby...maybe, gaming or something...
the irony that they sent the maddens w/the best "curses"....hahahahaha
There are some very mixed messages in this box. :whistle2:k

The Madden collection was a nice touch, though I would've tried to dig up some of the old Genesis editions just for the heck of it. Chika and Frosty FTW! :applause:
[quote name='shrike4242']I wonder if I should check any packages coming from them with the same care as Marten's packages. :lol:[/QUOTE]

The one package I've gotten from Chika was completely tame, though that might be because it was a trade. If it's unsolicited, I'd be on guard.
marten's package was not completely unsolicited. he gave me his name/address knowing the implications then taunted me.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']It's still in it's packaging. Do you want it?[/quote]

in the video, it did not look like the black dong had packaging. they gay cowboy erotica may have been, but that dong was roamin free.
That is so completely awesome. I'm jealous.

When I was in college my friends from back home sent me a couple of boxes like this. Good times and scared my roommate something fierce.
bread's done