Marten's Famous Random Box 2008 (1)


This thread is about Marten's Famous Random Box 2008 (1).
ptuck874 has created a thread for Marten's Famous Random Box 2008 (2).
Marten's generosity in 2006 and 2007 are also documented.

I'll start off by thanking Marten yet again. We all have our own reasons for giving to Child's Play, Marten has given more than I could have ever dreamed of when I decided to make my small contribution. I cannot thank Marten enough for the "Random Box" that he sent to me. I sit here dumbfounded and unable to form words of gratitude. The best I can do is show some pictures as a way of expressing the joy and gratitude that I feel:

I found the box on my porch when I got home from work.

Inside the large box, I found a slightly smaller box.

Following Marten's instructions, I bypassed the envelope and opened the smaller box.

The contents of that smaller box were an Asus Eee PC


and a 16GB iPod Nano



Then my wife got jealous and decided to knock me out so that she could have these fine items all to herself!

Finally, I opened the envelope which contained the theme of the box and a Starbucks gift card so that I'm not a total mooch who steals internet and listens to music without buying anything!

In my desire to play with my new toys while following Marten's wishes, I went outside.

Do you think the snow will present a problem?


Well, when someone has been this generous to me I can't just ignore his wishes.


Okay, okay, I'm not dumb enough to set my shiny new computer down on snow. Luckily I have a snowless bench on my front porch.


It's a little bit cold, but I'm still in heaven...

Sincerely, I thank Marten and all the other CAGs that donated items to raffle. You all are the heart and soul of this community that I try to share with everyone that I meet that loves to play videogames.

PS - Snowflake loves what you sent for her as well. How did you know about her box collection?

Gratz on the EEE, thing is mans best friend. Also, gotta say marten kicks ass for doing all the great stuff he does.

But seriously, EEEs are awesome. Got one for college, thing works like a charm. Boots fast, runs OpenOffice, Thunderbird, FireFox. What more do you need?
Mein Gott, Marten. I don't know you, you don't know me, and I did not even receive the wonderful contents of this beautifully generous Mystery Box, but I still say you are the most magnificent bastard on CAG.

Salud. :applause:
Another awesome prize for someone. Marten reminds me of why I always try to do nice things for people even if it something random.
[quote name='Strell']This makes the entire thread.[/quote]

This made me laugh also.

Indeed another great box, from a great and generous man.
[quote name='Strell']Note to self: Buy cat before raffle next year.

This increases your odds significantly.[/quote]

Sweet. I got a cat a few months ago. I'm totally getting some box next christmas.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Is it still Christmas in Pennsylvania? :lol:[/quote]

I actually thought about this before my wife started taking pictures... it is slightly embarrassing given the date.

Then I realized that decorations are still up for two very good reasons:
1. I LOVE Christmas.
2. I play too many video games to waste time putting things away.

Turns out they are really appropriate because Marten is the best damn Santa the world have ever known.

... Oh and I'm lazy. ;)
Heck of a box, congratulations on winning it.
I am beginning to think that winning the box is better than the ama*on certificate.
More interesting to see what falls out of it.

Marten excellent job
bread's done