Mass Effect Alliance Normandy SR-2 Xbox 360 Avatar Prop [OVER]


The codes have been given out. Thank you all for trying.

Original Post:

I picked up 2 extra codes for the avatar prop at PAX as the expo halls were closing on Sunday and Bioware was handing them out to everyone around their booth. Seeing that I already got mine from playing the demo (after 2hrs wait in line), I figure I'll give it out here. But just posting it would be boring.... So, to keep this Mass Effect related, the first 2 to guess the profile of my customized Shepard will get the codes in PM.

That includes:
Class: Soldier, Engineer, Adept, Infiltrator, Sentinel, Vanguard
Psychological Profile: Sole Survivor, War Hero, Ruthless
Pre-service History: Spacer, Earth-born, Colonist

Hint: One category is the same as default Shepard.

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Great way to do this, better than letting lurkers get or whoever can wikipedia/google the fastest.

My guess is:

Earth Born
Wait . . . so there's only 1 Shepard we are guessing over? And the first 2 people to get it right get the codes? If so, my guess is below . . .

Class: Soldier
Profile: War Hero
History: Spacer

Thanks for the chance! I've been wanting one of these for a long, long time.

EDIT: Got my fingers crossed that Thekrakrabbit and myself have it right!
Class: Adept
Psychological Profile: Ruthless
Pre-service History: Earth-born

Good luck everybody!! That prop sure does looks spiffy!! :)
bread's done