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[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Yeah, the first lesbian sex scene was mediocre. But there's another one if you are a female shepard (which I was), and if you romanced Liara (which I did). It's far superior to the one you mentioned in the spoiler. It even had some nudity in it XD[/quote]
So does the male version of the same thing, though. The Ashley one is way better than the Liara one on the Male side, IMO. I'm playing a Female shepard right now (HATE the voice... The face I made doesn't match at ALL) so I'll see if there are any differences once I get to that point.

I think the sex bits were tastefully done. It isn't like they showed Liara with 50 dicks in her ass like the plumes of a peacock in the romance cutscene or anything... It was really tame, PG13, or super light R, kind of stuff, but it got the message across.

As an aside, if anyone likes comedy, get the Patton Oswalt, Werewolves and Lollipops CD/DVD set.
I'm going for Ash in my current playthrough. I was hoping to get her with my female Shepard, but no T.T The best would have been a threesome option like Jade Empire had.

Also I have the opposite problem with my Shepards. The male one I made doesn't match the voice at all, while I liked female Shep's voice.
Oh yeah.. Minor note:

The 'get all primary codex entries' achievment works across multiple playthroughs -- I got it at the beginning of my third playthrough with a new shepard.
[quote name='whiptcracker']I plan on playing a second time through so can someone tell me
How do I save Wrex? Did I miss a side mission? I was told you can save him.
There's two ways to save him. You can either do his side mission where you find his family's armor, then pick the appropriate response. Or you can have really high charm or intimidate, and pick those responses (they'll be highlighted blue or red respectively).
[quote name='whiptcracker']I plan on playing a second time through so can someone tell me
How do I save Wrex? Did I miss a side mission? I was told you can save him.

I assume you're talking shooting him on Virmire? Use the Charm or Intimidate options in the conversation with him, he'll stand down.

If it isn't that, I'm not sure WHAT you're talking about.
[quote name='BattleChicken']
I assume you're talking shooting him on Virmire? Use the Charm or Intimidate options in the conversation with him, he'll stand down.

If it isn't that, I'm not sure WHAT you're talking about.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's it. I had my intimidate up high, but wasn't given the option. Heard there's a side mission that will also prevent it?
[quote name='whiptcracker']Yeah, that's it. I had my intimidate up high, but wasn't given the option. Heard there's a side mission that will also prevent it?[/QUOTE]
See my previous post.
Whipit's question just got me thinking about how good Mass Effect's story is.

While short if you skip all the extras, the main plot is REALLY good. I was really suprised about the twists on Virmire. I couldn't put the controller down through the very end of the game after that planet.

The Ferros plot also suprised me.. not becuase I didn't see some form of that coming, but the way they implimented it, and how it all came together from talking to the people in town.. then confirmed later on was great.

I discovered the 'Bonus powers' last night too -- my new Soldier has the barrier ability from my vanguard, that was an unexpected plus! Also, the availability from level 1 of some of the high level gear was also cool.. I didn't expect to have the option to buy the Spectre equipment at level 1.. not that I had the cash for it...

Lots of replay value for me in this game. Money well spent!
Just beat this game on Saturday, I clocked in at 29 hours on my first playthrough and reached level 50 during the last level.

At the spot where the geth dropships continuously drop off geth and you have the turrets that help you out.

I did every single side mission that I could find, except I had a glitch in
the Feros mission where you had to activate the 3 water valves and report to someone back at the colony, there was nobody for me to report to and finish the quest.
I explored every fucking planet, but couldn't find all of the Rare minerals. I had OVER the required amount of all the other minerals, but couldn't find ONE more, which pissed me off a lot.

I was surprised when I didn't get any of the "ally" achievements, I had Wrex in my party for a large part of the game, I guess that wasn't enough. I got the achievements for some of the biotics (throw, lift, warp) and I just began my second playthrough, but I'm really annoyed that I can't skip some of the cut-scenes. I didn't get any of the Paragon/Renegade achievements either, I played it more as how I would personally make decisions, not leaning to either one side.

Overall, great game. I felt that the ending really had an epic feel and that I was basically taking part in an actual movie rather than just playing a game. Sure, the frame-rate takes a shit every once in a while, but that didn't effect my gameplay as much. I REALLY didn't like the ~15 FPS on one of the planets where snow is being blown across the screen, LEAVE THAT SHIT OUT.

Another thing that bugged me was the fucking organization of all your items. Sure, I fucking know I've reached the 150 item limit, but let me trash something OTHER than the new shit I just picked up. I also hated how if you wanted to trash a lower-level item, you had to scroll all the way down, omni-gel it, and then go BACK down that list again for other lower-level items. I would much rather have "Press X to choose which items, then press B to delete all selected items" rather than going to each one individually. I also had no problem with money or omni-gel. By the end of my first playthrough, I had over 7 million credits and maxed out my omni-gel at 999. There was never a need to conserve money or conserve items for that matter, you would eventually find all the good shit by killing people, not buying it.

And in conclusion, the Mako handles like a piece of dogshit at the end of a Slinky.
[quote name='menikmati']I REALLY didn't like the ~15 FPS on one of the planets where snow is being blown across the screen, LEAVE THAT SHIT OUT.[/quote]
Haha, yeah. I landed on a planet like that, and to make things worse I went to a decoy beacon then a bunch of Geth shown up. 15 FPS + shit-ton of snow on your screen = takes forever to hit anything in the MAKO.
The Mako handles a lot better if you hold the left stick forward and just steer with the right most of the time.

Not sure how you didn't find enough rare minerals. I had significantly over the required amount in all 3 of my games. In my current game I have 28 with 5 or 6 planets still left to land on. I assume you know that every landable planet has 2-3 minerals to mine that won't show up on the map screen initially or you probably would be missing more than just the rares. Also do a quick skim of all asteroid belts to see if there are any you can survey in there. The asteroids can be hard to spot. Remember new systems open up with new quests too so you'll have to survey those planets as well as get the stuff on land. If none of that helps with the rares I have no idea.

I haven't had the framerate problems others are talking about. I get a slight slowdown very rarely but it never lasts for more than a second or two.

[quote name='menikmati']Just beat this game on Saturday, I clocked in at 29 hours on my first playthrough and reached level 50 during the last level.

At the spot where the geth dropships continuously drop off geth and you have the turrets that help you out.

I did every single side mission that I could find, except I had a glitch in
the Feros mission where you had to activate the 3 water valves and report to someone back at the colony, there was nobody for me to report to and finish the quest.
I explored every fucking planet, but couldn't find all of the Rare minerals. I had OVER the required amount of all the other minerals, but couldn't find ONE more, which pissed me off a lot.

I was surprised when I didn't get any of the "ally" achievements, I had Wrex in my party for a large part of the game, I guess that wasn't enough. I got the achievements for some of the biotics (throw, lift, warp) and I just began my second playthrough, but I'm really annoyed that I can't skip some of the cut-scenes. I didn't get any of the Paragon/Renegade achievements either, I played it more as how I would personally make decisions, not leaning to either one side.

Overall, great game. I felt that the ending really had an epic feel and that I was basically taking part in an actual movie rather than just playing a game. Sure, the frame-rate takes a shit every once in a while, but that didn't effect my gameplay as much. I REALLY didn't like the ~15 FPS on one of the planets where snow is being blown across the screen, LEAVE THAT SHIT OUT.

Another thing that bugged me was the fucking organization of all your items. Sure, I fucking know I've reached the 150 item limit, but let me trash something OTHER than the new shit I just picked up. I also hated how if you wanted to trash a lower-level item, you had to scroll all the way down, omni-gel it, and then go BACK down that list again for other lower-level items. I would much rather have "Press X to choose which items, then press B to delete all selected items" rather than going to each one individually. I also had no problem with money or omni-gel. By the end of my first playthrough, I had over 7 million credits and maxed out my omni-gel at 999. There was never a need to conserve money or conserve items for that matter, you would eventually find all the good shit by killing people, not buying it.

And in conclusion, the Mako handles like a piece of dogshit at the end of a Slinky.[/QUOTE]
From just looking through the codex, in ME2 I want an Elcor party member. Would also be a great foil for a Salarian if they were to add one to the team.
[quote name='Agrippan']From just looking through the codex, in ME2 I want an Elcor party member. Would also be a great foil for a Salarian if they were to add one to the team.[/quote]If the elcor is like the robot from KOTOR, I'm all for it!

I enjoyed the speaking style throwback to HK-47... now we just need the hatred of meatbags.
Oh god. You really want an Elcor party member?

Not only are they boring to talk to (an HK-47-like Elcor would seem very strange after talking to the ones in ME), but from reading the codex it seems that they are wimps trapped inside an intimidating beast's body.

I'd rather have a Volus party member. He could wear spiked-body armor, and I could tell him to curl up into a ball so I can Throw him at enemies :lol:
[quote name='mrelusive']Oh god. You really want an Elcor party member?

Not only are they boring to talk to (an HK-47-like Elcor would seem very strange after talking to the ones in ME), but from reading the codex it seems that they are wimps trapped inside an intimidating beast's body.

I'd rather have a Volus party member. He could wear spiked-body armor, and I could tell him to curl up into a ball so I can Throw him at enemies :lol:[/quote]
While the fastball special is intriguing, this entry pretty much sums up why I think an elcor would be great:

The massive bodies of the elcor cannot move quickly. Fortunately, they are extremely tough-skinned, and can carry incredibly heavy equipment. Elcor warriors don’t dodge incoming fire; they shrug it off or endure it. They don’t carry small arms; their broad shoulders serve as a stable platform for the same size of weapons typically mounted on Alliance fighting vehicles.

It would be like having Eeyore on your squad. A 10-foot tall Eeyore with a Gauss cannon.
I forget the name of those guys, but the fat merchant guys with the gas mask suits would be sweet in party... probably would mainly be a tech character, though they aren't known to be a part of combat in any way.
[quote name='mrelusive']I wonder how the Hannar (jellies) handle combat. Maybe they can destroy worlds just by thinking it?[/QUOTE]

"This one prefers to lay on beaches and shock humanoids"
Oh, I can just imagine the dialog if the game allowed you to play other races.

Hannar: This one would prefer to just kill you right now.
Elcor: Hostile Retort. fuck you.
HAHAHA! I just tea bagged Ethan Jeong. He's the ExoGeni scientist who's all like "If that's the way it's gotta be, then COME ON, COME ON!"


And I didn't even choose an intimidating choice either. I was like WTF?!
[quote name='nintendokid']HAHAHA! I just tea bagged Ethan Jeong. He's the ExoGeni scientist who's all like "If that's the way it's gotta be, then COME ON, COME ON!"


And I didn't even choose an intimidating choice either. I was like WTF?![/quote]

I love when stuff like that happens, although it is shocking (in a good way, I think). It's hilarious going from "Paragon" to "Renegade" in the same conversation. Example with the reporter:
Her: Can I interview you?
Me: Sure, go ahead. Some stuff may be classified, though.
Her: What do you think about being the first human Spectre?
Me: It's just a job, ma'am. I still wear a uniform.
Her: Has there ever been any time when the Council has asked you to put their interests ahead of humanity's?

Also awesome was on the Salarian mission:

Conversation options:
1) Come on, Wrex, we can work this out!
2) What would you like from me?
3) Shoot Wrex.
The normandy's elevator has some writing on the ceiling: TLX 008 WXM AT

Any idea what it means or is it just something there for no reason.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Has anyone else figured out what to do with the Prothean globe which has a key hole underneath it on Electania?[/quote]
Yes... kind of.

You get the 'key' from the Asari Consort.

If you convince the general to act like a general AND talk to the elcor diplomat, the consort should give you a trinket. That trinket is the key.
then you flashback to a caveman on Earth.

Apparently the Protheans took to tagging humans, and monitoring them.

Freaky Protheans...

I'm not sure if you can get the trinket from the Consort AFTER you finish the quest bit with the general in it. I'm also not sure if there are required dialogue options to get it. I've done that part three times, got it twice. The time I didn't get the trinket, I didn't bother with the elcor before I saw the conort after convincing Septimus

I don't know if there is another part of the side quest that I'm not aware of after the globe, though. If anyone knows that, fill me in too.

There is also a... ring of Geth? Several cannons and armatures guarding some kind of circle?... with no obvious interaction/purpose on one of the planets in the system where you're blowing up the Geth installations for a mission. I think its even in the same system as the orb?

I never found a purpose for it, I'm wondering if i missed something myself.
Ring of Geth is mainly just a shrine to the Reapers... that's pretty much it, as for the caveman thing, even though it was just a thing in text, I thought it was badass... wish most of the sidequests were handled this way
[quote name='Spybreak8']Hmm that's weird, I did everything and I don't remember getting anything from her. Oh well, sounds cool.[/QUOTE]

You get sex or words for talking to the general. You get the trinket for telling the Elcor that she didn't rat him out after you talk to the general.
Just finished it last night and beyond the technical and presentations issues (poor item organization and terrible framerate on snow levels), I really enjoyed it.

I wish I could keep my character's stats but make him a her instead of staring a new character, but I'll still play through the main quests as second time as a renegade this time.

I'm curious to see which party characters can die in the game. I played through and had Ashley die during the attack on Virmire, but it looks like I could have killed Wrex, Ashely or Kaiden in the level. Does anybody know if other characters can die or just these three?

EDIT: I loved the alien sex scene - my girl friend walked into the room during the scene and I was really embarassed!
[quote name='RudyPants']EDIT: I loved the alien sex scene - my mother came down to the basement during the scene and I was really embarassed![/quote]

Corrected for accuracy.
[quote name='RudyPants']
I'm curious to see which party characters can die in the game. I played through and had Ashley die during the attack on Virmire, but it looks like I could have killed Wrex, Ashely or Kaiden in the level. Does anybody know if other characters can die or just these three?
No. Just them.
[quote name='thorbahn3']You get sex or words for talking to the general. You get the trinket for telling the Elcor that she didn't rat him out after you talk to the general.[/quote]

Ah lol all I remember is the sex part, or should I say the hand on the window, ouuuww wow that showed a lot!
[quote name='Spybreak8']Ah lol all I remember is the sex part, or should I say the hand on the window, ouuuww wow that showed a lot![/quote]
You should see the amount of videos on YouTube that show that one scene, with the uploaders thinking that was the sex scene everyone was pumped about, and shouting profanity about how the game sucked because of it :lol:
I at least wanted to see what the Quarians actually look like. They dropped some hints in the codex, but I guess they're waiting to deliver.
[quote name='Agrippan']I at least wanted to see what the Quarians actually look like. They dropped some hints in the codex, but I guess they're waiting to deliver.[/quote]
I'd love to see some hot Volus on Quarian porn... is taken...?
I'm a very biased JRPG kinda guy but I gotta say I love this game. I'm about 15 hours in. Just wanted to let ya'll know that.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']don't know why people don't take time to do the romance plots... at least with those you get more skin and
pink smoke...?

Don't forget 10 Achivements points. BTW I just started playing as a female for the first time and is it me or does she run quicker than the male counterpart?
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I'm a very biased JRPG kinda guy but I gotta say I love this game. I'm about 15 hours in. Just wanted to let ya'll know that.[/QUOTE]

Welcome Brother, I knew you had good taste since the VP2: Silmeria thread. You're going to get a kick out of this one for sure.

I'm on my fourth playthrough now, getting amped up to try insanity mode without using the Soldier Fitness/Win button.
[quote name='Agrippan']I at least wanted to see what the Quarians actually look like. They dropped some hints in the codex, but I guess they're waiting to deliver.[/quote]

I think it would be too complicated, isn't it because of the whole bubble boy thing like they'd die if they took their suits off. It's prob the mystery that draws us in or of course the sexy accent.;)
The codex mentioned speculation that the Quarians were part-cybernetic, but that might just be an example of one of the baseless rumors indicative of the prejudice that the other races have for them.
[quote name='Agrippan']The codex mentioned speculation that the Quarians were part-cybernetic, but that might just be an example of one of the baseless rumors indicative of the prejudice that the other races have for them.[/quote]

Would make sense considering their history with cybernetics and the Geth.
(they created them)
I think the Quarians will play a bigger role in the sequels. I am hoping that you will meet more of them and maybe
get their help with the geth, and maybe even get the geth to join you in the fight, since they are just being used.
I just started this and it's like watching a slideshow. Also, I keep dying and my gun won't continuously fire. I have no idea what I'm doing either (no tutorial?). I am definitely not impressed so far but I guess I'll keep playing since most people seem to love it...
bread's done