Mass Effect

I got a digital copy from the EA Store for £9.99 (£3 cheaper than Steam); not sure about US prices though.
im pretty sure you can download it straight to your xbox now, otherwise im sure its the same price everywhere
I picked it up at Kmart about a month ago for $9.99. Tag said $19.99 (which is the normal price everywhere else) but it rang up for the $9.99 price that was in the ad. Just finished it the other day, great game.
I got mine on digital distribution. But I believe you can get it from STEAM ( and possibly Direct2Drive ( Looks like hard copies are a bit inflated on
I was hoping for the 360 version, I have been hitting up all the Targets and Walmarts in my area but they said they dont carry it anymore. I have been to 3 Gamestops and was told they only carry it used and rarely get it anymore, and it is $25 used if they do happen to get it.
I was in the same boat as you recently, I wanted to do a quick ME1 playthrough to import into ME2. I tried every place near me that sells games (Target, Best Buy, Microcenter) and no one had it. It was also out of stock on Amazon at the time (though I think they have it back in stock now). I was starting to think, wow, maybe this game is getting rare and hard to find. I ended up getting a copy from, $19.99.
Kmart, Wal-Mart, Target. These retailers still have the Platinum Hits version (with Bring Down the Sky DLC on it) available. Seen it with me own 2 eyes.
It was one of my first 360 games and im finally playing it! Enjoying the heck outta of it so far...
If you get really, really lucky and find one at tru they're on clearance for $5. But they are almost impossible to find there nowadays. I've also been looking for ME and tried finding one at tru the other day with no luck.

I'm just going to wait for when I have some amazon video game credit and buy from them.
bread's done