Massive used PS3, PSP and DS Lite system pricedrops at GameCrazy - July 4th Weekend


72 (100%)
all BC PS3s 279.99. all non bc ps3s 249.99.

psp slims are 89.99. psp phats are 69.99.

ds lites are 79.99.

these are all prices for used systems so ymmv on stock. this also suggests a new ps3 drop to 299.99 soon. another manager called me with this info.. will verify prices momentarily.
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[quote name='thehoweller']Not to step on your toes, but I asked the manager, they don't refurbish consoles. He said all of the DSs in the display case were as they were when they were traded in. So looks as if I got the shaft, unless he's ignorant.[/quote]

I'm confused as to what the shipment I reveiced of 30 big, white boxes that say "REFURBISHED DS LITE" on them are, then. In all fairness, only a few stores got shipments of refurbished DS's. I'll get a picture for you sometime as proof.

I should note, I'm not saying all Gamecrazys don't refurbish, I'm just saying that my backwards one doesn't.

You know that the stores themselves don't refurbish them, right? They ship them off as defects and the refurbs get sent to the stores. Refurbished DS Lites aren't common in the company, but GC does refurbish consoles.

The good thing about the warranty with GC and used systems is that if it stops working for any reason, you just bring it back and get another. No dealing with Nintendo for repairs, etc. It's great for 360's :)
Damn this is a super awesome deal! If I already didn't have a PS3 I would totaly get one. The PS3 slim is coming this year, there is too much evidence that it is.

From the new bundle being sold like MGS4 and KZ2 with a 80 at best buy.
I called in and was rather surprised to hear the girl on the other end not only know about the deal, but was rather cheerful. Practically wiped a joyful tear from my eye at such customer service.

Anyway, they had a couple in stock and I managed to pick up the red God of War edition PSP2000 for just under $90. No games yet for it though, I can wait and get all that stuff online for cheap, but this was a great deal. As far as I could tell they aren't fixed up or anything, the silver PSP2000 they had got some iffy scuffs and scrapes on it. So best to get a closer look before dipping into your pocket for your wallet.
thanks OP. i picked up a PSP slim, it was in really good condition. when i was at the register someone called and was looking for one too. good thing i decided to buy it, i grabbed the last one. all of the other gamecrazys near me don't have any in stock. too bad there are no 60gb ps3's in stock, i would've gotten one today too.
I picked up a 60G PS3 yesterday only to get it home and have it die within 10 minutes with the 3 beep red ping of death. I had purchased the last one at that store, the only other one was 40 miles away. I drive there, pick up an 80G BC model, have to pay the price difference, only to get that one home and find out it isn't the BC model. I call the store back, they won't just refund me the $30 price difference, but now have to ship my local store a real 80G BC PS3 and I can return the one I have. They said should be there sometime this week, so I'll have to follow up to see if it gets shipped in. I have waited awhile for a PS3 and maybe by the end of the week I'll have the one I purchased. A side note, when I first purchased a PS3, salesman was pushing the $50 warranty hard and said that if I didn't take it, GC wouldn't except a return on a defective unit. He then had me sign a non warranty card, which said that I had a 90 day warranty on the system. When I asked about it, he said what he ment to say was that there was no warrenty besides the 90 day one.....

[quote name='WiiShopChannels']is it better to get a PSP 3000 or 2000?? or do I simply get the best looking PSP they have?[/QUOTE]

From my experience, and the other posts, you'll be lucky to get any choice at all.
[quote name='WiiShopChannels']I found this DS on the ground with an R4 stuck it in (It was placed in backwards). It won't yank out though. lol. Anything I can do with it?[/QUOTE]

Considering that you got it for free and it doesn't work, why not take it apart to see if you can get the R4 our of it. Worse comes to worse, try to replace the connectors if they are damaged.

[quote name='omeggy']I picked up a 60G PS3 yesterday only to get it home and have it die within 10 minutes with the 3 beep red ping of death. I had purchased the last one at that store, the only other one was 40 miles away. I drive there, pick up an 80G BC model,[/QUOTE]

Personally, I would have kept the 60gb one and would have tried to get Sony to repair it.

[quote name='WiiShopChannels']is it better to get a PSP 3000 or 2000?? or do I simply get the best looking PSP they have?[/QUOTE]

Both are rather the same with the exception of a built in mic and an "improved" screen on the PSP-3000. But the 3000's interlaced screen apparently makes some graphics extremely jaggy.
Picked up 80 BC PS3 and PSP fat today. Both were last available and the PS3 was actually going to be shipped to another store but the manager checked and was able to sell it to me. The PS3 also came with 12 free game rentals from Hollywood video. The girl at the counter was really nice and well informed. It had been raining really hard and one of the guys in the shop actually held the door for me so I could rush in and not get too wet. Customer service is so awesome! Also bought 3 DS games as ALL used games were buy 2 get 1 free.

The condition of both units is really good. PS3 has some minor scuffs and the PSP just needed some screen polishing and now appears to be flawless. The battery is the only thing I'm concerned about because I'd hate to have to play with it plugged in all the time (like the laptop I'm typing this on atm). But I'm pretty sure the battery can be replaced so it's no biggie.
I wish my local game crazy's had one in stock, but the BC models do not last around here from what I've seen.

I'd like to pick up a 2nd one for when the GF gets her TV so that we can game side by side and don't have to worry about who's playing what.
[quote name='thehoweller']Not to step on your toes, but I asked the manager, they don't refurbish consoles.[/QUOTE]

Just to cover my own tracks ~ this is what the top of the refurb boxes for the DS and PSP look like. I didn't post the other side as it has the console serial number and UPC, along with product transfer information.

Yeah, the PSPs I saw were just in a glass case with a big ol' $89.99 sales sticker taped to the front. Luckily the tape didn't leave any film.
sale is still on today.. i thought it'd only be for this weekend. guess i was wrong. there is no firm end date, only "limited time only". will post when i hear about an end date.
$279.99 for a 60GB??? Makes me think GC knows about the new PS3 slims with BC emulation coming with the $299.99 price drop.

Just a wish but a pretty good sign ...
My Gamecrazy sucks. I think they're worse than Gstops in my local area because these two employees were trying to shove their mvp down my throat and a one year warranty and a PSP case and this and that and this and that... while at Gstop they just ask and I say no thanks and it's over.
So I went in hoping to find a used ps3 because my 60 GB got the YLOD two months ago and they said "Nah, we haven't had any used ps3s for a few months now." So I decide to look at their used systems and they have the standard $50 Xbox, $30 Gamecubes, $30 N64, DS Phats, DS Lites and 1 PSP. I'm like eh... I actually own one of each already so I guess I'll just leave. Then one of the employees is all like wait! I have a PSP 3000 you can buy and just sell on ebay and I'm like Hmm I could do that. So I'm checking it out and I'm like heeeeey I'm not an idiot. I knew it wasn't a PSP 3000 just by looking at the screen, the Home button and the sliders, so I ask "Is this really a 3000?" and the guy says, "OF COURSE!".
So I show him the bottom of it where it says PSP-2001.
Then I laugh and walk out.
[quote name='Scorch']Just to cover my own tracks ~ this is what the top of the refurb boxes for the DS and PSP look like. I didn't post the other side as it has the console serial number and UPC, along with product transfer information.


The DS I bought has a 3-hour battery life. I'm going to return it sometime this week after I make sure (last time I returned a crappy PS2 they sold me, they kept attempting to show me the door by suspecting that I was lying).. But yeah...Question, is there any way that I can return it to another Gamecrazy and make sure that I get a refurbished unit, other than their resold shit?
Wow, knowing all of these problems you guys encountered from the products you guys bought at GC. It seems its probably just better to buy a new one and not have go through all of the hassel.
[quote name='gamerpro4000']Wow, knowing all of these problems you guys encountered from the products you guys bought at GC. It seems its probably just better to buy a new one and not have go through all of the hassel.[/QUOTE]

Dang i was just about to post that.

Yea, the prices are great on their used crap, but thats what it is. used crap. Im all for buying a used system, as long as its in good condish. But with all you guys having problems with your purchases from them it i feel like it would just be worth spending some more money on a brand new console.

although ds's prolly wouldnt be too bad from them. but i would NEVER buy a ps3 from them. i think they get all the old ones with all the problems, and i dont want an old one specifically because of the problems it had. screw that. im waiting for that slim ps3 with NO problems ;)
you have as much of a chance of a used system being bad at gc as you do at gs. its not the company, its the customers.

the sale is not over. just call and ask if they have refurb ds's.
Thanks to the OP for this deal. I thought I was going to miss out, but luckily I managed to snag a phat PSP today. The deal was still in effect.

The PSP I got was in really good condition. Screen was immaculate, came with a screen protector. Now I just need to check the quality of the battery and have yet to try any games on it.

edit: Forgot to add, be sure to ask for the coupon sheet that gives you free rentals for a whole year. It apparently applies to used systems as well.
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Sorry if this has been posted (I did search) but it looks like this deal is back on. I picked up a $69 PSP 1000 this afternoon on my lunch. The GC employee said it had started again "a couple days ago" and they had sold out of the PS3's pretty quickly.
The prices for used psp is pretty awesome, but from my past experience with the assholes at GC, I'd have to pass.

GC sold me defective shit, accursed me of lying, waste hours of my time waiting for them to test the defective shit, then refused to refund my purchase... they only give store credit... so once your cash enter their store, you can only get shit back...
bread's done