Maybe I'm getting old but..


Why when I go to a place that employees younger adults (16-19) they all have there cell phones out or on them? For instance, I went to a grocery store to pick up a few things on the way home and they cashier had her cell phone out texting people while she was ringing up my items. Needless to say a few items were missed being scanned. But my question is why is this allowed to happen? I know I shouldn't be expecting excellent service everywhere I go, but letting employees ignore people is just unacceptable.
[quote name='jcp4322']Why when I go to a place that employees younger adults (16-19) they all have there cell phones out or on them? For instance, I went to a grocery store to pick up a few things on the way home and they cashier had her cell phone out texting people while she was ringing up my items. Needless to say a few items were missed being scanned. But my question is why is this allowed to happen? I know I shouldn't be expecting excellent service everywhere I go, but letting employees ignore people is just unacceptable.[/QUOTE]

cell phones are for the most part entirely unacceptable period.. no one needs to be talking on their phones all day every day.. I hate the buisness types that come into our restaurant with the stupid bluetooth earpiece thing and think they are just the hottest shit in the world..

this one time me and my girlfriend were at one of our favorite pubs and they had a new server and she brought us our menus while she was talking on the cell phone.. needless to say she did not get tipped.. and i always tip..

I'm 22.. i have a cell phone.. I rarely use it..
[quote name='CrimGhost']People who work in retail just don't care buddy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I understand that, but you'd think the management of the store would discourage or disallow this to happen.
The people I hate even more are the ones who constantly have their stupid iPod earbuds in, no matter what they are doing. Grocery shopping, WHILE WATCHING a movie, eating at establishments. Is your damn hipster indie rock music so awesome that you have to listen to it while you take a piss in the urinals at Sportmart?
[quote name='urzishra14'] I hate the buisness types that come into our restaurant with the stupid bluetooth earpiece thing and think they are just the hottest shit in the world.. .[/QUOTE]

Wow I hate those things too. It seems like whenever I go to BestBuy or an electronic store, people think they need to look cool or somthing by wearing one of those stupid earpieces :bomb:
Wow, if they're doing that and it's not part of their jobs, I would think they would be fired. They're not exactly doing their jobs if they're busy text messaging people. I don't get the whole craze, it would take me like five minutes just to type out one message.
At my store personal phone calls are not allowed while on the clock. I sometimes am on my cell phone while ringing up a customer but the calls are work related (discussing merchandise that was delivered, if everyone showed up for their shiftss etc.) I try not to though as I think it looks bad in front of a customer but it sometimes can't be avoided.

The worst is at amusement parks where I have seen pictures (Six Flags Magic Mountain) of employees texting and on phones while operating a ride. Your safety is somewhat in their hands and I wouldn't like a ride op to be using a phone while they should be running a ride.

I hate those ear pieces as well. I sometimes ring up a customer and I think they are talking to me when they are talking to someone else on the phone.
I don't own a Cell Phone, because I don't give a fuck about everybody's life or what the hell they are doing. I also don't want people barging into my life. So when I see assholes on Cell Phones when they shouldn't be, it makes me want to get their ass in so much trouble, lol. If I ever saw an employee on the cell phone while checking me out at a store like wal mart, I would report them to the manager becsuse if your call is more important that my buisness then you shouldn't be working there. I don't mind people listening to iPods when shopping or whatnot but please don't blast the fucking music that I hate or do it when you are working at a non desk job, lol.
I like even better when they DON'T have a cell, but they still barely acknowledge your existence. That happened at BB once, not even the obligatory "have a nice day" in a churlish tone at the end. And who was drooling down her shirt over her shoulder? Her MANAGER! I am disgusted with youth. That's why, when they get to my classes, they wonder why they don't get As for breathing.
[quote name='browneyedgal68']I like even better when they DON'T have a cell, but they still barely acknowledge your existence. That happened at BB once, not even the obligatory "have a nice day" in a churlish tone at the end. And who was drooling down her shirt over her shoulder? Her MANAGER! I am disgusted with youth. That's why, when they get to my classes, they wonder why they don't get As for breathing.[/QUOTE]

I would never disregard a customer who uses the word churlish.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I don't own a Cell Phone, because I don't have any friends outside of world of warcraft.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='specialk']maybe i'm just not that important, but i don't have that much to talk about all day everyday...iunno.[/QUOTE]

neither do the people who talk all day every day. I personally don't like bullshitting all the time, but that's all people do on the phone. there's keeping in touch, then there's "omg i can't stand 3 seconds of silence because I'm so insecure" :lol:
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']fix'd[/quote]You would think I would get pissed off that statement, but actually no. I do have friends outside of WoW, but most of them are geeks like me anyway so there is no point to call them, but rather AIM them, lol. The only reason I play WoW is to play with my Schools ACM chapter, which a lot of us play, but unlike me most of them are worse, lol. I try to balance other things with Warcraft but for some of my friends, it's all they do, lol.
I hate the people (women in my case) that make and take calls while they're taking a dump in a public bathroom. By taking a dump I mean all sounds and groans included - while they are talking!! (And this is in an office building)

And don't get me started on the ones who don't wash their hands....

[quote name='Graystone']People just don't care anymore.[/quote]
This pretty much sums up our society. I find myself saying it a lot...
[quote name='moiety']I hate the people (women in my case) that make and take calls while they're taking a dump in a public bathroom. By taking a dump I mean all sounds and groans included - while they are talking!! (And this is in an office building)[/QUOTE]

OMG! I hear that ALL the time. DIS-gusting! And I can't believe the other person doesn't mind when they say "oh yeah, I'm in the bathroom."

Truthfully, I don't understand what people have so much to talk about. I use mine for business, mostly with my summer job because I'm out of town, but mainly it's so people who take care of my kids can reach me, and a little bit because my school year job takes me through some choice neighborhoods I wouldn't want to walk long in if I got a flat. I barely use minutes.
[quote name='urzishra14']cell phones are for the most part entirely unacceptable period.. no one needs to be talking on their phones all day every day.. I hate the buisness types that come into our restaurant with the stupid bluetooth earpiece thing and think they are just the hottest shit in the world....[/quote]

I hear that. Normally it doesnt bother me all that much but I was in the theater not too long ago to see Spiderman 3 and I was having a hard enough time paying attention. But what made it even worse was there was a dude that sat down and to the left of me with one of those things and it had a super bright blue LED light that would blink. It was distracting and so f/ing annoying.
As a retail manager, I do not allow any of my employees to use cell phones while they are at work. I have actually fired a girl once simply because she couldn't keep her ass off the phone, even after warning her several times before and giving her an ultimatium stating "I will fire you if I see you using your phone one more time." It took less than 30 minutes before I caught her again, and she was *surprised* that I fired her.
Dealing with retail employees on cell phones is bad enough. The bigger problem is that these same idiots are driving with their cell phones.
man this reminds me of a few weeks ago when i was in pep boys... this lady was returning a stero and was on her cell phone the entire time. The Cashier was trying to be paitent and talk to the lady....but she just kept ignoring the cashier... and she would just chime in here and there.... i wanted to slap the shit out of her.

just put down the fucking phone.... what could be so important that you need to talk to somebody while returning something.
[quote name='rajchakrabarti']man this reminds me of a few weeks ago when i was in pep boys... this lady was returning a stero and was on her cell phone the entire time. The Cashier was trying to be paitent and talk to the lady....but she just kept ignoring the cashier... and she would just chime in here and there.... i wanted to slap the shit out of her.

just put down the fucking phone.... what could be so important that you need to talk to somebody while returning something.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I don't ever use my cell phone while I'm buying something / returning something / any sort of interaction with any sort of retail person - I might send a text or something, but I'll never be yacking on my phone ignoring them, that's kind of rude.

I don't mind when employees send text messages or anything like that as long as they aren't currently dealing with any customers... I don't want to be in the checkout line and the girl has to stop ringing me out to send a text, for instance, but if her line is dead, it's not hurting anything... whatever gets the retail people through the dark and dreary day.

It's no different, imo, then the people with desk jobs who just surf the internet all day and IM their friends.
If I happen to be on the phone when I get up to a register, I tell the caller to hold on, and make my purchase. I always give full attention to the cashier.

I was once a cashier myself and know all about the pricks.
[quote name='Xevious']Dealing with retail employees on cell phones is bad enough. The bigger problem is that these same idiots are driving with their cell phones.[/quote]

Don't get me started on that shit. Last year, Chicago "banned" cell phone use while a person is driving. I don't think I've heard about 1 person getting pulled over since for talking on their phone while driving. Even the cops talk on their phones while they're driving!
I agree with most of what everyone said. Roufuss makes a great point.
My girlfriend and I both carry cell phones on the same plan, but since we have those, we don't have a normal house phone. I never ever talk on a cell phone if I'm at work in a non-desk capacity or have something that I'm currently supposed to be plugging away at. Most work places forbid it... I'm kinda shocked from some of the stories told on here... of course, alot of younger people have the mentality that getting fired from a job is funny and aren't too concerned about it when it comes in conflict with their personal wants (notice I didn't say "needs"). I'm not even a big cellphone talker. It's usually just to spread some news or to plan a dinner or get togethers with friends and family. If someone calls just to chat, I'll chat for a moment or two, run out of something to talk about and then pass the phone on to my girlfriend. I get made fun of for pawning off phone calls like that all the time, but I just don't like to casually chat on the phone.
As for the earpiece, we both got one of the $90 Motorola Bluetooth earpieces for free with our phones and I only use it when driving or doing something around the house when my g/f calls on her long commute home, just so I don't get a crick in my neck or have to use an awful cell phone speaker phone (face it, they all blow). She practically never uses hers. I never wear it in public because it makes me (and anyone else) look like a Borg reject.
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