Media Go won't let me download PSN games to PC First


I just got a nice used Kratos Red PSP from gamestop. When I try to download games via Playstation Network I must always have my PSP attached to my PC. The media Go program just bitches about me connecting my PSP via USB before it will proceed if I should want to play a game and remove the PSP the download fails after it downloads the entire game to my PC. Yes it doesn't actually need the PSP to be connected to my PC because it first dl the game to the hardrive. I know this because I needed to clear enough space for FF7 before it would download.

This is the dumbest damn thing I have ever heard of. Not to mention I can find jack squat about this anywhere on the net and nothing on that crappy black hole that is Sony online.

I thought that was how it worked before they released the Media Go program. I can't find any place to download a game file with my windows web browser.

This is really annoying I would like to play my PSP not leave it attached all the time to my computer to dl games of the PSN.

I can't find any setting that could possibly effect this in the software.

It works fine as long as I leave the damm PSP attached to the PC or just use the onboard PSN PSP browser. I would like to download the games via my PC then take 5 seconds to transfer them instead of leaving the PSP inoperable for 5 hours while stuff downloads.

Thanks for any help. It would be greatly appreciated.:hot::hot::hot::hot:
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It's pretty much DRM. Sony doesn't trust what the consumer can potentially do with the files on the computer. Thus, they only allow you to download when you psp is connected so media go can directly transfer the files to your psp. In other words, the PC is like a middle man who doesn't care what it's trafficking, just wants to do the business.
Downloads from the PlayStation Store are controlled by the 'PlayStation Network Downloader', not by Media Go (you'll see that this tool along with the PlayStation Store have their own entries in Add/Remove Programs). The PSN Downloader will only transfer items directly from the PS Store to the PSP; it does not copy them to the PC at all which is why you need to have your PSP connected when downloading. After the PSN Downloader has copied the files to the PSP, you can back them up to your PC using Media Go. And yes, the videos available from the PS Store are DRM'd and will only playback on the devices to which they are licensed (ie. the PSPs or PS3s associated with your PSN account). Same deal with purchased games. Neither can currently be played on your PC.
Why wouldn't I be able to download things to my PC. It is DRMd of course. Not like I didn't realize that. I can download Steam to my PC but it must be authenticated. I can download WMA's that are drmd to my PC. I can download iTunes DRMD tracks to my PC. Do you see a theme here. As long as I authenticate my devices with the DRM infestation I should be able to play wherever. Oh my bag the above companies actually know what they are doing unlike sony.

I have authenticated my PSP to my account. Sony should know it what my PSP is. As far as I know you can only authenticate to one PSP. I had to download FF7 multiple times as I just didn't want to wait for it to download to my PSP, what did it take 4 hours? Who the hell wants to sit around for four hours not using you system for no reason what so ever.

The files are DRM infected. Sony knows what my PSP is on file. I can copy the file back to my PC after it has DL'd. I can start the download disconnect my PSP and as long as the stupid file hasn't finished downloading reconnect it and it will copy the file to the PSP. If however you should reconnect after it has completed download it will just give you an error and quit, erasing the file you spent hours downloading. It would be nice if it paused and said hey please reconnect your PSP so I can transfer this big file I dowloaded to your PSP. IT DOES NOT DOWNLOAD DIRECTLY TO YOUR PSP IT DLDs TO YOUR PC AND THEN WHEN FINISHED IT IS TRANSFERED TO YOUR PSP IN WHOLE. The game file takes the same amount of space on your HD before it is transfered to you PSP.

It's bad now but what happens when everything is download only how much fun is it going to be waiting for all those downloads. SONY is a bunch of fools. I hope they get their act together. I bought my PSP to play games on not to be a paperweight for hours at a time.

And while I'm on the subject can sony at least make a download que, so I could start their horrid mess of a online store and que up a bunch of stuff to download you know while I am not using my PSP to play games. I mean how dumb is that. I could program one in my sleep. The code goes something like this. Goto next game if next game = 0 quit. Freaking genius.
[quote name='FuzyBaffy']Who the hell wants to sit around for four hours not using you system for no reason what so ever. [/QUOTE]

Why not download before going to bed? Or do you only sleep 3 hrs a day? :)
Yep, looks like you are correct. Downloaded content is cached on your C:\ drive before it's transferred. Hadn't noticed this before. Other points are great suggestions, too; Licensing your PC to your PSN account, downloading directly to your PC (and a setting to pick the directory where you want the file to be saved), faster downloads (and/or better host servers for popular content), playback of DRM'd videos on your PC, download queue, and pausable/resumable downloads.
I just got a nice used Kratos Red PSP from gamestop. When
I agree Sony needs to have this changed if they want their PSN store to be a success for games and movies if they go a DL only model. It can take a while to DL a video or movie now to the PSP Why do I need to tie up the device to do this. Itunes works with IPODS fine BY DL into Itunes first and then transferring to the device. Why can't you do this in Media Go, its assinine.
It's certainly different from Apple's iTunes approach of a massive local media library on a PC/Mac and then transferring it to whatever iPod device, with the added ability of purchases from some of the devices themselves (then transferred back to the local library upon re-sync).

Chances are that Sony wants their PSN downloads to only reside on a PS3's hard drive or a PSP's memory stick (or a PSPgo's flash memory), for DRM/anti-piracy purposes? It's probably just a way of keeping PSN games and DLC in controlled environments.
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