Memorable enemies



I was sitting here thinking about some of the coolest and most memorable enemies I have battled in video games. I wanted to know what your top pick for a certain mob (excluding bosses for now) you have vanquished, or got mauled by. Also, have you ever found yourself quitting a game and not coming back because of one enemy in particular or boss character? Give us your story if you have one :).

For me--for some reason--I was sitting here thinking about a lizard/dinosaur creature from Turok 2. This sucker would take damage and then cloak himself. He/she/it would then make its way toward you and try to blow itself up. At least I think it tried to blow itself up! I can't remember.

As of recent memory, for a game that I quit, there was the 2nd to last boss in Dark Sektor (the one with the lightning weapon) for which I ended up running back and forth for 20 minutes with. For some reason I couldn't kill that sob. I gave up and never went back to playing it. It didn't ruin the whole game experience completely for me, but I would have liked to finish it.
Nemesis RE3. Smart ,fast had a bazooka for an arm and he talked and opened doors. scared the shit out of me the first time i played the game he jumps out i ran into a room or into a building to get away from him figuring that would save me but nope he opens the damn door yealls stars and i screamed like a bitch.

the giant shit boss from conkers bad fur day.

most of the bosses from ff7 especially that damn emerald giant i never got to beat!!!!!!!!!!

KH1 Titans and Malfecent boss battles.
The sniper battle from MGS:3, I made the mistake of killing his parrot so I wasen able to find him easily. I only rented the game and I wasent able to beat him before I had to return it, 3 months latter I rented it again and when I started up my save file I come to find that the guy died of old age xD.
When I think of a memorial boss, I think of Contra for the NES. The car with all the spikes and shoots, you have to take it down before it reaches the end of the screen where you're at. I dunno why, but when I was a kid I used to draw pictures of this thing and dream of having my car look like that when I was older. I don't think I ever died from it, but do remember it being really bad ass.
The most memorable enemy for me was mother brain in Metroid 3. I don't think anything will ever replace it. I still love playing through it to this day just to fight the end boss. Also, pretty much every boss in that game was awesome.

I also loved Ganon in the original Legend of Zelda. He was invisible! And you needed to kill him with the Silver Arrow! Back in the days before the internet and strategy guides finishing Zelda was quite an accomplishment - it took me hours just to find dungeons 7 and 8. Finally beating Ganon was so freaking satisfying.
Pretty much every major Nintendo franchise title has had a memorable final boss battle. I really liked Ganon in Zelda: OOT.
Jaquio and Ashtar from the first two Ninja Gaiden games. Good storyline and they pulled off the "the game's actually only half over" swerve years before Castlevania SOTN did it.
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