Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty length??


2 (100%)
Does anyone remember how long it takes to play through this game, I'm about to start Subsistence which is supposed to be around 15 hours, and I would love to play Sons of Liberty again before MGS 4 comes out. Seeing I probably last played it back in 2002, and forgot most of the story.

Also do you think that it is crucial for me to play the PSP games also??
[quote name='whoknows']PSP games can be skipped. MGS2 is about 10 hours or less from what I remember.[/quote]

This is a lie. Straight up Portable Ops definitely deserves a playthrough if only for the backstory. The others can be skipped though as they're either sidestories(acid) or retreads (DGN).
I didn't think Portable Ops really added that much story wise. Trailers claimed that it would show Big Boss going evil, needless to say that didn't happen.

If he must play it, then after MGS3 would be best.
If you are watching all the MGS2 cut scenes 10-15hrs sounds about right. Good luck understanding that story though, I still have no idea on some of the shit that went down. lalelulalouomgwhatstfun00blalilolalalalalalala
alright, thanks guys, we'll see what my life looks like after I beat Subsistence. I'll probably end up buying guitar hero 3 though and forget all about it, and then MGS 4 will launch, and I will be like shit, I knew I forgot to do something.
MG2 has one of the craziest story lines....I honestly got a little creeped out in some parts.....Kojima knows how to mess with people. Mantis did the same thing to me with the whole memory card/ daul shock trick.

I always wanted to play Subsistence but couldn't ever find it for a reasonable price (for the PS2) the Xbox version on the other hand is stuuuuupid cheap.
The whole Otacon family history was really the turning point on the game. The first hour was awesome. I was even able to stomach Raiden and his prissy, emo commentaries ("I love you Rose! What am I doing here? I hate myself...").

Throw in the whole running around naked for about 30 minutes shortly after Otacon's discussion and I was ready to turn the game off. Campbell's weird commentary was the only thing that kept me going until the end.
[quote name='whoknows']I didn't think Portable Ops really added that much story wise. Trailers claimed that it would show Big Boss going evil, needless to say that didn't happen.

If he must play it, then after MGS3 would be best.[/quote]

Do we even know if Big Boss ever truly goes evil?

Except for a couple lines of text at the end of Metal Gear?

Could it have been a difference of philosophy?
[quote name='GTmaster39']MG2 has one of the craziest story lines....I honestly got a little creeped out in some parts.....Kojima knows how to mess with people. Mantis did the same thing to me with the whole memory card/ daul shock trick.

I always wanted to play Subsistence but couldn't ever find it for a reasonable price (for the PS2) the Xbox version on the other hand is stuuuuupid cheap.[/quote]

PS2 Subsistence is like 10 bucks at Gamecrazy, but good luck finding it since it's very rare at this point. I got lucky one day.

And no, it's not crucial to play through the PSP ones. The Acids aren't even canon, and PO doesn't add a whole lot to the backstory as well. I thought the story was pretty good but like whoknows said, it didn't really live up to its promises.
I know you're asking for the length of the game, but honestly I regret playing through that pile of dung. Kojima started smoking that good stuff about half way into the game, and everyone started talking this strange language. It all sounded like English, but I'll be damned if I understood any of it.

Once you leave the tanker initial mission is an utterly crappy game (mainly 'cause of the story).

MGS: Portable ops on the other hand is unplayable to me because of the controls. So, I say go with the playstation classic and skip right to 3, and you'll avoid some frustration.
[quote name='Moxio']Roughly 15 hours sounds right.[/quote]

The whole story thing isn't really that confusing but the philisophical meandering about Genes is what through people off (me especially) and made a simplistic ending seem inpenetrable.
bread's done