Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection - US Version - Play-Asia

[quote name='opportunity777']I don't think anyone can say for sure now. I am looking to see if anywhere else has it listed, but no luck so far.

I think $30 was the MSRP price point for these type of sets from Capcom, so $35 is still believable.

It's quite possible these get a pretty limited run. It seems doubtful they will last all the way up to the release of MGS4, unless, Konami is really intent on keep the print run high.[/QUOTE]
This is Konami, not Capcom.
I'll have to get this, I have MGS and MGS2, but I really want copies of Substance and Subsistence, especially the latter because the reviews all make it sound like the game is notably improved over the original MGS3.
[quote name='dragonjud']Milk that cow Konami...they may not be as bad as Capcom, but how many times are we going to get the same games repackaged?[/QUOTE]
the Substance and Subsistence version got 1 print, disappeared and worth a bit on ebay. So this is the first time those game get reprint.

As for the price, it could still be $29.99 and the $35 is the usual play-asia markup.
Hmm, I hope this comes out here, I'd def. consider it.

I have MGS2 substance on the Xbox, but I'm afraid Microsoft isn't ever going to make it backwards compatible if I ever pick up a XB360. I also have the original copy of Snake Eater, not having played Subsistance....

PS3 upscaling backwards compatibility FTW.
Also the version of MGS to play is the Japanese only Metal Gear Solid Integral, which has all the VR mission, new FPS mode, and you can set the language to english. This is also what the PC version is based on.
Damn, this is tempting. Never got to play all of the first MGS, did play MGS2, and never played MGS 3. Will have to think about this hard, though. Just spent some cash on DVDs.
I'll be picking this up for sure. Was hoping the super cool set from Japan would get brought over here, but I'll take what I can get. I never got around to playing much of 3 and gong through 1 and 2 again will be great fun.

I doubt it will happen but it would be pretty nice if they managed to get both CD discs of MGS1 onto one DVD disc since this is being sold as a PS2 game.
[quote name='lanzarlaluna']I would get this just for the Substance disc. Never got around to buying that. :x[/quote]

I paid a pretty penny for a copy on eBay a while back. Used but in mint condition. I might pick up this set and keep it in the shrink wrap as a collector's item. Because we all know Konami won't keep this on the shelves for long before a quick and sudden discontinuation.
Do they charge right away? If they do I will put in a order right now I rather get charged first so I don't have to worry about it later.
It says they don't charge you until it ships. I'm interested in this but hoping for some of the LE discs to be included. Otherwise, I already have MGS, MGS 2 Substance and MGS 3 Subsistence and would be buying it for the packaging.
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