Metal Slug Anthology headed to PS2? Gamestop says YES!

I'm about 99.9% sure the Wii version has like 6 different control schemes, one of those being the standard controls we are all used to on a control pad.
[quote name='secretvampire']I'm about 99.9% sure the Wii version has like 6 different control schemes, one of those being the standard controls we are all used to on a control pad.[/quote]

Yeah I saw a video where the guy went thru all the different control schemes with the wiimote. And one of them is regular old d-pad + buttons, which is what Im thinking 99% of people are gonna use.
Please say this is coming to PS2 still. The release is now the same day as the PSP version (2/6/07) but I'm holding my breath. The Wii controls are just so bad.
[quote name='MisterModest']You can use the GameCube controller on the Wii version as well.[/quote]

Only the analog stick tho, not the d-pad. And the game has NO support for the classic controller, which is inexcusable imo.
The release date has been moved from some time in December, to January 1st, to February 1st, and now to February 6th. I hope this actually comes out.
[quote name='MisterModest']You can use the GameCube controller on the Wii version as well.[/QUOTE]

That's the configuration I preferred when playing the Wii version, so as long as the game's emulation translates onto the PS2 as well as the Wii did, I don't care which version I have.
[quote name='Pope On A Rope']The release date has been moved from some time in December, to January 1st, to February 1st, and now to February 6th. I hope this actually comes out.[/QUOTE]
Standard SNK release procedure.
[quote name='Puffa469']Only the analog stick tho, not the d-pad. And the game has NO support for the classic controller, which is inexcusable imo.[/quote]
How's it inexcusable if Nintendo's not helping anyone allow for CC support in their games? It's much easier to allow for GameCube controller support than CC support.
I don't like 4 or 5 at all, but I hope number 6 is included.
I hope they don't limit the number of continues like they did to 3 on the X-box.
[quote name='lanzarlaluna']Just checked today, and the release date is now listed as March 13. *sigh* :([/QUOTE]

At least it's not the first or last day of the month.... makes it seem a little more legit that way.
[quote name='Pope On A Rope']Any predictions for how many days before release this time until they decide to delay it again?[/QUOTE]

Game is out right now ;)

Going by comments on GameFAQ's...

- Hit flashes are back in for all the games.
- Control is either with the analog stick or the d-pad
- Your choice of either infinite continues or limited
- Loading times aren't that bad

So far so good...I'll get my copy next week or so.
[quote name='Roufuss']Game is out right now ;)

Going by comments on GameFAQ's...

- Hit flashes are back in for all the games.
- Control is either with the analog stick or the d-pad
- Your choice of either infinite continues or limited
- Loading times aren't that bad

So far so good...I'll get my copy next week or so.[/QUOTE]


I'm so fucking happy that they [allegedy] didn't fuck this up. AAAAAAHHH METAL SLUG 1 WILL FINALLY BE MINE.

I'm so fucking happy that they [allegedy] didn't fuck this up. AAAAAAHHH METAL SLUG 1 WILL FINALLY BE MINE.[/quote]
Agreed. Thank god I can use my Hori stick. It's nice to see the PS2 version getting the most love. ;)
[quote name='lanzarlaluna']Agreed. Thank god I can use my Hori stick. It's nice to see the PS2 version getting the most love. ;)[/QUOTE]

Heh, I'm just glad to finally be able to own Metal Slug 1. The Wii version was pathetic and the PSP version was apparently garbage due to the slowdown. Finally, I can own my favorite arcade series of all time.
So has anyone picked this up yet? The folks are, as always, bitching about it... so I'm hoping to get an opinion from someone who's head isn't up their ass. I'm happy that we got a good conversion with FOTNS, so hopefully things worked out here too...
[quote name='Chacrana']So has anyone picked this up yet? The folks are, as always, bitching about it... so I'm hoping to get an opinion from someone who's head isn't up their ass. I'm happy that we got a good conversion with FOTNS, so hopefully things worked out here too...[/QUOTE]
I'm going to try and pick it up tonight or tomorrow. Honestly depends on how lazy I feel.

Honestly, I didn't think the PSP version was bad at all. It had some loading issues, but it wasn't gamebreaking. It also had some neat features with being able to download wallpapers and mp3s. So you can use my liking of the PSP version as a gauge to see if you'll listen to my opinion.
I got it last night. So far, I've only played through some of Metal Slug X (which is, reputedly, one of the better-running games on the compilation). Hard Mode seriously whipped me around with 20 continues, so I only got close to the end of Stage 5. But what I've seen so far, compared to what I remember of the arcade version (which I pumped a lot of tokens into, back in the day):

- There is split second loading when switching characters. The way it flashes dark for a split second every three or four switches can be annoying, but not really game-breaking.

- Using at least an S-Video connection, the game looks sharp. I need to look closer at the screen, but at least from where I was sitting, it appears the graphics received a straight 2x scale-up (which I prefer, as I like seeing pixel edges on 2D games, as opposed to composite-quality blurriness). That's what results in those black-borders on the edges of the screen, though, which some people are complaining about. (The screen still appears to be running at a higher-res, though, as you can see from the menu when you pause the game.) Again, though, this is stuff on which I need to look closer, so don't quote me on this just yet.

- The game seems to run a bit smoother than it did in the arcades. By that, I mean that it runs at the same framerate, but there doesn't appear to be as much slowdown. On more powerful hardware, though, that's expected.

- There is some loading when transitioning between stage sections (i.e. in Metal Slug X stage 2, when entering the pyramid, or when going into the second part of it). It does take a few seconds, but the music keeps playing here (as well as in other loading sections, even in the anthology menu) -- so along with the way the game originally fades to black in those sections anyway, those loading parts do have some decent flow.

- End-of-stage loading sequences, not so much. The screen doesn't quite fade to black before putting up the "Loading..." word, and the last drumbeat in the song seems a bit cut-off. Loading here also does seem take a bit longer at times (which might be expected, if it has more to load than just the next stage section).

- The music doesn't quite loop in the right place in Stage 3. It at least stays correctly on-beat, and you might not quite mind it in heavy battle -- but it's something you will eventually notice.

- There was some split-second loading, maybe about halfway or 2/3 of the way through Stage 4. Didn't darken the screen, though. (Maybe it was there because it's all one long stage without sections. That might also explain why the loading before the stage seemed a bit longer.)

- The game won't go into attract mode until you've spent all your credits; it'll just stay at the game-select 30-second countdown timer. And once you do run out of credits, to get more, you'll need to exit back to the menu and reselect the game.

- The full high-score table isn't saved. Only your highest score is saved in the main Anthology menu, and without initials. When you re-enter a game, you'll see that the high-score isn't recorded within the game itself; the high-score table within the game is reset every time you exit the game.

- As an aside, there are no extras on the DVD itself when you put it into the computer.

Other than that, it's the full-on experience, with nothing seeming to be cut. The programmers even ported the Neo-Geo Giga Power screen during attract mode. [Is it just me, though, or does attract mode loop on Metal Slug X a little more rapidly? Might just be me, especially since I'm in front of a TV focusing my attention on it, instead of being in an arcade with lots of other games.]

Given the flaws so far, it stands to reason why arcade purists are complaining loudly at this collection. But, even with everything described above, I still really enjoyed playing the game.

Later on, I might see how Metal Slug 3 through 6 were ported, since reportedly those games aren't as smooth with the loading. Here's also where folks start to compare with the single/double game PS2/XBox ports.

[One final note -- there's some misconception that these games are being emulated. There might be filenames on the disc that make it look like such -- but given the above-described behavior, these are ports.]
Warg, thanks for the information. I look forward to what you have to say about the performance of the other games in the collection. I've been really looking forward to this game for a while now.
I've heard from multiple people that there's input lag -- not necessarily on an HDTV either. If that's the case, that's an immediate dealbreaker.

And if that is the case, then I'll either wait for the Japanese release or just buy a fucking Neo Geo.
[quote name='Chacrana']And if that is the case, then I'll either wait for the Japanese release or just buy a fucking Neo Geo.[/quote] Unfortunately, Metal Slug carts for the Neo Geo hold their value insanely well. They still go for like $200-300. =\
[quote name='lanzarlaluna']Unfortunately, Metal Slug carts for the Neo Geo hold their value insanely well. They still go for like $200-300. =\[/QUOTE]

The MVS carts are supposedly really cheap though. At least, I can find MS X for sure for like... $50 or so.
You know, there have been conflicting reports of input lag. I didn't really notice anything of the sort in Metal Slug X. I'll let you know if it seems more evident in other games.

And just to share, I'm using that S-Video connection on an SDTV.
slug 3 on the mvs still goes for 85+
I played some slug 1 today and compared it to my mvs cart. I think the music for that game and some sound effects are new. With neo games, no ports are ever arcade perfect. That is just the way it is. These games are fun on the ps2 compilation but the gameplay does suffer a little.
I'm planning on getting this for either PS2 or PSP. Does anyone here have both? Any opinions. I'm leaning towards the PS2 one.

I'm fixing to pick this one up tonight. I've heard lots of conflicting reports on input lag - some people have a lot (up to a half second), some people say there's a small delay but it's so small it doesn't really affect the gameplay, and some people say there's no input lag. I think I'm just going to take the risk, because I'd still rather have Metal Slug 1-6 on a PS2 w/ an arcade stick than on a Wii with gimped controls.
This is the most kickass collection I have ever bought!
I still need to get myself slug x and 3 on mvs though.
The duck has a delayed reaction on slug one on the compilation and when you lose all your lives on slug x or 3 the delay in the game can really affect your gameplay. Its fairly minor but it will definately cost you points and possibly more lives. I have yet to see a perfect neo port, but this is too good to pass up people.
Played through Metal Slug 6 (awesome, AWESOME final boss...hell, AWESOME GAME! Best after MS3, IMO), and didn't notice any input lag at all, beyond the time it takes for the animation of what button I pressed to play out. In any case, played the same as I can remember any other Metal Slug playing.

In other words...BUY IT!
Awesome comparison! :applause:

[quote name='Roufuss']

Awesome side by side comparision on post #92... this guy didn't see any controller lag either.

Some people just like to bitch, and need a reason to justify their Neo Geo carts. I'll gladly take this for $40.

In fact, he thinks it looks slightly better.

And apparently Metal Slug 2 was fixed to become playable, i.e no more horrible slowdown.[/quote]
There would be input lag when playing on a PS3 (and using component or HDMI) since the PS3 forces a progressive picture.

So if this game doesn't support progressive, there's a very, tiny, small, molecule-sized amount of input lag.
hm... my only real concern is the input lag... but if there's really only one person that noticed it... hmm... might have to take the plunge on this then. At the very least, it does seem like it's better than the Neo Geo versions from a video/audio standpoint.
Ok, I just picked it up and have some general impressions:


-Sound emulation sounded fine to me
-Graphics were sharp; tried it on both component and composite to see if either had any result on input lag. Neither caused problems for me.
-Controlled pretty well. I think I can see how people came to the conclusion that there is input lag, but it wasn't an issue for me and I'd have to say there isn't any.
-Choice of infinite continues is nice to have when playing with someone new to the game

Cons - All of these are fairly minor.

-The load times don't ruin the pacing, but they do affect it in some games. It wasn't even an issue in games like MS1, but it did affect games like MS3 more, where levels change more frequently.
-I kind of miss the leaderboards like on the Xbox version of MS3, but I guess PS2's game servers usually don't stay up a (relatively) long time anyway. Level select would be nice also.
-Menus are very minimal, but they're still functional. This is more of a "neutral" than a "con".

After playing it, I'm glad I bought the game and will be putting some serious time into it. I definitely recommend doing the same if you're on the fence.
bread's done