Metal Slug Anthology on Wii

And throughout the land the joyus voices sang out "Hallelujah" in choir as yet another exclusive 3rd party title was announced.

Nintendo's certainly doing their leg work to get other parties on board.




Neat. More Wii-ness is always good.
[quote name='Ecofreak']And throughout the land the joyus voices sang out "Hallelujah" in choir as yet another exclusive 3rd party title was announced.

Nintendo's certainly doing their leg work to get other parties on board.[/QUOTE]
Exclusive? It's coming to the PSP, too.
I wonder how the controller will be used. And they better be direct ports not some bullcrap where they replaced the blood with sweat in MSX on the PS1.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Exclusive? It's coming to the PSP, too.[/QUOTE]

PSP doesn't have the REV interactivity + whatever other extra features they said they might bring.

Plus, I prefer to play my Metal Slug on the big screen.

Edit: err...I meant Wii interactivity...
I think they will really do well with Nintendo. Niche games seem to always sell best on Nintendo platforms nowadays.
[quote name='SMMM']PSP doesn't have the REV interactivity + whatever other extra features they said they might bring.

Plus, I prefer to play my Metal Slug on the big screen.

Edit: err...I meant Wii interactivity...[/QUOTE]
That doesn't make it exclusive. Is every port on the DS that uses the touch screen an exclusive for that system? It has exclusive features, but the game(s) itself is not exclusive.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']That doesn't make it exclusive. Is every port on the DS that uses the touch screen an exclusive for that system? It has exclusive features, but the game(s) itself is not exclusive.[/QUOTE]

You got me there, and thanks to SSSM for trying to defend me. It was my mistake - I saw the word "exclusive" and I didn't read the article in depth - hence why I missed the PSP sentence. Woops. ^^;
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']That doesn't make it exclusive. Is every port on the DS that uses the touch screen an exclusive for that system? It has exclusive features, but the game(s) itself is not exclusive.[/QUOTE]

Still makes it an exclusive by my standards, and that's all that matters for me. wiiii!
good stuff.. the psp edition becomes almost irrelevant now. I also would rather play metal slug on the big screen, without letterboxing or a stretched screen. (or the PSP's cramptastic design)
Exclusive if you only count consoles and not handhelds. Anyway, I've never played a Megal Slug game before, but I will definitely keep my eye on this. I'm curious as to how they're going to use the controller.
[quote name='Ecofreak']You got me there, and thanks to SSSM for trying to defend me. It was my mistake - I saw the word "exclusive" and I didn't read the article in depth - hence why I missed the PSP sentence. Woops. ^^;[/QUOTE]
It's no problem, just giving you a little heads up.
[quote name='SMMM']Still makes it an exclusive by my standards, and that's all that matters for me. wiiii![/QUOTE]
Sure, have fun with all of your "exclusive" titles.
Cool, but I'm not too big on the Metal Slug games. I'm interested in how the control scheme will work though. Hopefully SNK will give us something new after this.
Ah... it's nice to be discussing Nintendo and having to argue whether games are exclusives or not, rather than why they aren't getting ported over. Brings back memories.
If you can choose not to use the Wii's controller functionality and just play these games as God intended (with a standard controller or arcade stick), then I'm sold on this version. The PSP's controls are shit so this has to be a superior option.
Maybe they intend for you to hold the Wiimote upright like an arcade stick?

I'm not totally against the idea until they show off their implementation.
[quote name='Chacrana']If you can choose not to use the Wii's controller functionality and just play these games as God intended (with a standard controller or arcade stick), then I'm sold on this version. The PSP's controls are shit so this has to be a superior option.[/QUOTE]

I agree it would be nice to have both options. Normal and Wii play. I'm starting to wonder is there any games this system won't have? The sheer number of games with the virtual console, the gamecube games, and the new games is going to make for one hell of a gaming machine.
Its a bit of a semantical hair splitting, but I've said before that any Revolution game is pretty much exclusive, due to the unique experience that absolutely cannot be conveyed even in part by the PS3/360.

Even multiplatform games will differ in gameplay enough that, in past generations, they would be considered exclusives.

With that said, its nice to see SNK back on the bandwagon, but I'd be more interested in new offerings over revamped classics.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's no problem, just giving you a little heads up.

Sure, have fun with all of your "exclusive" titles.[/QUOTE]

Your sig is so emo.. how do you do it?

Stop with your hate, Wii spread the love!

Hot mario love FOREVA!
I feel like Nintendo keeps trying to prove that their system is the one to own by constant good news... no need nintendo, since I was already hyped about he system when it was first revealed, but this is a huge plus... thx SNK :)
I'd like to see them include all the games with a regular control scheme, and a special game built from the ground-up for the new controller.

That, or give you the either/or option.
I hope they make wii-functionality optional (just in case it doesn't work out too well). I'm not too sure of how well Metal Slug could make use of it really anyway.

I think SNK would've been better advised to put their stuff on the Virtual Console...
Definitely interesting news. I was planning on buying the PSP version, but I guess I'll wait it out to see if you can play the Wii version with normal controls.
I would think that the game would also be playable normally. It would be a crime to release Metal Slug games without the classic control scheme.

That said, a buyer is me! Not like I wasnt buying a Wii before this news but...
[quote name='Puffa469']I would think that the game would also be playable normally. It would be a crime to release Metal Slug games without the classic control scheme.

That said, a buyer is me! Not like I wasnt buying a Wii before this news but...[/QUOTE]
I just hope that Wii games are affordable, as my fiancee has reminded me that she will kill me if I spend too much on this, even if the console itself is only $150 or so.
[quote name='shipwreck']Definitely interesting news. I was planning on buying the PSP version, but I guess I'll wait it out to see if you can play the Wii version with normal controls.[/QUOTE]

I was going to re-buy a PSP just for Metal Slug 1-3 and X. I already own 3-5 on Xbox and I'll get 6 for PS2 when that comes out. But I'll definitely get the Anthology on Wii.
[quote name='Midnite']I was going to re-buy a PSP just for Metal Slug 1-3 and X. I already own 3-5 on Xbox and I'll get 6 for PS2 when that comes out. But I'll definitely get the Anthology on Wii.[/QUOTE]

A fan of the series, per chance? ;)
I can't wait for this. All 7 metal slug games (1-6 including X). SNK would be really stupid not to have a traditional control scheme for this. I'm sure they will.

As for the psp version now. I don't have one, but if I did, I wouldn't see the point in getting it. I wanna play my metal slug on a tv, not a handheld.
Wow. I love the Metal Slug games, but haven't picked them up on the Xbox or PS2 this gen due to their pricing. But getting all of them in one fell swoop (on a Nintendo console, no less!) is just fantastic!
I doubt they'd impliment it, but I'd love to be able to play these games with someone else over Wifi! Not as fun as when it's in person, but a great way to keep in touch w/ my friends and cousin.
[quote name='jer7583']Your sig is so emo.. how do you do it?

Stop with your hate, Wii spread the love!

Hot mario love FOREVA![/QUOTE]
What the fuck are you talking about? :whistle2:s
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']What the fuck are you talking about? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

Just throwin it out there, but you guys do know theres a complete Metal Slug collection for the PC right? I think its a Korean release PC game, but you can get it on ebay for like $15.
are you guys convinced that metal slug will play better with the Wii controller?

ive never played a metal slug game so im just wondering
[quote name='undyingforce5']are you guys convinced that metal slug will play better with the Wii controller?

ive never played a metal slug game so im just wondering[/QUOTE]
No, I doubt it will. Metal Slug is a solid Contra-esque 2D shooter. Sure, they can prove me wrong and make some great functionality for it, but I'm with the majority and just plain happy to see SNK supporting Nintendo even if it doesn't make the best use of the controller.
[quote name='stinkoman']I can't wait for this. All 7 metal slug games (1-6 including X). SNK would be really stupid not to have a traditional control scheme for this. I'm sure they will.

As for the psp version now. I don't have one, but if I did, I wouldn't see the point in getting it. I wanna play my metal slug on a tv, not a handheld.[/QUOTE]

Some of us use our PSP's outside of the house... All 7 Metal Slugs, on the go, anywhere I want, is still an amazing idea.
bread's done