Metro 2033, Lost Odyssey, Front Mission Evolved each $19.97 @ Kmart


134 (100%)
Hey guys,

So I had some time today to do my rounds around town and found 3 really neat deals at Kmart. They had a bargain bin full of Xbox 360 games on sale each marked $19.97. Most were crap like "High School Musical" but I was able to find Metro 2033, Lost Odyssey, Front Mission Evolved!

I tried looking for them online when I got home so I could link you but all I was able to find was Front Mission Evolved so I'll be posting a link for that. Not sure why the other 2 games aren't listed online but just stop by your local Kmart and check it out, you might have to ask the cashier to do a price scan on the games if they don't have a bargain bin like my local Kmart did.


Kmart Links:
Xbox 360 Version $19.97

PS3 Version $19.97


No links, couldn't find it Kmart's site: only $19.97 check your local Kmart Stores


No links, couldn't find it Kmart's site: only $19.97 check your local Kmart Stores

Here's a copy of my receipt just for kicks:

All of this is covered in the OP of the kmart thread.

Also, your post is damn near unreadable thanks to awful formatting. Use the preview function. EDIT: at least you removed the page full of youtube videos.

Damn I'm a dick today.,..
lol.... good thing they caught the granny bandit or else you would have been in trouble!!!!

EDIT: Thanks, not everybody worships the kmart thread or cares to check it. The post is fine, it could have gone with out the pictures but still good, so stop being a troll.
at my local k frontmission is in the case as 20 bucks and metro is 30. ive been thinking about grabbing frontmission but its on the fast downward slide so ill wait till it hits 10. metro id by at 20 but it seems i keep missing those deals.
Metro sounds good at this price. And like someone else said, not all of us worship/keep up with that monster Kmart thread on a daily basis.

is Lost Odyssey any good?
I'de be down for Metro if I hadn't scooped up all the hardcovers of Marvel Zombies (only $80!)
Lost Odyssey is really good. I didn't play it myself, but watched a friend for a significant amount of time.

You can get Front Mission for way cheaper on gohastings (used tho). I got it for $8.50 and if you get it with a shipping deal they have, it's a much better deal.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Metro sounds good at this price. And like someone else said, not all of us worship/keep up with that monster Kmart thread on a daily basis.

is Lost Odyssey any good?[/QUOTE]

The Kmart thread is long/huge. But all you have to do is open and read the very first page on the kmart thread. It discusses the sales/deals, future and present. If you open the thread on the first page it will list games discounted, go to xbox 360 and click on the spoiler tab and you will see a large list of games that include the three listed here, and a few other diamonds in the ruff. No need to read the hundred plus pages of posts to find kmart deals. :)

Oh, and the games listed are free next week if you buy LA Noire (you also get a 20 Gift Credit reciept) Nice deal. Lost Odyssey is good- I haven't finished it, but what I have played seems more engaging than FF13. I am down for metro next week- when I p/up la noire.
Is it just me, or are the shadows in Lost Odyssey extremely ugly? What's the point of great graphics with really cheap effects? That said, I still liked it. Probably just a tier above Blue Dragon though. FF13 seemed a lot more polished for graphics and story telling (at the price of exploration).
is lost odyssey good? its not like final fantasy 13 right??
i bought final fantasy 13. i immediately gave up on it after 20 minutes of playing..
[quote name='giantqtipz']is lost odyssey good? its not like final fantasy 13 right??
i bought final fantasy 13. i immediately gave up on it after 20 minutes of playing..[/QUOTE]

Lost Odyssey is what FFXIII should have been. It's an absolutely wonderful game.
No kmarts around me, damn it!

Also, WTF is up with metro 2033? that has not, or very rarely, dropped in price. I think I've only seen it below $30 one other time and that was gamefly used. 360 version not pc.
[quote name='MastrMeatWad']The Kmart thread is long/huge. But all you have to do is open and read the very first page on the kmart thread. It discusses the sales/deals, future and present. If you open the thread on the first page it will list games discounted, go to xbox 360 and click on the spoiler tab and you will see a large list of games that include the three listed here, and a few other diamonds in the ruff. No need to read the hundred plus pages of posts to find kmart deals. :)[/QUOTE]
I think the problem is that there isn't anything to indicate that we should go check out the thread. Right now, the title only mentions Brink and Mortal Kombat, neither of which I care about all that much. This thread, however, mentions two games I want (Metro & LO), so I had a reason to click on it. I only have so much time that I can spend on here, so an informative thread title is very useful to me.
[quote name='ZombieToast']I think the problem is that there isn't anything to indicate that we should go check out the thread. Right now, the title only mentions Brink and Mortal Kombat, neither of which I care about all that much. This thread, however, mentions two games I want (Metro & LO), so I had a reason to click on it. I only have so much time that I can spend on here, so an informative thread title is very useful to me.[/QUOTE]

There's 100+ items on clearance in the OP. At most it would just say "new may clearance".
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']No kmarts around me, damn it!

Also, WTF is up with metro 2033? that has not, or very rarely, dropped in price. I think I've only seen it below $30 one other time and that was gamefly used. 360 version not pc.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, its one that Ive kinda wanted back in my collection again (got rid of it) and I mean, even through Amazon Warehouse, its still 32.00, maybe a short run of them? I dont know, but while Ive gotten titles that have come out well past that for $10-$20, that one doesnt seem to want to drop at all.
[quote name='giantqtipz']is lost odyssey good? its not like final fantasy 13 right??
i bought final fantasy 13. i immediately gave up on it after 20 minutes of playing..[/QUOTE]

I love Lost odyssey im at disk 3 and i took a break from the grinding when i got portal 2 just to change the pace alittle.Lost odyssey is more like final fantasy 10 (my favorite game of all time ) old school rpg fans will love it.i just wish it was also on ps3 (mother fu****g dvd 9) but Lost odyssey being on 4 disks is the only problem i have with the game.oh and the weapon shops suck booty as well.its about time metro and Lost odyssey droped to local kmart has had 3 copies of Lost odyssey sit on that shelf for a few years now.they even have halo 3 copys that still have the sticker that says dont open till 9/21/2007 lol
bread's done