Metroid Prime 3 delayed to 2008? Reggie says July 07 at the earliest.

Best Buy also has the release dates for Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and Blitz: The League as 12/31/2007. I seriously doubt that Nintendo is going to be releasing their 3 biggest games of the year on the same date. This is hardly proof of any sort of delay, just BB covering their asses.

I would actually say this makes it more in favor of seeing the game this year. They know it's going to be out in 2k7 but don't know for sure, so just put the end of the year.
The ONLY reason I would forgive Nintendo if they delayed MP3 from coming out in 2007 is they made a sick and I mean sick ass online mode. Seriously I would be verry unhappy if they delayed it. Although if they released Mario, Smash Brothers and Metroid all at Q4, this might be the biggest gaming year ever.
With all these delays, I can't imagine the Prime 3 won't have an online mode. It feels very much like Hunters for the DS, only hopefully with fewer hand cramps. ;)
This harkens back to the age old question of if unofficial retailer release date changes can be considered delays.

Anyway, I've come to realize that I'll probably never get around to finishing MP1 and 2, so I'm having trouble getting hyped for 3 anymore.
When Nintendo announced that Mario would be later this year, I guess it was obvious that Smash Brothers and Metroid would be pushed into 2008. Seriously, they had plenty of opportunity to provide the release dates at the GDC and they didn't. I think we will see Metroid Spring 2008 and Smash Brothers summer or fall of 2008.

Nintendo pulled a Square and continued to delay Legend of Zelda: TP (similar to the FFXII delays) for a VERY LONG time. We have all come to expect this from the company and I wish it weren't so.

I HOPE I AM WRONG because I want to see Smash Brothers, but I just don't see it happening. We don't even have the full list of characters yet (I don't think Nintendo does either).

What I want to come out this year...
Mario Galaxy
Smash Brothers
Metal Gear Solid 4
Ratchet and Clank

What I think will come out this year...
Mario Galaxy
Ratchet and Clank :cry:

(I didn't add Halo 3 to the list because Microsoft isn't about to delay the game so I am not at all worried)
Technically, Nintendo didn't have any opportunities at GDC. They're currently in the midst of acquiring a number of shares of stock from the Japanese government. Because of this, they're under a bit of a gag order on any forward-moving products. Said order expires in about two weeks, when the sale closes.
[quote name='RPGuy']Technically, Nintendo didn't have any opportunities at GDC. They're currently in the midst of acquiring a number of shares of stock from the Japanese government. Because of this, they're under a bit of a gag order on any forward-moving products. Said order expires in about two weeks, when the sale closes.[/QUOTE]

Thanks ffor writing it so I didnt have to.
As long as this isn't a frequent occurrence and it becomes a launch title on their next console... ;)

To be fair, this will give me more time to play through MP2, which I've been meaning to do for years.
[quote name='mykevermin']As long as this isn't a frequent occurrence and it becomes a launch title on their next console... ;)

To be fair, this will give me more time to play through MP2, which I've been meaning to do for years.[/quote]

Great game until it turns to a massive fetch quest at the end. I lost interest at that point although I will finish MP2 before 3 comes out...and it looks like I'll have plenty of time now.
I can't image Nintendo ever releasing anything on time.

But did Nintendo ever say when it was going to be released? They delayed it from launch and then never set a new date so it's not really delayed.

Nintendo needs to release Mario and Smash Bros. this year, that is a must.
My money is all 3 of them (mario galaxy, MP3, brawl) being released this fall. If any of them didn't release this year it would be brawl since that's the only one that hasn't been playable or had any kind of date yet. They'll do it to sell a lot of Christmas units (when they'll probably not be sold out).
Chalk up another reason that I wish I'd waited until this fall or next spring to pick up the Wii vs. getting one at launch. :(
[quote name='dmaul1114']Chalk up another reason that I wish I'd waited until this fall or next spring to pick up the Wii vs. getting one at launch. :([/quote]Out of curiosity, why's that? Outside of a price drop, I've not seen a compelling reason to not have gotten the Wii at launch. Maybe it makes wating harder for these big games, but it also makes the payoff sweeter ;)
[quote name='daroga']Out of curiosity, why's that? Outside of a price drop, I've not seen a compelling reason to not have gotten the Wii at launch. Maybe it makes wating harder for these big games, but it also makes the payoff sweeter ;)[/QUOTE]

There's a several 360 games I'd rather of played, so I kind of wish I'd have put the $300 I accumulated trading and selling old games and shit to pay for the Wii into a 360 and waited for a price drop and more games on the Wii.

As is, I have the Wii largely gathering dust (have been playing some RE4 and some VC titles lately so getting some use finally) and can't afford the $400 360 on my tight grad student budget.

None of the games appeal to me, Zelda is still the only one I've bought, and it looks like Super Paper Mario will be the only one I buy between now and fall.
[quote name='dmaul1114']There's a several 360 games I'd rather of played, so I kind of wish I'd have put the $300 I accumulated trading and selling old games and shit to pay for the Wii into a 360 and waited for a price drop and more games on the Wii.

As is, I have the Wii largely gathering dust (have been playing some RE4 and some VC titles lately so getting some use finally) and can't afford the $400 360 on my tight grad student budget.

None of the games appeal to me, Zelda is still the only one I've bought, and it looks like Super Paper Mario will be the only one I buy between now and fall.[/quote]Makes good sense to me. Just curious. :)
So is it likely for Nintendo to announce anything at the end of those two weeks you talked about? I can't really imagine them sitting around hiding stuff that is meant to be recent. I'm positive they have more up their sleeve than Q2 lineup, but my speculation as to how soon we'll see "all the dope shit" is "not as soon as we'd like."
I don't know enough about MP3 to care one way or another if it gets delayed. It's not like this year isn't shaping up to be one of the best ever (although for non-Wii reasons). If it is just an extension of the series like MP2 was then they should take all the time they need to make it better.
[quote name='botticus']This harkens back to the age old question of if unofficial retailer release date changes can be considered delays.

Anyway, I've come to realize that I'll probably never get around to finishing MP1 and 2, so I'm having trouble getting hyped for 3 anymore.[/quote]
It was a Spring 07 release up to and after the launch. After that looked to be unfeasible, Nintendo's release of the Q2 schedule showed that MP3 was nowhere to be seen, so that's definitely a delay.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It was a Spring 07 release up to and after the launch. After that looked to be unfeasible, Nintendo's release of the Q2 schedule showed that MP3 was nowhere to be seen, so that's definitely a delay.[/quote]Oh, yeah, I'm not arguing that it has been delayed, I just don't know that I consider this particular instance a delay.
[quote name='botticus']Oh, yeah, I'm not arguing that it has been delayed, I just don't know that I consider this particular instance a delay.[/quote]
It's not that this particular example is a delay in and of itself, but that's it's another example suggesting that Metroid Prime 3 isn't coming out anytime soon despite what Nintendo kept telling us for the past 4-5 months.
[quote name='daroga']Out of curiosity, why's that? Outside of a price drop, I've not seen a compelling reason to not have gotten the Wii at launch. Maybe it makes wating harder for these big games, but it also makes the payoff sweeter ;)[/QUOTE]

Even if the Wii doesn't get a pricedorp the games he bought would have.
[quote name='David85']Even if the Wii doesn't get a pricedorp the games he bought would have.[/QUOTE]
I was wondering why he'd wait as well, but this is a very valid point.
if Smash Brothers isn't released this year I will be very displeased with Nintendo. I am expecting thsi, but I will still be displeased. I just don't see the company releasing it's two BIGGEST games in the same season. PLEASE prove me wrong.

And we NEED a new MARIO KART and Donkey Kong platformer! A Pilotwings would be nice too! I love and hate Nintendo at the same time. Wake up and give gamers what they want!
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Well,if we go back and look at the exchange in question, perhaps there was a little misunderstanding there. But in fact, the question was specifically about first party software, because that's what historically has been the drought--and especially given what we've talked about, the interest among people who buy Nintendo platforms primarily being in Nintendo's own games, that was the context. If you look at the answer that you gave, you were speaking specifically in terms of Nintendo products. One of the things that you said--and then I subsequently I said "Is that a read-my-lips pledge?" and you said "Yes"--was that Metroid was going to ship in early 2007. And time's running out on early 2007. Stephen says that he gives you until the end of June; once we get to the halfway point, then early 2007 is over. But I think I was fair, in term of the question that was being posed and [/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]the context of it[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif].[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]You know, a number of things. Speaking specifically to first party; we've had tremendous success with Wii Play, and frankly that game is focused against an audience expansion type of consumer, a consumer where Wii is in the home, but they haven't yet picked up the remote. That product is doing extremely well. WarioWare that we shipped in January, is doing well in the marketplace. We've announced Super Paper Mario in April, that product is going to be phenomenal. The first Mario title on the platform. Some may look at it and say, "Well, all you've done is taken a Gamecube game and adapted it too the Wii." Well, we did that for Zelda Twilight Princess to a certain extent, and that has done extremely well in the marketplace. Big Brain Academy we've announced. We've announced Pokemon Battle Revolution in the latter part of June. From a first party perspective we've got quite a number and quite a flow and arguably the best flow we've ever had on the launch of a new console to support it. Where is Metroid? Metroid is not going to ship by June. We've announced all of our games through the end of June. And the fact with Metroid is we want to make sure that that game is perfect. Unfortunately, Metroid Prime 2 didn't live up to our expectations, it didn't live up to Retro's expectations--[/FONT]
Reggie lays it down that Metroid isn't due to ship until July at the earliest.
[quote name='botticus']This harkens back to the age old question of if unofficial retailer release date changes can be considered delays.

Anyway, I've come to realize that I'll probably never get around to finishing MP1 and 2, so I'm having trouble getting hyped for 3 anymore.[/QUOTE]

I never finished MP2 (plan to do so very soon, actually), but I can tell you that MP1 might be the hardest game for you to ever finish since
there's a giant fetchquest at the end that has you seeking out twelve REALLY hard to find items that are scattered literally across the ENTIRE planet.

OH and Placeholder dates =/= actual setbacks.
Nintendo won't release any of their tentpole games until their are enough Wiis sitting on store shelves to be sold with the games. Nintendo considers these games system-sellers. I'd hold off on releasing them too until Wiis were readily available.
I think it is important that this generation of systems Nintendo doesn't repeat it's past mistakes. Delaying big titles has always been a thing with them. They need to get out 2 of the 3 between Metroid, Mario, and Super Smash by the fall. If Metroid does not come out until next year give me the other 2. I won't argue the point that I rather see these games finished then rushed out but Nintendo needs some big guns with the lack of third party support. A lot of the stuff coming out or that has, to me has been lack luster. Some stuff was cool but enough with these Gamecube ports and these games ported that just throw in Wii controls. Wii needs stuff made just for it, for it to shine. To me it's up to Nintendo to lead the way and show developers what they can do. And delaying big games will hurt them more this time then ever.

"Hate to say 'I told you so'...uh-hunh...Do believe I told you so...alright!"
Honestly, I'm starting to think Nintendo is losing their "touch." The last Zelda game I enjoyed was Ocarina of Time, the last Mario game I enjoyed was Super Mario 64. New Super Mario Bros DS, didn't have that classic feel to it, it felt like the bare minimum compared to Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3. Wind Waker was an obvious decline, Twilight Princess I still haven't even finished because it was too boring, and slow. Twilight Princess didn't even feel like a true Zelda game to me.

I enjoyed The Minish Cap on the GBA, but that was made by Capcom. Nintendo has always survived on it's amazing first party games, but what happens when their first party games stop beign amazing? You know, maybe I'm getting older, but their games feel like they're becoming more and more waterd down to me.
No, I think they're in the phase of inevitably 'diminishing returns' with their sacred franchises...not that such a phenomenon matters to their...loyalists.
[quote name='hohez']I'd still rather it be delayed, than release it unfinished.[/quote]I'm with you on this, besides its not like the Wii is everyones ONLY console, go through the backlog that most of you guys have :)
[quote name='The Crotch']I think spoiler tags are overkill, but...
The fetch-quest at the end of the first Prime was really quite easy* and (for a fetch-quest) fun. Echoes was all down-hill from the first trans-dimensional flying crate.

*Yeah, yeah. Omega Pirate, I know. Just reset the game 'til he starts spawning Ice Pirates to start with. Full-charge to freeze, then a missile to shatter. Without backup, Omega's simple.
The end of MP1 sucked ass ... I gave up half-way through fighting prime cuz I kept getting my ass kicked. I really hope MP3 gives up on the space-pirate shit, that was annoying on MP1 where I had to keep changing guns to kill the f***ers.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Honestly, I'm starting to think Nintendo is losing their "touch." The last Zelda game I enjoyed was Ocarina of Time, the last Mario game I enjoyed was Super Mario 64. New Super Mario Bros DS, didn't have that classic feel to it, it felt like the bare minimum compared to Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3. Wind Waker was an obvious decline, Twilight Princess I still haven't even finished because it was too boring, and slow. Twilight Princess didn't even feel like a true Zelda game to me.

I enjoyed The Minish Cap on the GBA, but that was made by Capcom. Nintendo has always survived on it's amazing first party games, but what happens when their first party games stop beign amazing? You know, maybe I'm getting older, but their games feel like they're becoming more and more waterd down to me.[/quote]

I feel the exact same way...Mario 64 I REALLLLY enjoyed, Sunshine fell a bit, Zelda TP I didn't enjoy as much as WW...I always thought it was just because I got older and enjoyed a different type of games now...
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']The end of MP1 sucked ass ... I gave up half-way through fighting prime cuz I kept getting my ass kicked. I really hope MP3 gives up on the space-pirate shit, that was annoying on MP1 where I had to keep changing guns to kill the f***ers.[/quote]yea, prime was a tough one, last boss in echoes was pretty hard as well, 3 friggin forms, THEN........................
dark samus...........ugh hated that ****er
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Honestly, I'm starting to think Nintendo is losing their "touch." The last Zelda game I enjoyed was Ocarina of Time, the last Mario game I enjoyed was Super Mario 64. New Super Mario Bros DS, didn't have that classic feel to it, it felt like the bare minimum compared to Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3. Wind Waker was an obvious decline, Twilight Princess I still haven't even finished because it was too boring, and slow. Twilight Princess didn't even feel like a true Zelda game to me.

I enjoyed The Minish Cap on the GBA, but that was made by Capcom. Nintendo has always survived on it's amazing first party games, but what happens when their first party games stop beign amazing? You know, maybe I'm getting older, but their games feel like they're becoming more and more waterd down to me.[/QUOTE]

That is exactly where I am sitting. I hope Super Paper Mario can change my mind a little.
[quote name='jollydwarf']

"Hate to say 'I told you so'...uh-hunh...Do believe I told you so...alright!"[/QUOTE]

Oh, shut your mantits up. In order to say "I told you so," you need to be either (1) the only person saying so, or, at the very least, (2) have people who disagree with you. Take note of the fact that there isn't a single fucking soul in this thread who claimed that the rumor was unfounded or that there was no truth to the matter.

Your gloating is akin to the sun coming up from the East and setting in the West, and you saying "HAW HAW I DUN TOLD YOU SO!!!" Bitch, please.
I'm just disappointed that yet another potential AAA Nintendo title is being delayed. I could give a fuckless about Metroid Prime. Metroid is better suited in 2D anyway.
bread's done