Metroid Prime 3 - Do Mother Brains' Have PMS? - 9.5 From IGN!

[quote name='Swingman']I think the complaints about the review are more about how the reviewer is flip flopping on why that game isn't great. He says it's familiarity is a negative and then goes on to say how much it has strayed from things that made the Metroids good.

So which is it? Is it too much like the old metroids or is it too different? You can't use both as negatives IMO without contradicting yourself and losing all credibility..

I just got it today and I have to say it's a great game. It's the first 3D metroid I've played so I can't compare it to the others but it's fun.[/quote]
I haven't seen much of anybody actually discussing the content of the review, just the assumption that it's because GameSpot's trying to be tough on games.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I haven't seen much of anybody actually discussing the content of the review, just the assumption that it's because GameSpot's trying to be tough on games.[/quote]
To be fair, this stereotype didn't come out of nowhere. They usually rate games at or below the critical average, and now it's come to be expected. It does begin to look odd when Gamespot is consistently on the lower end of the spectrum.
[quote name='Swingman']I think the complaints about the review are more about how the reviewer is flip flopping on why that game isn't great. He says it's familiarity is a negative and then goes on to say how much it has strayed from things that made the Metroids good.

So which is it? Is it too much like the old metroids or is it too different? You can't use both as negatives IMO without contradicting yourself and losing all credibility..

I just got it today and I have to say it's a great game. It's the first 3D metroid I've played so I can't compare it to the others but it's fun.[/QUOTE]

Where is that in the text review? I only watched the video review, and he never seemed to contradict himself. I'm just curious.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I haven't seen much of anybody actually discussing the content of the review, just the assumption that it's because GameSpot's trying to be tough on games.[/QUOTE]

Maybe so but it would be nice to know what the reviewer's actual opinion is given his flip flopping. Like many of the reviewers out there for the different sites, I think he just had diarrhea of the mouth (typing a lot without really saying much) and knew he had to come up with some negatives to justify the score. I don't really care in the long run because I got the game and am enjoying it thoroughly so far.

I think a game that got the opposite treatment is Madden 08 for the DS. They gave it a 8.0 when the game is obviously broken (ie franchise mode is unplayable). The game obviously shows lack of beta testing by EA and shows that the reviewers failed to test every feature the game claims to have included. For a broken game like Madden 08 on DS to get only 5 points lower than a great game like Metriod Prime 3 is a joke. Sure they're separate systems but being broken should worth at least 30% drop in the score.

WIth all the fanboys of systems out there, it makes you wonder if some of them actually get jobs reviewing games. With the some of the wacky scores I've seen during my time gaming, I'd have to think that some of the reviews are being written by people biased against the system.
[quote name='evilmax17']To be fair, this stereotype didn't come out of nowhere. They usually rate games at or below the critical average, and now it's come to be expected. It does begin to look odd when Gamespot is consistently on the lower end of the spectrum.[/quote]
Strange, I usually hear of 1up and EGM when I hear of that kind of thing, but then again, the crappy community of GS/GameFAQs will go nuts about anything and think they are allowed to dictate the scores that GS gives.
[quote name='Tybee']It's easy to say "I told you so" if you only pop your head in here when you're right. :roll:

You were pretty scarce round these parts when your prediction that either MP3, Brawl, or Galaxy would get a release date next year proved false, among others.[/QUOTE]


Yeah, JD was mysteriously absent around E3, wasn't he?

Anyway, I want to get the game now but should work for a bit. Hopefully I can head out this evening and get it. I did finally get my call from Aeris.
Hmm I am not trusting that 8.5 gamespot review, not that I am a Nintendo fanboy, but more so I never read any of this guy's reviews or seen him on any of the gamespot live programs so I don't know, plus most of the games he reviewed were crappy games or ports. If Gerstmann or someone like Alex Navarro or someone did the review and gave it a 8.5 I would accept and understand it but I don't trust him. Anyway I am still excited for the game and should get it hopefully this weekend, can't wait to play it.
[quote name='evilmax17']To be fair, this stereotype didn't come out of nowhere. They usually rate games at or below the critical average, and now it's come to be expected. It does begin to look odd when Gamespot is consistently on the lower end of the spectrum.[/QUOTE]

I don't find it odd, I just assume there reviewers are a bit tougher on handing out 9's and 10's. Which they should be as games in those score ranges should rank among the all time best games. And there are really only 1 or 2 games year (if that) worthy of consideration in all time top 10, 20 etc. lists.

That, or their just jaded gamers constantly questioning why they are still playing games like myself. ;)
The problem with Gamespot isn't their scores. I wish more sites had a more reasonable rating system, rather than handing out 9.5+ scores like candy. 8.5 is a perfectly respectable score... for Gamespot. Why is anyone surprised? If we're grading on a curve, that's certainly an "A" by their standards.

The real problem with Gamespot is their review style. They like to think of themselves as "defenders of true objective game criticism", but I think that in trying hard to be "objective", their reviewers lack a sense of fun or enthusiasm for the games they review.

Honestly, a game could get a 9.5 and the summary would read: "A worthy title, worth at least few hours of your time." Honestly, guys, put a little more HEART into it! While sites like IGN tend to a gush a bit, and inflate scores, if a game is top-tier I WANT to hear the "gushing".

They're aware that other sites will gush with certain games, so they try too hard to keep their enthusiasm in check for the sake of "critical objectivity". It makes their reviews not-so-fun to read, even when they're "right".

That said, while I thought Gerstmann's actual text review of Zelda: TP was pretty lifeless and dull, I thought his 8.8 score was right on the money.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Hmm I am not trusting that 8.5 gamespot review, not that I am a Nintendo fanboy, but more so I never read any of this guy's reviews or seen him on any of the gamespot live programs so I don't know, plus most of the games he reviewed were crappy games or ports. If Gerstmann or someone like Alex Navarro or someone did the review and gave it a 8.5 I would accept and understand it but I don't trust him. Anyway I am still excited for the game and should get it hopefully this weekend, can't wait to play it.[/QUOTE]

You must not visit Gamespot a lot. He's on The Hot Spot and On the Spot on a semi-regular basis, and is one of the main hosts for Tournament TV.

Also, not "trusting" reviews. WTF does that mean. Is his review simply full of lies or something?

Everyone's acting like the review is hating on the game with an 8.5 score. Have you guys even read the review? Or at least watched the video? He gives the game a ton of praise where it's due.

But I agree with the bluesyncopate. GS editors never try to gush, which I appreciate, they're very cut and dry, but if you watch their live segments, or listen to the podcast, I think they're one of the funnier sites out there. Other sites write as though they work for the various developers marketing departments.

Also again, can someone show me the contradition in the review? I just read the text one. There's only like one line that could possibly be interpreted as contradiction, and that's the part where Kevin VanOrd says its more the of the same, with new controls, only easier.
[quote name='maigoyume']oh, thats a pretty efficient method, GS tends to be uber critical from what i've gathered, and i just don't like IGN for some reason, might be because of matt though[/quote]

True, but I do have to give him props for bringing much-needed attention to Zack & Wiki (and, arguably, to MP3).
Yeah, JD was mysteriously absent around E3, wasn't he?

I was--no lie--staying off message boards in July to avoid the assholes that would, using ambush tactics, spoil a certain novel being released that month. Turns out I made the right call. Had I been around after the announcement of Wii Fit, however...

I was also detoxing a bit from this site. Now I'm a 'social poster'.*

*--In the 'social drinker' sense, not in the "I want to be your friend" sense. Of course.
Put in a few hours so far and HOLY CRAP is this game awesome. Seriously, the graphics, just the scope of everything is just phenomenal. Zelda I think has lost its place as killer app for Wii.
Wrong. Disagreed with. Disputed. Offended by.

Syntax. Same difference, I guess.

EDIT: vvvvv...Where am I trying to be "funny", especially as of late? You see it like you wanna see, I guess.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure my presence will be virtually nonexistent here in September, as it's pennant race crunchtime, and I'm pretty confident that the same dickweeds that tried to ruin Deathly Hallows for everyone will be spilling the Halo 3 narrative beans just as soon as they can. Anywhere and everywhere. So, yeah, you're welcome.

Never seen so many people get so bent out of shape about a guy who's an infrequent poster that only says something truly incendiary about 20% of the time.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']You must not visit Gamespot a lot. He's on The Hot Spot and On the Spot on a semi-regular basis, and is one of the main hosts for Tournament TV.

Also, not "trusting" reviews. WTF does that mean. Is his review simply full of lies or something? [/quote]
My fundamental problem was not the score. In general, I agree that there is far too much score inflation in video game reviews. I think in the reviewers' minds (and in the minds of the people who read them), the ratings correspond with the grades of high school term papers. There, an 85, or a solid B, WOULD be a bit of a slight if you were hoping for an A. But I don't think games can be reviewed like papers or tests can be graded. For reviews, they shouldn't be afraid to make use of more of that 10-point scale.

My problem with the GameSpot review was the complaints about lack of multiplayer. Anyone who reviews a Metroid game and docks it for failing to include multiplayer demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of the franchise. Period. It's like faulting Tiger Woods golf for not letting you drive the cart.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Wrong. Disagreed with. Disputed. Offended by.

Syntax. Same difference, I guess.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, jollydwarf, please go away. You're like Regalsin except he wasn't trying to be funny and was, while you try to be funny and aren't. No one, and I mean NO ONE, wants you here. You are a narcissistic, back pedaling, jerk-off that comes off as smug rather than witty. Go back to your cave, if, for nothing else, the sake of CAG.
[quote name='Zen Davis']So for the people who picked up the game? What do you think?[/QUOTE]

Pretty good so far. Took me a couple tries to get past the first couple boss battles.

I probably made Samus look drunk when I started out because I wasn't quite used to the controls. I couldn't walk a straight line if I wanted to. I'm getting better though. I'm having a few issues with lock-on staying on the target. It might just be the free aiming thing and lock-on breaks up if you aim too far away from target. Still getting to use to the controls.

Overall I am enjoying the game.
[quote name='lanzarlaluna']Lots of ports, yes. Mostly crappy games, no.[/quote]First off I never heard of this guy and after looking at that list again (first time a breif skim through) yeah it is mostly rpg games that are good, and some other games like c&c 3 but not a lot of fps's. Anyway the last couple of times I read s reviews from a GS reviewer that I never heard of the game tended to be way better imo than what the reviewer made it look to be so I am kinda fishy of those reviewers I never heard of. Also I never did notice him on the GS live programs unless I am that much of a fucking dumbass to realize it, lol.
[quote name='Tybee']My fundamental problem was not the score. In general, I agree that there is far too much score inflation in video game reviews. I think in the reviewers' minds (and in the minds of the people who read them), the ratings correspond with the grades of high school term papers. There, an 85, or a solid B, WOULD be a bit of a slight if you were hoping for an A. But I don't think games can be reviewed like papers or tests can be graded. For reviews, they shouldn't be afraid to make use of more of that 10-point scale.

My problem with the GameSpot review was the complaints about lack of multiplayer. Anyone who reviews a Metroid game and docks it for failing to include multiplayer demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of the franchise. Period. It's like faulting Tiger Woods golf for not letting you drive the cart.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Gamespot']While the lack of multiplayer is disappointing, the single-player campaign won't leave you wanting. In the end, you may not be able to shake the feeling that you've done all this before, but it will still make you grateful for how great it is at its core.[/quote]

Literally the very last sentence of the very last paragraph at the very end of the review bothered you? I also think it's a complaint worth mentioning, since MP2 had a multiplayer mode, but obviously it wasn't a complaint worth going into. It's the last sentence of the review!

Also, can you clarify what you mean by making more use of that 10 point scale?
And I do agree with you about the letter grade mentality, I'm guilty of it as well. However, it's pretty hard to differentiate the two, if not impossible.
Just bought it, but now I'm stuck in an argument over multiplayer in Metroid so I haven't played yet.

This wasn't one of my top games but I decided to bite and get it anyway.
why do people assume that complaining about the gamespot review=thinking the gamespot review has any credibility/effect on enjoyment/ability to play the game?

Gamespot sucks, Metroid rules.
anyone else stuck on the 2nd planet?

I think i spent 15 minutes trying to get the missile upgrade and I still don't know how to get it.
Am I the only one who is stuck at the first switch where you have to pull it back and twist it counter-clockwise. I've twised the fucking wii mote every way possible and it still isn't working
Nice game, finished the first mission and
just got the PED suit
. Pretty great so far, getting used to the controls will take a little time, but I'm pretty good at it already. Not used to having to aim at enemies :p.
what a great game so far...I too am just starting out...but whoa-mamma!!

also, since this is the first real Wii game I have played (skipped Zelda, and otherwise played Trauma Center, but only for short bursts, one level here, one level there) for long sessions, I am starting to get a little sore. Lame I know, but just in my forearm, not used to holding a controller like this for so long, etc.

And yes, I realize I have left myself open to lots of jokes about sore forearms, holding a controller, etc....that was not my point, but I realize I left the barn door open...
Wow, I came in here to check out impressions and all I see is bitching...tempted to delete a few posts but turns out it ends up being a page or so. :roll:

I skipped on Metroid 2, part one was great...I'll have to check this one out when I get a chance.
[quote name='buffdrew84']very sweet game. Makes me wonder why other games look so shitty when the wii is capable of graphics this good.[/quote]

You can chalk that up to lazy developers. They can make a game that looks just as good if not better than MP3, but they prefer to just slap a minigame together to make a quick buck.

You guys have me wanting to run out and buy this asap, but I think I'll be patient and wait until I beat the first two games before I tackle Corruption.
[quote name='Swingman']anyone else stuck on the 2nd planet?

I think i spent 15 minutes trying to get the missile upgrade and I still don't know how to get it.[/quote]

Which one is it?
[quote name='magnification']Am I the only one who is stuck at the first switch where you have to pull it back and twist it counter-clockwise. I've twised the fucking wii mote every way possible and it still isn't working[/quote]

Pull back. Turn Counter-clockwise. Push back in.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Hmm I am not trusting that 8.5 gamespot review, not that I am a Nintendo fanboy, but more so I never read any of this guy's reviews or seen him on any of the gamespot live programs so I don't know, plus most of the games he reviewed were crappy games or ports. If Gerstmann or someone like Alex Navarro or someone did the review and gave it a 8.5 I would accept and understand it but I don't trust him. Anyway I am still excited for the game and should get it hopefully this weekend, can't wait to play it.[/quote]
I've worked with KTVO and he's good at his job. Everybody gets crappy reviews at first when they start working at a new site, he's no different. He's been there for awhile now, so he's getting the better reviews now along with more exposure on On the Spot along with being pretty much one of the main hosts of Tourney TV.

Swingman, I don't see these flip-flops you're going on about. He basically says that MP3's more of a great FPS than a great Metroid game. And that, overall, it's easier than the previous Prime games, but it's still a lot of fun. Why are you comparing Metroid and Madden DS? They're completely different games. There's no comparison to be made.
There is a spot on Bryyo after you fight
the two lizard creatures for the first time

Bomb everything in the very next section old school Metroid style.
Well, I just got the chance to play through the first boss. One word sums up my impressions thus far: wow. I was almost out of my seat fighting the first boss. Bravo, Retro, bravo. I can imagine I've got one helluva game ahead of me.

I was worried about playing BioShock and MP3 together, but they're about as different as can be and still be in the FPS category.

Anyone switch the jump/shoot buttons? I'm wondering if that would feel better, but part of me wonders if there isn't a good reason why they opted to have A be the default shoot button.
[quote name='daroga']Well, I just got the chance to play through the first boss. One word sums up my impressions thus far: wow. I was almost out of my seat fighting the first boss. Bravo, Retro, bravo. I can imagine I've got one helluva game ahead of me.

I was worried about playing BioShock and MP3 together, but they're about as different as can be and still be in the FPS category.

Anyone switch the jump/shoot buttons? I'm wondering if that would feel better, but part of me wonders if there isn't a good reason why they opted to have A be the default shoot button.[/QUOTE]
I switched them when I was playing today. Felt better that way to me.
Is anybody not using Advanced sensitivity? Just got the missiles, and so far it's pretty good. I find that aiming is a bit easier with Standard sensitivity, but turning is easier on Advanced, so I think I'll stick with that.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I've worked with KTVO and he's good at his job. Everybody gets crappy reviews at first when they start working at a new site, he's no different. He's been there for awhile now, so he's getting the better reviews now along with more exposure on On the Spot along with being pretty much one of the main hosts of Tourney TV.

Swingman, I don't see these flip-flops you're going on about. He basically says that MP3's more of a great FPS than a great Metroid game. And that, overall, it's easier than the previous Prime games, but it's still a lot of fun. Why are you comparing Metroid and Madden DS? They're completely different games. There's no comparison to be made.[/QUOTE]

Read the review again if you didn't see any flip flops. Under the Bad it says "Doesn't do much different than the previous two Metroid Prime games." and he said in the last paragraph in the review that it is exactly what Metroid fans would expect (meaning more of the same). Contradicting that, he states this game has turned Metroid into a FPS with trimmings and how the game is easier and more streamline. So, is it the same or is it watered down metroid? Can he use both as a negative?

I didn't compare metroid to madden DS. I was using it as an example to illustrate bad review scoring. I thought that was kinda obvious. If was trying to compare the games, then I would have said "man, shooting enemies on metroid is very similar to passing the ball in madden" lol
Just picked up my copy. I'm so psyched to play it. Just the opening screen alone gives me goosebumps.

Also, odd, but I thought that my Wii was already completely up to date, yet MP3 updated my system again. Oh well.
[quote name='hack']Just picked up my copy. I'm so psyched to play it. Just the opening screen alone gives me goosebumps.

Also, odd, but I thought that my Wii was already completely up to date, yet MP3 updated my system again. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

my wii got updated too but I haven't turned it on in a few days so didn't know if it was connected to putting in the metroid disc or not.
Quick question for you seasoned metroid gamers. I really want to give this game a go and it looks fantastic but I haven't played the other two on the gamecube. So do I need to play the first two before this to understand the story or does it really matter? I mean I plan on playing them at some point but if jumping into corruption now will just leave me confused then I'll probably wait.

[quote name='bill123']Quick question for you seasoned metroid gamers. I really want to give this game a go and it looks fantastic but I haven't played the other two on the gamecube. So do I need to play the first two before this to understand the story or does it really matter? I mean I plan on playing them at some point but if jumping into corruption now will just leave me confused then I'll probably wait.

The Prime games aren't very story driven'll be fine. Just read wiki or something on the first two. MP3 is all crazy since it has voice acting and actual cutscenes, so it will be giving you the most story.
[quote name='Swingman']Read the review again if you didn't see any flip flops. Under the Bad it says "Doesn't do much different than the previous two Metroid Prime games." and he said in the last paragraph in the review that it is exactly what Metroid fans would expect (meaning more of the same). Contradicting that, he states this game has turned Metroid into a FPS with trimmings and how the game is easier and more streamline. So, is it the same or is it watered down metroid? Can he use both as a negative?[/quote]
I don't need to read it to know that that's not a flip-flop. "Doesn't do much different than the previous two Metroid Prime games." means that it's more of the same, as far as the Metroid Prime games go. They're largely interchangeable, so if I've played just Metroid Prime, I'll definitely be able to jump into the third game and not have too much trouble adapting. That "more of the same" feeling, however, is what Metroid fans want, so he's suggesting that if that's what you want, you'll be happy, but he probably expected a little more than that when he played it.

The FPS statement's easy. Metroid Prime wasn't far from being an FPS, but it had enough of a focus on adventure and exploration that kept it from feeling like an FPS in Metroid's clothing. MP3 leans more closely to the FPS side, but not enough that it's an FPS in Metroid's clothing. Here's the whole paragraph explaining that:

[quote name='KTVO']Suffice it to say, Metroid Prime 3 takes on characteristics more akin to a standard first-person shooter than its predecessors did. The good news is that moving about is less frustrating and plodding than before. Your enemies fall faster, boss encounters require less controller fumbling, and there is an overall ease to travel and movement that the series lacked before. It's a double-edged sword, however, because while most Metroid Prime hallmarks--object scanning, careful exploration, complex puzzle-solving--remain, Corruption feels less like a probing adventure than a regular shooter.[/QUOTE]

He said it's more of an FPS than the other two Prime games in the controls/gameplay department, but it's still fun enough that it's not a big deal. The ease is noticeable, but the game's fun enough that it doesn't hurt the enjoyment of the game.

[quote name='Swingman']I didn't compare metroid to madden DS. I was using it as an example to illustrate bad review scoring. I thought that was kinda obvious. If was trying to compare the games, then I would have said "man, shooting enemies on metroid is very similar to passing the ball in madden" lol[/quote]
You didn't compare them? You sure had me fooled:

I think a game that got the opposite treatment is Madden 08 for the DS. They gave it a 8.0 when the game is obviously broken (ie franchise mode is unplayable). The game obviously shows lack of beta testing by EA and shows that the reviewers failed to test every feature the game claims to have included. For a broken game like Madden 08 on DS to get only 5 points lower than a great game like Metriod Prime 3 is a joke. Sure they're separate systems but being broken should worth at least 30% drop in the score.
You said that there's no way Madden for the DS should have been scored .5 points less than Metroid Prime 3, which is comparing the two games directly.


But seriously, we need to get down the real injustice. Why is Metroid Prime 3 only 1 point higher than Rune Factory?! That's just impossible to comprehend how they could do that.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Holy crap. Get over the goddamn Gamespot review and play the goddamn game.[/QUOTE]

QFT. Play it and come to your own opinions.

And for those reviewers complaining it was too easy, put it on Veteran to start. I haven't been this challenged in a Prime game since the last THREE (dur, forgot that damn Phazon Elite...) boss fights of the first game and the final boss of Echoes. Very strategic boss fights that require quick thinking and good aim.

The first boss fight against a corrupted hunter pwned me twice before I figured out what to do (hint, notice the graphical change in the boss when he gets very low on health, and take a good guess what you need). And I barely beat Meta Ridley with less than 500 meters left! :cool:

Damn impressive so far. The advanced controls work beautifully, but I can see where the minor motion control failure complaints came from, and I'd like if if the sensitivity were just a little lower. Oh, and trying to lock on to an enemy can be a pain sometimes, especially in close quarters against bosses, but works well for the most part. I just need more practice. 5 hours today isn't enough to master this. :D
I only played about 15 min today (waiting to get an adapter to run headphones through the big TV in the house) but I'm very impressed by the graphics, controls, and high action feel of the game.

Additionally, there are a ton of things to scan, but I don't feel too bad about skipping most of it. Maybe someday I'll scan everything.
bread's done