Metroid Prime Questions and thoughts


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My buddy and I got into an argument the other day about this and I want to hear everyone's thoughts. Metroid Prime ?? Love it or Hate it ? Honestly I just started playing it again after taking a long hiatus, and I gotta say, Im not loving it. The game itself is gorgeous, but the controls are so horrible that I just finding it to be un-enjoyable. Any word on if the sequel is going to have Dual Analog controls ?
Sorry, sequel has the same controls from what I've heard. An option would be nice though (perhaps the R button switches beams instead of targets).
Argh.... I probably won't get number 2 then.

Wait ? how isnt the game a FPS ? you ... A. are in first person mode
B. Shoot things
C. Shoot MORE things....

you can jump in FPS
I just don't understand how this isnt a FPS I've heard the arguments before.
[quote name='WildWop']1) It's great

2) It's not an FPS, get over it

3) No dual analog for Echoes[/quote]


How long have you been playing it? I gotta admit, when I first started playing, I wasn't digging it either. But I came back to it about two months later, and it was different somehow. The moment I started playing again, I was hooked. I played it for a month solid until I finished it, ignoring pretty much every other game available to me.

Give it time, you'll come around. :wink:
[quote name='ragepower']Argh.... I probably won't get number 2 then.

Wait ? how isnt the game a FPS ? you ... A. are in first person mode
B. Shoot things
C. Shoot MORE things....

you can jump in FPS
I just don't understand how this isnt a FPS I've heard the arguments before.[/quote]

Granted, it's a shooter in the 1st person, but it's not really an action game. It's meant to be an adventure, like the old Metroids. Exploration and fascination are its key points. Just wait until you get to the underwater spaceship. Creepy.
Ledhed thats what Im hoping Im gonna give it small doses until I either can't play it again or just plain get hooked. Id say I'm about 3 hours into it ? maybe ? thats what my playtime said I was lol. I just went outisde for the first time and saw snow. Which was cool, but there were these flying enemies and I thought it was retarded I couldnt run and look up at the same time.. So I lost half my health and was pretty much cursing the controls. It was either... get shot and look up and shoot back... or run and not shoot anything. I know you can lock on, but you have to stop, look up and get shot, THEN lock on and you can dodge and stuff, but still I thought that was stupid. I just dont see why they couldnt have made analog controls an option... oh well I love almost everything Nintendo puts out.
[quote name='ragepower']Argh.... I probably won't get number 2 then.

Wait ? how isnt the game a FPS ? you ... A. are in first person mode
B. Shoot things
C. Shoot MORE things....

you can jump in FPS
I just don't understand how this isnt a FPS I've heard the arguments before.[/quote]

It is an FPA, a First Person Adventure game. If you only play the game for the shooting then you are missing out, because the shooting isn't that great. The game is more of just a giant puzzle, and it happens to be done in a first-person manner where there is some shooting.
The graphics and jumping have been pretty solid though, and that invisible enemy that caught me from nowhere pretty much made me jump which was cool, my biggest complaint were those flying things that just made it impossible to not get hit.
[quote name='ragepower']Ledhed thats what Im hoping Im gonna give it small doses until I either can't play it again or just plain get hooked. Id say I'm about 3 hours into it ? maybe ? thats what my playtime said I was lol. I just went outisde for the first time and saw snow. Which was cool, but there were these flying enemies and I thought it was retarded I couldnt run and look up at the same time.. So I lost half my health and was pretty much cursing the controls. It was either... get shot and look up and shoot back... or run and not shoot anything. I know you can lock on, but you have to stop, look up and get shot, THEN lock on and you can dodge and stuff, but still I thought that was stupid. I just dont see why they couldnt have made analog controls an option... oh well I love almost everything Nintendo puts out.[/quote]

Ok, that isn't the controls. That is just you sucking. I never had the problem you just described.
oh nooooo, I definately agree its an adventure game, but its definately a first person shooter also. DEFINATELY agree its an adventure game, I classify it with Morrowind, first person other... does that make sense ? I still refer to it as FPS though, its just easier I guess. My friend kept trying to tell me it was a third person game just in first person, and I agree, but you can't ignore that ... your in first person and shooting.. he just gets all enraged when I say that lol.
Metroid Prime = one of the best games I've ever played.

But if you don't like it, you don't. Don't waste time and energy trying to force yourself to like games that you don't when there are so many other cheap games to choose from!
[quote name='Tromack'][quote name='ragepower']Ledhed thats what Im hoping Im gonna give it small doses until I either can't play it again or just plain get hooked. Id say I'm about 3 hours into it ? maybe ? thats what my playtime said I was lol. I just went outisde for the first time and saw snow. Which was cool, but there were these flying enemies and I thought it was retarded I couldnt run and look up at the same time.. So I lost half my health and was pretty much cursing the controls. It was either... get shot and look up and shoot back... or run and not shoot anything. I know you can lock on, but you have to stop, look up and get shot, THEN lock on and you can dodge and stuff, but still I thought that was stupid. I just dont see why they couldnt have made analog controls an option... oh well I love almost everything Nintendo puts out.[/quote]

Ok, that isn't the controls. That is just you sucking. I never had the problem you just described.[/quote]

Different people have different comfort levels with control setups, however. So, for him it may be the controls, not just that he's sucking.

Personally, I have only scratched the surface of this game, being only about an hour in so I can't speak to your issues really.
[quote name='ragepower']Ledhed thats what Im hoping Im gonna give it small doses until I either can't play it again or just plain get hooked. Id say I'm about 3 hours into it ? maybe ? thats what my playtime said I was lol. I just went outisde for the first time and saw snow. Which was cool, but there were these flying enemies and I thought it was retarded I couldnt run and look up at the same time.. So I lost half my health and was pretty much cursing the controls. It was either... get shot and look up and shoot back... or run and not shoot anything. I know you can lock on, but you have to stop, look up and get shot, THEN lock on and you can dodge and stuff, but still I thought that was stupid. I just dont see why they couldnt have made analog controls an option... oh well I love almost everything Nintendo puts out.[/quote]

All you have to do is look up long enough to lock onto one of the flying enemies. After that, it shouldn't be too hard.

I felt this games controls were rather good, I don't see any need for 2 sticks to better control this game.
Ok, that isn't the controls. That is just you sucking. I never had the problem you just described.

lol maybe it is, but when you first go outside there were like 4 or 5 enemies flying all over the place and since you can't run and look up at the same time. You pretty much.. HAVE to take damage before you can lock on. Thats what I was complaining about. I did really enjoy the first boss battle though. Maybe Im just complaining about something stupid, but I just really think the game would have been so much more enjoyable (for myself) if it had the dual analog control.
It still contained that Metroid feel to it, which is cool, but other than that I didn't think it was that good at all. It's a repetitive platform game that did nothing more than take the 2D game and turn it into 3D with little effort on creativity. I didn't mind the controls too much, although they definately could've used some tweaking. And the whole plot and story line was lifeless.
If it wasn't Metroid...I wouldn't have bothered finishing it.
I like the plot and graphics, and so far I havent really seen anything repetitious (sp?) other than the shooting, which is fun anyway. I just didn't care for the controls.
[quote name='ragepower']
Ok, that isn't the controls. That is just you sucking. I never had the problem you just described.

lol maybe it is, but when you first go outside there were like 4 or 5 enemies flying all over the place and since you can't run and look up at the same time. You pretty much.. HAVE to take damage before you can lock on. Thats what I was complaining about. I did really enjoy the first boss battle though. Maybe Im just complaining about something stupid, but I just really think the game would have been so much more enjoyable (for myself) if it had the dual analog control.[/quote]

No you don't. Just don't get so close to the flying enemies. Scout the area first, and you should lock onto the flying stuff from further away in the level, so that there is a lower angle and less R + control stick aiming.
[quote name='ragepower']
Ok, that isn't the controls. That is just you sucking. I never had the problem you just described.

lol maybe it is, but when you first go outside there were like 4 or 5 enemies flying all over the place and since you can't run and look up at the same time. You pretty much.. HAVE to take damage before you can lock on. Thats what I was complaining about. I did really enjoy the first boss battle though. Maybe Im just complaining about something stupid, but I just really think the game would have been so much more enjoyable (for myself) if it had the dual analog control.[/quote]
Once you get good enough, you should be able to take them down really quickly. You might get hit once or twice, but you shouldn't lose half your health. I thought the first boss battle was too easy to be much fun though. Omega Pirate was probably the funnest boss battle, IMO. I also don't think the game would've worked if it had dual analog control. The c-stick is necessary to switch between beams quickly.
The idea behind not using dual analog controls were to keep it from devolving into a standard FPS which would have caused most old school metroidfans to get board quickly and instantly dismiss it.

The slower pace is intended to force you to take thigns slowly, plan your routes and think about your strategies ahead of time as you would if you were actually there. Sadly being in FP it's going to be rough for some but the adventurous nature will hopfully inspire you to keep going.
I first got the game as a christmas gift when it originally came out, and didn't care for it. I erased my file to make room for a new game. A couple months I started back up again, and made it to the artifact collection, which I refuse to do. In both WW and MP there's a huge treasure hunt type part. OMGWTFBBQ! Just when I was enjoying both games, they add the one thing I hate the most. Are the endings decent, or should I just leave the games to collect dust on my shelf?
omega pirate keeps beatign my face in, that fight is long.
Its one of the best games I have ever played, In the top 5 easily.
The controls are great. They were very awkward in gettign used to but once you get a feel for them they are absolutely perfect.

op - just practice a bit maybe, what you are describing didnt seem to be an issue for me, whomever described it above was right on.

also whomever mentioned the underwater spaceship - yea that thing was awesome. the atmoshpere couldnt be better.
bread's done