MGS 4 coming to Xbox 360? Looks like no again! Jazz hands!

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No. Why would they go on record as saying that it won't come to the 360 if this was going to happen? Plus, isn't sixaxis used for some part of the gameplay in that game?
So now, which way will this thread go?

Option A)"MGS4 will never be on 360 so all you fanboys can shut up"


Option B)"OMG, now Microsoft is ripping off Nintendo too"
Remember in the past, retailers were actually taking preorders for Suikoden III on Xbox?? Last place I'd trust is a retailer. Sony and Konami call it exclusive for now, so it is.

Also, Kojima himself does not want to port MGS4, meaning someone else at Konami would have to do it. Since Konami has downsized, there's really no capable team on doing a good port.

Kotaku is the last source I trust for news also.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']No. Why would they go on record as saying that it won't come to the 360 if this was going to happen? Plus, isn't sixaxis used for some part of the gameplay in that game?[/quote]

For the same reason that Sony denied a pricecut 3-4 days before actually doing the pricecut.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Also, Kojima himself does not want to port MGS4, meaning someone else at Konami would have to do it. Since Konami has downsized, there's really no capable team on doing a good port. [/QUOTE]

You can't rule it out based on Kojima's reluctance. The capability of another team? What does that matter? The hard work is done, porting code could, theoretically, be outsourced. If I remember correctly, Shinji Mikami swore he would commit hara kiri before he released RE4 on the PS2 or any other platform. Needless to say, he has a vow that I am waiting for him to make good on.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']No. Why would they go on record as saying that it won't come to the 360 if this was going to happen?[/QUOTE]
HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, that's proof right there that it'll never be released on anything other than PS3. Konami said so. And as we all know, game developers ALWAYS keep their promises. I mean, why would Shinji Mikami promise to cut off his own head if Resident Evil 4 was ever ported to anything other than Gamecube if it was going to be announced for PS2 before even being released on Gamecube? And as stated, why would Sony deny a PS3 pricecut 3 days before it happened? Game companies lie, simple as that.

Promises from game developers are about as valuable as promises from politicians (oh snap).

For the record, I'm pegging this as a slip-up on HMV's part, though I do very much believe MGS4 will eventually go multi-platform.

[quote name='The Mana Knight']Since Konami has downsized, there's really no capable team on doing a good port.[/QUOTE]
You're fucking kidding? You actually believe that??? You seriously think that Konami couldn't spare a team to do a port of this game? Jeez...

Shit, dude, MGS4 isn't that insanely good looking anyways. Yeah, kickass animation and camera angles in the cinemas, but in terms of raw polygons and effects, it's really not that amazing.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']I hope that fails and that no one ever buys it.[/QUOTE]

One can only hope. :)
[quote name='Chacrana']757852584782[/QUOTE]

757852584782? 73648! 93200192234.
[quote name='sonderiaom']For the same reason that Sony denied a pricecut 3-4 days before actually doing the pricecut.[/quote]

Thats not really a fair comparision. Sony denied a pricecut like everyone else because if you announce a pricecut people won't buy systems and will wait for the price cut.

Konami has no reasons to NOT announce it for 360 because it won't cost them money. If for some reason MGS4 coming out on 360 was enough to get someone to NOT buy it on PS3 then they would buy it on the 360 instead.

Although out of every possible retail store i find it unlikely that a no name store has gotten exclusive news.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Looks like an HMV fuckup to me.[/QUOTE]

HMV? Kotaku? It's like a recipe for conjecture.

I wish I still had my preorder receipt for Dreamcast Shenmue II. Then I could show y'all how much preorders matter. :lol:
[quote name='Brian9824']Thats not really a fair comparision. Sony denied a pricecut like everyone else because if you announce a pricecut people won't buy systems and will wait for the price cut.[/quote]
But the Mikami comparison IS fair. And it still stands, that game developers' promises are more or less worthless.

[quote name='Brian9824']Although out of every possible retail store i find it unlikely that a no name store has gotten exclusive news.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Yeah, it's not like it's Circuit City or something.[/QUOTE]

HMV is the biggest entertainment retailer in England, noobs. :roll:
[quote name='Brian9824']Thats not really a fair comparision. Sony denied a pricecut like everyone else because if you announce a pricecut people won't buy systems and will wait for the price cut.

Konami has no reasons to NOT announce it for 360 because it won't cost them money. If for some reason MGS4 coming out on 360 was enough to get someone to NOT buy it on PS3 then they would buy it on the 360 instead.

Although out of every possible retail store i find it unlikely that a no name store has gotten exclusive news.[/QUOTE]

If they announced MGS4 now as coming out on the 360 6 months after the PS3, it would hurt the current sales for PS3 systems and copies of MGS4 on PS3. Some people may actually buy a PS3 just to play one game, and they have not lost that sale.
How about one big fucking MGS4 is coming to the 360 thread instead of 50,000 of them? Cheese and fucking rice you guys and MGS4 is coming to da 360 threads are getting fucking old. Get one big thread for shit like this and just change the title and edit the OP. I am so fucking sick of seeing all these topics about this. Who really gives a flying fuck what console it's on? As long as I can play it I could care less if it's exclusive or not.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Some people may actually buy a PS3 just to play one game[/QUOTE]
Please. We all know that no-one buys systems for just one game. I'm so sick of that particular exaggeration.
Um... Guys I bought the 360 only for Gears of War, I bought the PS3 with the intention of only playing GT5.

Luckily there are games for both that I discovered and like AFTER that.

Anyway, if I remember correctly, the 360 would physically not be able to play MGS4 because they don't have enough space on the regular Dvds. The PS3 has Blu-Ray so they have more than enough.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Um... Guys I bought the 360 only for Gears of War, I bought the PS3 with the intention of only playing GT5.

Luckily there are games for both that I discovered and like AFTER that.

Anyway, if I remember correctly, the 360 would physically not be able to play MGS4 because they don't have enough space on the regular Dvds. The PS3 has Blu-Ray so they have more than enough.[/quote]

They can always put it on more than one disc .
Anyone else notice this?:


Apparently they're crediting CAG for breaking thet news ;)

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Please. We all know that no-one buys systems for just one game. I'm so sick of that particular exaggeration.[/QUOTE]
Wrong. I know several people who bought a PS2 just to play GTA.

Also, a couple of them still have NO other games on their PS2 besides GTA.

I know another guy who hasn't played any games on his PS2 besides Guitar Hero, and another who bought his PS2 for only GTA and Madden (and has only played those two since he bought it).

I also know a few people who bought Wii's just for Wii sports, and have never played another game on the system.

Some people DO buy consoles for just one game. It's a well known fact.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Apparently they're crediting CAG for breaking thet news ;)[/quote]

A strange way of referring to, but that's what they're doing.

Wrong. I know several people who bought a PS2 just to play GTA.

I think exclusive games matter. Not many people will buy a PS3 just for MGS4, but many will buy a PS3. Why, then? Multiplatform software helps things, as do exclusives. Both are necessary. Anyone who thinks that this console generation is decided already (where the biggest selling system has sold 5-8% of the number of PS2 consoles sold), or that MGS4 will make or break the PS3, doesn't have a very firm grounding in reality. Nevertheless, casual gamers may buy a console, but at $500, it's far less likely.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Please. We all know that no-one buys systems for just one game. I'm so sick of that particular exaggeration.[/quote]

Guitar Hero

Joe Six Packs do it. I don't know WHY they would spend so much money to enable them to play a single mainstream game, but they do. It's crazy.
It'll happen sooner or later. PS3 people will enjoy it, 360 people will enjoy it, and the world will go on.. people need to settle down.

And people buy a system for one game.. but not when that system is $500-600. Guitar Hero sales happened mostly on a $130-150 PS2. GTA was an absolute groundbreaking, new experience. This is the 4th in a fairly limited appeal, military drama series. Things are a bit different.
[quote name='mykevermin']:whistle2:s

Limited appeal, huh?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's a total niche title. MGS2 only sold just short of 6 million worldwide and Snake Eater only sold just short of 4 million...I mean, when you consider that there's 6 billion people in the world, MGS has pretty limited appeal.
[quote name='Apossum']Yeah, it's a total niche title. MGS2 only sold just short of 6 million worldwide and Snake Eater only sold just short of 4 million...I mean, when you consider that there's 6 billion people in the world, MGS has pretty limited appeal.[/QUOTE]

And considering the number of people who lived on earth at any given point in time (hundreds of millions more than the current 6 billion), that really reduces the market penetration of the MGS series.

You never saw any European feudal lords playing MGS! How can anyone dare call the game popular knowing that?

I stand corrected, and apologize for being a fool.
[quote name='mykevermin']:whistle2:s

Limited appeal, huh?[/QUOTE]

I'd agree to a certain point. Because of the gameplay, MGS caters more to the hardcore crowd I think. Games like GTA or Halo, since the gameplay is not as demanding, is more accessible to gamers with a wide variety of skills and or ages. I mean like "Hey guys you wanna stand still like a statue?! Or jack cars and kill aliens?"

A lot of us think it's HUGELY popular (it's not) because we're all fairly big gamers. The game does sell well, however I don't think it sells as well as many people think.

Who doesn't love sales numbers?

Metal Gear Solid for the PSX: 6.6 million copies.
PSX install base? Over 100 million.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: 7 million copies.
PS2 install base? Over 120 million.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: 3.7 million copies.

As a point of reference, GTA3 for the PS2 outsold both MGS2 and 3 combined with 11 million copies sold. The GTA series on the PS2 alone sold 36 million copies. That means about 1 in 3 people bought a GTA game who owned a PS2. That's ridiculous.

As a side note I think the biggest system seller has been Halo...Halo 1 and 2 combined to sell 13 million copies, and the Xbox only had an install base of 24 million. More than 50% of owners had at least one Halo game. Yeesh.

Also, I know many a people who have purchased a console for just 1 game. Of course they didn't stop with the 1 game, but it was enough to convince them to buy the console. Me? GRAW 1 convinced me to get a 360, and I'm extremely happy with it. I'd have to say, the 360 is giving my PS2 a fight for best console I've ever owned.

Sources for those I know will want them:
[quote name='jer7583']And people buy a system for one game.. but not when that system is $500-600. Guitar Hero sales happened mostly on a $130-150 PS2. GTA was an absolute groundbreaking, new experience. This is the 4th in a fairly limited appeal, military drama series. Things are a bit different.[/QUOTE]
What he said. Damn near nobody will pay at least $570 for one game.

And sorry, I didn't mean literally no one. I meant not a signifigant amount. And certainly, not among "core" gamers.

[quote name='mykevermin']Limited appeal, huh?[/QUOTE]
Less appeal than a football game.

And as I've explained elsewhere, MGS isn't really an industry-driving seller, and each game in the series has sold less than the one before it. The sales of GTA:SA alone are just about even with the sales of the entire MGS series combined.

So, yeah, MGS is a pretty high-profile series, but mostly among "core" gamers. It's really not as important of a series as some make it out to be. I don't agree with calling it "limited appeal," though...then again, everything is limited, so, yeah. It's not "niche," but I wouldn't really say that it's appeal is vast. Big, but not vast.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Less appeal than a football game.

And as I've explained elsewhere, MGS isn't really an industry-driving seller, and each game in the series has sold less than the one before it. The sales of GTA:SA alone are just about even with the sales of the entire MGS series combined.

So, yeah, MGS is a pretty high-profile series, but mostly among "core" gamers. It's really not as important of a series as some make it out to be. I don't agree with calling it "limited appeal," though...then again, everything is limited, so, yeah. It's not "niche," but I wouldn't really say that it's appeal is vast. Big, but not vast.[/QUOTE]


So, since it doesn't sell as well as Madden or GTA, it's irrelevant, eh? Well, that there sure makes every game not Madden or GTA irrelevant, no?

Comparing MGS to Madden is fine in terms of sales figures, but otherwise silly. No console worries about not having a football game this generation. 2K showed that a football game can be made without an NFL license, even. So, football being football, it's going to come to your console in one form or another, year after fucking year. Unless you only own a Jaguar or N-Gage.

MGS, OTOH, is not like that at all. So, it's not Madden. It's not GTA. You're right. But those sales figures AHP posted (thanks for sourcing them, by the way) show that MGS is not merely a series with limited appeal. If the only counter argument to its appeal is that it doesn't sell as well as the two biggest series in gaming for the past several years (or decade and a half in Madden's case), then, IMHO, that doesn't do a very good job at proving its irrelevance.
[quote name='evanft']This thread shouldn't exist anymore.[/QUOTE]

agreed. when people start saying a game has limited appeal just because it doesn't sell as much as the very top selling games in the industry, it's over.

There's so much that goes into deciding if a game is a system seller too. Not just the name of the game :roll:
[quote name='zewone']I don't know why Kotaku or you people are even dignifying this with a discussion.[/QUOTE]

because I'm trying to procrastinate on homework.
[quote name='mykevermin']:lol:

So, since it doesn't sell as well as Madden or GTA, it's irrelevant, eh? Well, that there sure makes every game not Madden or GTA irrelevant, no?

Comparing MGS to Madden is fine in terms of sales figures, but otherwise silly. No console worries about not having a football game this generation. 2K showed that a football game can be made without an NFL license, even. So, football being football, it's going to come to your console in one form or another, year after fucking year. Unless you only own a Jaguar or N-Gage.

MGS, OTOH, is not like that at all. So, it's not Madden. It's not GTA. You're right. But those sales figures AHP posted (thanks for sourcing them, by the way) show that MGS is not merely a series with limited appeal. If the only counter argument to its appeal is that it doesn't sell as well as the two biggest series in gaming for the past several years (or decade and a half in Madden's case), then, IMHO, that doesn't do a very good job at proving its irrelevance.[/QUOTE]

I guarantee you if that for whatever reason, EA decided to take sides with either PS3 or the 360, the other company would be just shitting their pants.

And as for unlicensed football games....

No idea how many they've actually sold, but when you come out an say you're not pleased, that's not good.

I also want to point out, my point of posting the sales numbers was to show people that MGS is not necessarily the console-seller people make it out to be. Granted, these ARE just numbers, and like Apposum said, more things could be taken into account, but those are intangibles.. The sales numbers are there merely as a basis for argument.

And Zewone - I'm already convinced this is an IS kotaku for fuck sake. I just like this new off-topic discussion about system sellers.

Also, I knew someone wanted those sources :)
[quote name='mykevermin']So, since it doesn't sell as well as Madden or GTA, it's irrelevant, eh? Well, that there sure makes every game not Madden or GTA irrelevant, no?[/QUOTE]
Hey, can you read? No? I never said MGS was irrelevant or unimportant. On the contrary, I clearly said that it has a big appeal among many "core" gamers, and I know that it has surely attracted some non-players. What I said was that I don't think MGS4 is really the make-or-break game that some people make it out to be. It's a big series that sells really really well, but it's critical performance and the strength of it's quality reputation definitely outpaces it's sales figures, in my opinion.
In response to the person who said 1 game doesnt sell a system...

Just yesterday i had a guy come in thinking about whether to get a ps3 or 360...he said he was really split and his #1 reason for considering a ps3? MGS4.

People will buy a system for 1 game. If you work in retail you will see it often enough to see that its not unusual at all.

Sure it wont be the only reason they want the system period, but it could be the reason they feel they need the system at all. Exclusives mean the world when picking out a system.

That guy was going to buy plenty of sports games, Rainbow Six: Vegas, and a few other multiplatform games. The difference came down to two games...halo 3 and mgs4. He ended up leaving the store since he couldnt make up his mind but yeah 1 game can truly make a big difference.

"Yo! Buddy! What da fuck is up wit dese fuck-in' console fanfucks? Dey make us look like real paisans, whattaya say? Howsabout we botes beat the livin' shit outta 'em after da game?"
[quote name='jollydwarf']

"Yo! Buddy! What da fuck is up wit dese fuck-in' console fanfucks? Dey make us look like real paisans, whattaya say? Howsabout we botes beat the livin' shit outta 'em after da game?"[/QUOTE]

so who's worse, the people who can discuss things, even in a brash manner, or the people who think they're funny and try to distance themselves with dumbass jokes?
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Hey, can you read? No? I never said MGS was irrelevant or unimportant. On the contrary, I clearly said that it has a big appeal among many "core" gamers, and I know that it has surely attracted some non-players. What I said was that I don't think MGS4 is really the make-or-break game that some people make it out to be. It's a big series that sells really really well, but it's critical performance and the strength of it's quality reputation definitely outpaces it's sales figures, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

1) What in tarnation is a "core" gamer?
2) What is/are the make or break games? Madden? GTA? Well, seeing as how they are or will be available on multiple systems, they aren't really system sellers, are they? Would you buy a 360, PS3, Wii, or PS2 for Guitar Hero? Madden? There are marginal differences in versions, sure, but that's about it. It's also quite different from being able to play a game on your system of choice and not being able to play at all. That's where games like MGS Halo come in. You can't play the former on your 360 (as of now), and you can't play the latter on your PS3. That's what, IMO, makes people buy one system over another.

Speaking of Halo, it must be another not make-or-break game, seeing as how sales of Halo 2 are only marginally higher than MGS2.

I'm afraid you're just talking in circles and trying to have it both ways at the same time.

[quote name='A Happy Panda']I just like this new off-topic discussion about system sellers.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. I am curious what a system seller is (or what comprises it). Clearly price enters into the equation, given the PS3's sales; but as people bring up Madden, I don't see it as a factor at all. Who says "I want to buy the system with Madden on it!" Few, if any, IMO. It's available for every system out there, so as big as it is, it doesn't matter for system choice. Games like Halo, MGS4, Zelda - first-party titles and third-party exclusives matter. It seems like the PS3 is going to continue to suffer as those niche Japanese titles move towards the DS (from the PS2 last gen). As far as EA/Activision titles are concerned, I don't see those titles driving people towards systems because they're (mostly) on all three of them.
[quote name='zewone']I don't know why Kotaku or you people are even dignifying this with a discussion.[/quote]

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