MGS: Ground Zeroes- $24.99 all platforms (best buy and amazon)

Almost randomly bought this with GCU the other day at the base price of $30 and and so now at $20 with GCU I am really tempted...

Also your Best Buy link is broken.

Try this one

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If you google this game you'll find the reviewers stating that while it is good, it is an expensive and glorified demo.  It would be best to pass on this until it has dropped in price significantly.  If for no other reason than to discourage episodic releases on consoles.

If you google this game you'll find the reviewers stating that while it is good, it is an expensive and glorified demo. It would be best to pass on this until it has dropped in price significantly. If for no other reason than to discourage episodic releases on consoles.
With over 1 million sales since it released I doubt they will be discouraged in the future.

If you google this game you'll find the reviewers stating that while it is good, it is an expensive and glorified demo. It would be best to pass on this until it has dropped in price significantly. If for no other reason than to discourage episodic releases on consoles.
They are just following GT5 Prologue's foot steps. When a popular franchise is long over due, they can release glorified demos and charge for them.

It's comes with TPP when it releases in 2015.

All the media on this said that they were to be separate releases and that perhaps retailers will bundle them. There may even be a manufactured bundle sent to stores but they have never said Phantom Pain will include Ground Zeroes as a standard.

If I am wrong please show me proof like I said to my knowledge this was not the case.


All the media on this said that they were to be separate releases and that perhaps retailers will bundle them. There may even be a manufactured bundle sent to stores but they have never said Phantom Pain will include Ground Zeroes as a standard.

If I am wrong please show me proof like I said to my knowledge this was not the case.
I am not going to go out on my way and post proof just to save you $25. Waste money if you want, I don't care.

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I am not going to post proof just to save you $25. Waste money if you want, I don't care.
Hah wow.

Alright Mr. I Just Joined CAG and am going to have a garbage attitude.

I genuinely was curious of proof that Kojima announced this because originally that was not to be the case and I was curious if it had changed. Were it to have changed I likely would simply wait then for Phantom Pain but my quick Google search did not provide me with any such information.

Please get a better attitude if you are planning on staying here on CAG.

The amount of content beyond the main story is more than worth the $25 asking price, especially with how refined the game mechanics play.
People who run around spouting "its a demo" generally saw other people saying it and are just repeating it without actually having played it. They just regurgitate what others say and sound personally offended somehow. Or the people who scream "you can beat it in 12 minutes" again havent played it and dont realize the people who beat it in 12 minutes did so on new game plus and were speed running it.

I played through it completing everything and it took about 10 hours. Then I played it on new game plus and got about half of that again and I enjoyed it.

Hah wow.

Alright Mr. I Just Joined CAG and am going to have a garbage attitude.

I genuinely was curious of proof that Kojima announced this because originally that was not to be the case and I was curious if it had changed. Were it to have changed I likely would simply wait then for Phantom Pain but my quick Google search did not provide me with any such information.

Please get a better attitude if you are planning on staying here on CAG.
No not once has he or Konami or anyone ever said or even hinted it would be in phantom pain. That was started by uninformed dumbass forum users who said "I bet it will be in phantom pain" and were acting like kojima came to their home and raped their mom and killed their dog and other internet morons just ran with it because they wanted to be pissed off for any reason they could, even if its a false reason.
Priced matched at Target. I'll trade it in for $12 at the end of the week and if I can get 10 hours of enjoyment out of it, it'll be $13 well spent.
People who run around spouting "its a demo" generally saw other people saying it and are just repeating it without actually having played it. They just regurgitate what others say and sound personally offended somehow. Or the people who scream "you can beat it in 12 minutes" again havent played it and dont realize the people who beat it in 12 minutes did so on new game plus and were speed running it.

I played through it completing everything and it took about 10 hours. Then I played it on new game plus and got about half of that again and I enjoyed it.

No not once has he or Konami or anyone ever said or even hinted it would be in phantom pain. That was started by uninformed dumbass forum users who said "I bet it will be in phantom pain" and were acting like kojima came to their home and raped their mom and killed their dog and other internet morons just ran with it because they wanted to be pissed off for any reason they could, even if its a false reason.
How much is Konami paying you?

Hideo Kojima himself wont even refer to this as a game but in his own words it is just a "Tutorial". And the Phantom Pain earliest release date is April of Next Year almost a whole year away. plently of time for this time to probably drop to $10 considering being such a short game not much replay to last a year of play. especially since Best Buy has it for $24.99 and Fred Meyer Had it $19.99 Last week. so it is slowly getting lower in price.

I walked to a Redbox at about 5:30 to rent this the weekend it came out. I brought it back, finished, at 7 and I didn't jump right into it when I got home.

I'm not even exaggerating. Beyond that, it looked and played like shit. Unless you just simply have to own this game because you have to physically own everything MGS, for what little my opinion matters, this is not worth buying.

I just picked this up from Fred Meyer last weekend when it was $20, with the mindset that I shouldn't expect too many hours of playtime with the overall package. When the game was released, I wasn't happy to learn (like many others) it was essentially the Tanker/Virtuous mission labeled as a retail release, and I'm sure if the threads still exist here one could go find my rather negative opinions I shared there.

After playing it, there's a lot more to it than I initially expected. The 4 Side-Ops were surprising different, had unique voice-acting/briefings, and completely different enemy placement/pathing, in addition to their own cut-scenes. Think of it as playing different scenarios in a table-top board game, like Space Hulk or Pathfinder. Terrain traversal, like what objects you can get on top of, is fun to mess around with on its own IMO.

The Deja-Vu/Jamais-Vu missions are pure fan-service, which is a huge bonus for fans of the series, but if that isn't for you then you are playing the wrong game series.

Most of this is in direct opposition to my expectations. I thought there would just be a basic text dump for the Side-Missions, similar enemy/item placement, and uninteresting "hide behind the waist-high cover" stealth. I can honestly say there's a lot more to be had here than I'm sure most of you assume.

Is it a full-game? The content is far too piece-meal and disjointed weighed separately, but together presents a variety of well crafted, thought out, and interesting scenarios to play through.

Is it a demo? The amount of content, from a variety and quantity standpoint, far surpasses any demo I've play. There are numerous paths the developers put into the missions for you to find/try out, that are also interesting to find (some of which are required for a trophy/cheevo, btw).

Is it too high a price? At $25, I'd say yes. I bit at $20 because I figured it wasn't going to get any cheaper by the time my birthday rolls around later this month.

If you want to play it sooner rather than later, I'd look around for ~$20. Otherwise, I'd say wait for
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I disagree with Konami pricing this game as high as they did. I will therefore only buy Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain used, and will only spend a combined $20 on them.

This game will not come with TPP.  Please stop spreading misinformation. 

Kojima already has said that you get an advantage in-game having unlocked certain parts of Ground Zeroes that lead into The Phantom Pain.  All MGS haters please exit to the right and play your Ass Creed with your buddies :)

This game will not come with TPP. Please stop spreading misinformation.

Kojima already has said that you get an advantage in-game having unlocked certain parts of Ground Zeroes that lead into The Phantom Pain. All MGS haters please exit to the right and play your Ass Creed with your buddies :)
On that note, is it weird to be a big MGS fan and only like Assassin's Creed 1?

Will this still come with the code in the case or was the preorders only?

I bought GZ for Ps3 and it has the code, but I don't know if I'll be able to redeem for PS4 TPP

Thanks OP. 

$20 bucks after GCU seems like  a decent price. 

Yeah , the main story will probably be only 1-2 hours long but the game looks like it will be fun to mess around with and try to unlock everything. The free dlc just released is kind of nice too.

Plus it'll give me a reason to play my PS4 which frankly doesn't have much at all worth playing in regards to quality content.  I'll eventually get AC4 and infamous was a fun romp, but seriously the PS4 is extremely lacking fun games. 

MGS is probably better han 90% of the current filler library and like others have mentioned it's not even a full game.

Even the upcoming Watch Dogs looks kind of meh, I hope it proves me wrong and turns out to be a great fun title. Most hype I have for the system is the rumored Project Beast game from FromSoft that supposedly will be a PS4 exclusive. E3 couldn't come soon enough for Sony.

Eh... screw konami. Worse than Activision with this shit. Waiting for $10 and less and especially used.

There are videos showing how you could theoretically beat the game in 10 mins. Yeah, this can wait. It'll be in every dump bin soon.

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bread's done