Michael Jackson's Thriller........with lego's. Fing sweet.



Other than not having super cool backdrops this is the sweetest fucking thing i have seen. Thriller scene by fucking scene with lego's.

Even if you dont like the song you have to give it up for how hard this guy had to work to do this....and come one...its fucking LEGO'S for pete's sake....

What i want to know...where the hell did he get black legos? I remember as a kid I always tried to find them but couldnt unless they were like celeb lego.......like that guy from Star Wars.
That video kicks major portions of ass. That must've taken so much work to pull off. Also reminds me of how awesome Michael Jackson was back in the day. Now he is just a sad freak child-molester. It makes me a sad panda.
The animation is great, especially the dance sequences.

I hate to be a Debbie Downer... but like the OP said, I would've been more impressed if the whole thing was legos. Like the sets and backdrops.
Marked to show Indian Thriller to some friends who have spent time there for work
bread's done