Microsoft 2010 E3 - Worst Ever!!!

I was a bit confused by the press conference, was anything there a surprise? I guess ESPN but thats not a game, new xbox was unveiled was hardly a surprise. I found it surprising they could go through their keynote and mention a date for their new camera yet not give u a price. Are they waiting to hear the price of playstation move's wandballs are or what assume everyone will want to buy it if its actually 100$ instead of the rumored 150?

I wish there was a surprise/big reveal at the press conference :/
[quote name='sofik88']i think MS Conference was great thanks to one thing - FORZA MOTHER FU*KING MOTORSPORT 4....and also new crytek 360 game.
i wrote in my predictions for pure fun and gigles that Forza 4 is announced and GT5 delayed yet again, but holy f**k it's kinda happening. [/QUOTE]

Um, wut? They didn't announce Forza 4. They're addict a new Kinect mode to Forza 3 along with the Ferrari aspects.
Yeah you don't move anything spinning a disc really fast unless you are retarded. And then when you pretend it wasn't your fault something bad happened and blame the device, you are uber-retarded.
I didn't think it was that terrible. What with the 360S finally being unveiled. Hopefully that year since the motherboard leak was spent testing it for overheating issues. I can't believe the 360 is 5 years old. When will it's true successor be announced? The Xbox 361?

Sorry guys, I'm kind of interested in checking out the Xbox Wii60.

Drooling by myself on a couch with my hands curled into a ball gripping a piece of plastic seems antiquated already.

Too bad the Xbox Bad Decision Vision Camera is unlikely to be the solution. Back to Red Dead Redemption!
[quote name='thrustbucket']Yeah you don't move anything spinning a disc really fast unless you are retarded. And then when you pretend it wasn't your fault something bad happened and blame the device, you are uber-retarded.[/QUOTE]

The worst part is it seemed totally planned. These people calling themselves press/journalists is like the fry guy at McDonald's calling themselves chef.
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[quote name='M1C13']ESPN3 doesn't work with the second largest ISP in the nation, Time Warner Cable, so no ESPN on the 360 for me.[/QUOTE]

I don't think the Xbox Live-ESPN partnership depends on who your ISP is. True, ESPN3 doesn't work for Time Warner customers, but that's only because ESPN restricts access to ESPN3 based on whether you're a paying customer of certain ISPs. I presume that being a paying customer of Xbox Live will be enough to get you access to the streaming and on demand games ESPN will offer through Xbox Live. It shouldn't have anything to do with who your ISP is.
[quote name='DestroVega']anyone know the cable companies that do/don't have the deal with ESPN? i have Cox Communications.[/QUOTE]

Try to visit I have COX in FL and can get it.

From the press release:
ESPN on Xbox LIVE, providing great content from and, is only available to Xbox LIVE Gold members. For access to content, Gold members must receive their Internet connection from an affiliated broadband provider. See for details and providers
[quote name='reddjoey']
From the press release:
ESPN on Xbox LIVE, providing great content from and, is only available to Xbox LIVE Gold members. For access to content, Gold members must receive their Internet connection from an affiliated broadband provider. See for details and providers[/QUOTE]

Wow. So that sucks. Guess the ESPN on Xbox Live thing isn't all it is cracked up to be if they still restrict to ISPs that support ESPN3. That's gonna leave a lot of Time Warner customers and customers of small ISPs out of the viewership.
[quote name='M1C13']ESPN3 doesn't work with the second largest ISP in the nation, Time Warner Cable, so no ESPN on the 360 for me.

I thought the whole thing was alright, but I have a wife and kids who want a wii so it will be Kinect for us.[/QUOTE]

Wait...what? I have Time Warner Cable (I even live in the same city as you) and I can watch ESPN3 just fine.
[quote name='jman619']I think Microsoft and Sony did terrible. Nintendo was better than both combined. I honestly hate to admit it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Kinect and Move look dumb. 3DS looks awesome.

If only the money spent on developing Kinect had gone towards good games...
fuck motion controls. I think they should be using their R&D money to make better controllers. Something that provides pinpoint accuracy, like a circular touchpad to replace the d-pad, as an alternative to the left analog that is potentially more accurate for shooters. Analogs have too much of a problem with deadzones, like when you're trying to snipe someone and are having a pisser of a time just nudging your crosshair a tiny bit. The Wii almost solved that problem, but it's too jerky and imprecise.
[quote name='jman619']I think Microsoft and Sony did terrible. Nintendo was better than both combined. I honestly hate to admit it.[/QUOTE]

Do you not own a PSP or something? o_O
So I youtubed the PS Move... omg why does it look like a HD Wii with ice cream cones?
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Do you not own a PSP or something? o_O[/QUOTE]

Nope I don't. I use to did. I never cared much for handhelds plus my eyes are bad anyway. :lol:
it was pretty lame, i always thought of the xbox as something for serious gamers besides the pc, but now its seems just lame, apart from the voice controls for the xbox, the kinect seem very childish and playing games without a controller just makes gaming lame, ie the dancing $$$$$$, a virtual tiger, etc.
i mean there is a reason they used a 4 year old girl for that demonstation and not the "average" gamer.

also i dont ever wana be running in place if im playing a video games. its meant to be a lazy activity. i wana just sit on my couch and play!!!! everything about their show was unbelievably cheesy. i wish they would stop selling games based on gimicks(which may be amusing the 1st 10min of playing but then just get really boring) and rather on quality, originality and LENGTH!!!

and wtf is this new 360, i mean if ur only going to reward those who havent bought an xbox yet wth am i going 2 buy the next generation console when it gets released???? id really like to c how long it is before the kinect get replaced by a newer model or something.

sorry bout the ranting, just needed to vent, i have always been a fan xbox but the more time passes the more they begin to disappoint me
That article nailed it on the head.

Kinect had some possibilities, but was ruined with shitty launch games. Also, gamestop is listing most as $60.

Wii Sports was fun because is was a tech demo for what the Wii could do. It also, remarkably had some fun gameplay elements and was free.

Kinect is rumored as $150, and if it doesn't come with atleast three of these games packaged in it's going to tank so damn hard.

Microsoft better have a really freaking great contingency plan, because they are going to need it.

What are they going to do when Bungie can't bail them out with a great Halo game after Reach? Or when Epic finishes Gears of War. The list goes on.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Agreed. Kinect and Move look dumb. 3DS looks awesome.

guyes its not like sony spent an hour on move like Microsoft spent on kinect. so sony wasnt as bad as microsofts and what did we see of the 3ds, from what i saw nothing.
[quote name='reddjoey']Try to visit I have COX in FL and can get it.

From the press release:
ESPN on Xbox LIVE, providing great content from and, is only available to Xbox LIVE Gold members. For access to content, Gold members must receive their Internet connection from an affiliated broadband provider. See for details and providers[/QUOTE]

ugh, says ESPN360 is not available in my area. oh well.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Kinect could be something, but most likely won't be. At least it seems to have more support than the Move does.[/QUOTE]

I dont know about all that. At least Move has 'real' games. A few days back when we were all talking about Natal here at CAG, I brought up the idea that Id like to see RUSE use it. Lo and behold, Sony announced it will be available for use with Move as well as Tiger Woods 11.Who knows, hopefully Kinect will pick that up too.

MS dropped the ball. Thats all that can really be said.
Why the hell would they decide to have Zune enabled webcam where you can watch trailers with a friend , and then turn around and drop those features for ESPN?

Doesn't make sense.

And yeah, Move looks like it has its own version of Molestimals.. "Eyenimals" (or something) But it wasn't a focal point in their press conference,...

I gotta say again: Neither one of em really 'get it'. They're trying to please all of the people all of the time.
Like I said about Ubi's 'your shape'= You take out the workout partner who's showing you how to do the exercise on the left, and replace her with Sam Fisher.
You lose the Monchichi from 'EyePetz' and you change it to the Kraken from God of War. ;)
I'd rather see Nintendo do all this cool experiments and leave Microsoft and Sony to controllers. Since they both don't see to truly understand it yet. Other then PROFITS PROFITS, and profits.

I'd love to see Nintendo make the Motion stuff optional, so you can play a game with a controller as well.
Everyone seemed remarkably average this year, although that's a step up for Nintendo. Microsoft's was just more disappointing to me because they've generally been good for the last several years.
[quote name='timesplitt']guyes its not like sony spent an hour on move like Microsoft spent on kinect. so sony wasnt as bad as microsofts and what did we see of the 3ds, from what i saw nothing.[/QUOTE]

We've known about Natal/Kinect for quite a while now, but Microsoft only showed us a handful of crappy games that will launch with it.

Rumors of the 3DS only started this calendar year, and only really picked up steam the past couple months. But have you seen the games being developed for the 3DS? The list is un-freakin'-believable. A ton of good franchises by a bunch of good developers. Check it here:

Sorry, but Microsoft dropped the ball on this one. Where is their long list of Kinect-supported 3rd party games? I fully believe Kinect will fail, and the 3DS is about to put the nail in the PSP's coffin.
Microsoft truly was at the bottom of the barrel this year. The only solace I can take in all of it is that if it fails horribly then all of these dance, fitness and minigame collections will go to the wayside for good. Sony's was alright, it wasn't as utterly ridiculous as Microsoft's, but I didn't see anything special. Not even a mention of Last Guardian, which was really disappointing. Nintendo's presser was the best of the big three, but I'm not into motion control or handhelds so it was all a bit lost on me.

With all that being said, my main disappointment wasn't even motion control. It was that there seems to be an alarming lack of interesting new IP's in the industry at the moment. Practically all of the big games shown are reboots, spin-offs or sequels. I know those kinds of games have always sold like gangbusters when it comes to video games, but it seemed amplified this year for some reason.
Yeah, pretty lame all around.

fuck this motion bullshit come up with more interesting games that or worth actually playing.
[quote name='jman619']I think Microsoft and Sony did terrible. Nintendo was better than both combined. I honestly hate to admit it.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. I think Nintendo redeemed itself from the last several shows. But Sony's was the worst. Massive snoozefest, until Kevin Butler came in and actually had some good moments. I just wasn't impressed at all. Microsoft at least had some hard hitting exclusive deals more than Sony did.
[quote name='uglyteradon']I'm sure Nintendo will somehow have a worse conference... like every year.[/QUOTE]

After watching Nintendo's conference, I'm curious to know how THAT crow tastes.
[quote name='Fjordson']Microsoft truly was at the bottom of the barrel this year. The only solace I can take in all of it is that if it fails horribly then all of these dance, fitness and minigame collections will go to the wayside for good. Sony's was alright, it wasn't as utterly ridiculous as Microsoft's, but I didn't see anything special. Not even a mention of Last Guardian, which was really disappointing. Nintendo's presser was the best of the big three, but I'm not into motion control or handhelds so it was all a bit lost on me.

With all that being said, my main disappointment wasn't even motion control. It was that there seems to be an alarming lack of interesting new IP's in the industry at the moment. Practically all of the big games shown are reboots, spin-offs or sequels. I know those kinds of games have always sold like gangbusters when it comes to video games, but it seemed amplified this year for some reason.[/QUOTE]

Why should they take a chance on a new IP when established IP's rake it in? Games like Beyond Good and Evil, Psi-Ops, Psychonauts, The suffering took that chance and failed. Meanwhile COD Black Ops looks like the same shit that MW2, WAW, Cod 4 did and everyone is sucking it up like its some revolution.

How many new Ip's have even been financially viable to continue/make this gen? Dead Space, Assassins Creed, Gears, Bioshock, Skate, Condemned, Portal, Dead Rising to name some 360 games, but then you look at games like Call of Duty, Halo, Mario etc...and they all bring in buckets of cash no matter the quality.
Nintendo had no where to go but up as far as E3s are concerned. Sony did alright--they had to "bore" people a little bit since they're a publicly traded company and this show isn't just for teh gheym3z. They certainly trumped Microsoft in most areas, including the motion control fad. Microsoft came in last this year, but we're all fucking hard to please on these here Internetz anyways.
As far as MS being the worst ever, not even close. Ubisoft has taken the cake 2 years running with James Cameron last year and their work out thing they had going on this year
Maybe there are THAT many young people that Lazer Tag is actually new to them so that's why it's not the worst of show? I'm kinda surprised at least.
[quote name='slickkill77']Why should they take a chance on a new IP when established IP's rake it in? Games like Beyond Good and Evil, Psi-Ops, Psychonauts, The suffering took that chance and failed. Meanwhile COD Black Ops looks like the same shit that MW2, WAW, Cod 4 did and everyone is sucking it up like its some revolution.

How many new Ip's have even been financially viable to continue/make this gen? Dead Space, Assassins Creed, Gears, Bioshock, Skate, Condemned, Portal, Dead Rising to name some 360 games, but then you look at games like Call of Duty, Halo, Mario etc...and they all bring in buckets of cash no matter the quality.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Fjordson']I know those kinds of games have always sold like gangbusters when it comes to video games.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't mean it isn't disappointing. I enjoy Call of Duty, Halo and some of the other big franchises. just wish there had been some more surprises. And you forgot Uncharted, Mass Effect, Red Dead and Left 4 Dead. I'm surely forgetting a lot also.

But I agree with you, I guess it shouldn't really be expected for the big name companies to bring out a bunch of surprise IP's. Those big name sequels are basically a license to print lots and lots of money.
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To be fair, both Microsoft and Sony didn't really put out anything innovative this E3.

The Sony Move is a complete ripoff of the Wii controller. At least Microsoft tried something different.

The Nintendo 3DS looks interesting to me but I'm not really sure how the 3D part works.

Overall, the only games I'm interested in is Gears of War 3 and Dead Space 2. I'm perfectly fine with that seeing that I still have a backlog of games in my apartment.
Well Nintendo surely regained my trust this E3. That said I can't wait to play Gears 3, Fable III, Metal Gear Solid Rising and none of those Kinect games lol. Child of Eden was good and I hear (read on the internet) that you can use your standard controller to play it as well. Really disappointed with Microsoft's Press Conference but hey you can't win em all, give it to someone else once and a while.
The bad thing is with the awful NPD numbers this year, the industry was banking on a strong E3 showing. It worries me that they are rolling the dice on a big win with motion control.

If profits continue to decline, we are going to see more unpleasant trends like last year when no one wanted to release against MW2, and the holiday hits were pushed to March.
[quote name='Ramin123']*Goes back to watching the world cup* oh and...*Yawn*[/QUOTE]

funny, that's a common response to watching soccer. :)
[quote name='slickkill77']As far as MS being the worst ever, not even close. Ubisoft has taken the cake 2 years running with James Cameron last year and their work out thing they had going on this year[/QUOTE]

I disagree. I think Rayman looks slick. Also, that Michael Jackson game will get them millions.
[quote name='Fjordson']Doesn't mean it isn't disappointing. I enjoy Call of Duty, Halo and some of the other big franchises. just wish there had been some more surprises. And you forgot Uncharted, Mass Effect, Red Dead and Left 4 Dead. I'm surely forgetting a lot also.

Red Dead is not a new franchise this gen. Red Dead Revolver was on Xbox (great game if you haven't played it). Just to let you know.

As for Sony vs Microsoft motion controls...
- The move is just an poor icecream cone version of the wiimote (a big insult to Nintendo). The few demos with it had delays... Tiger Woods anyone.
- The Kinect, I think there is a lot of upside to it. Not having a controller is huge. Yes, the games shown (outside of Dance Central... im a sucker for the music games) were not the best. But as developers start to use the technology I think they have the best upside. Let's not forget the Burnout demo previously shown or that Fable 3 will be using the technology.

Granted along with you guys, I think they spent too much time on the Kinect and also wished they would have given a price point.
[quote name='lordopus99']Red Dead is not a new franchise this gen. Red Dead Revolver was on Xbox (great game if you haven't played it). Just to let you know.[/QUOTE]

Eh, for all intents and purposes, Red Dead is pretty much a new franchise. Yes, there was a game called Red Dead Revolver, but there aren't very many similiarities between the two, outside of their developer and setting. It certainly wasn't an established franchise like Halo, Call of Duty, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Grand Theft Auto, etc.
I'm not a fanboy of any system but MS introduced the new console, the motion control, some games. Granted the console is how it should have been a while ago with built in wi-fi, but that was sort of a surprise. And Nintendo announces another handheld, as if we don't have enough Nintendo handhelds already and that really wasn't a surprise.

I think its a wash - you could say that MS and Sony are both playing catch up. I will give MS credit in that the Nadal or Kinekt is at least different that Ninentdo's and Sony's motion offerings. Do we need more controllers strewn about.

We need to do a cost comparison to see which is cheaper when MS announces the price point, or have they officially done so already>
[quote name='BingoBrown']Eh, for all intents and purposes, Red Dead is pretty much a new franchise. Yes, there was a game called Red Dead Revolver, but there aren't very many similiarities between the two, outside of their developer and setting. It certainly wasn't an established franchise like Halo, Call of Duty, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Grand Theft Auto, etc.[/QUOTE]

When did Rock Band come out again?
[quote name='munch']When did Rock Band come out again?[/QUOTE]

Not sure I fully understand your question. Rock Band is currently an established franchise. There's Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Rock Band: Beatles, Rock Band: Green Day, Lego Rock Band, and a variety of track packs. I think that's enough to qualify it as a franchise.

Red Dead Revolver came out in 2004. We got a sequel 6 years later that looks nothing like it, outside of the same developer and western setting. Not really a franchise. 90% of people that bought Red Dead Redemption probably don't even know that Red Dead Revolver exists.
Not sure I'd call MS's conference the worst E3 conference ever. They showed the Kinect off and had less technical issues with the new technology than Miyamoto did playing Zelda.

I would like a 3DS right now though.
bread's done