Microsoft to purchase Capcom (Rumor)

[quote name='icruise']Oh sure, I'd love to see Capcom go the way of RARE... Their decline was so sad.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but if not, why would you like to see a company sink?

Now, Acclaim I can understand because they made shit games and deserved what they got. I can understand being angry with EA for starting (in collaboration with the NFL) the "one company exclusive" bullshit that took away my beloved NFL 2K series - but not to the point of wanting them to go under.

I would have said the same thing about Majesco, but the irony is that all the money they dumped into bringing unique titles to gamers (Advent Rising, Psychonauts) is what did them in, *not* all the reprints and licensed garbage they put out.

Whomever brought up the Capcom Classic Collections knows precisely what they're talking about. Capcom's still a very good company, but their legacy is too great to ignore.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Even with the rumor apparently killed, this makes no sense. Why would the same thing happen? It's two completely different companies.[/QUOTE]

Mismanagement can kill any company, regardless of prior history. Many people feel that Microsoft mismanaged Rare (unreasonable deadlines, rushed quality checks, etc.) and thus caused an inevitably lower level of quality.

Even Einstein would have turned in inferior work if he'd had a boss standing over his shoulder every second and demanding his theory of relativity be done 6 months earlier than he needed.

Some people feel Rare games are as good as any. But that's the logic behind HOW two different companies could share the same fate regardless of the fact that they are historically entirely unrelated.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but if not, why would you like to see a company sink?[/QUOTE]
Of course I'm being sarcastic. Why would I say it was sad otherwise?
[quote name='KaneRobot']Street Fighter 4 is coming within the next year or so. Bank on it.[/quote]

:bouncy: ohh i hope ohhhh do i hope:D

id love to a 720p 2D masterpeice of artwork & streetfighter finesse (no more of EXs capcom PLEASE) . id go out and buy an arcade stick just for that game :drool:
Wow if this happens there will be a lot of compilation disks or Live downloads of old Capcom games coming.
[quote name='Doom5']Last I heard, Capcom hasn't been doing so hot financially. I could be wrong though :)[/quote]

You're probably right. Their flagship series, RE is the only real hot seller.

I am all for it, if it means we get sequels to SF, MvC3, ect. Plus MS sponsors tournaments with their games.

I wish there was new Strider game :(

If Microsoft...*Reality Check*, Bill gates acquires or strikes a deal with Namco, and Squaresoft...Game Over Sony. :D
[quote name='Sporadic']Lame, if they buy any big company they need to grab Konami.[/QUOTE]

I'd be all for that, under one condition--put Zombies Ate My Neighbors on XBLA. I was playing it at my girlfriend's this weekend, thinking, "How fucking awesome would this be online with Achievements?"
[quote name='KaneRobot']

Street Fighter 4 is coming within the next year or so. Bank on it.[/QUOTE]

and it's probably going to be some 3D abomination.
[quote name='Zoglog']
Either way the Rare games on the xbox 360 are way better than any of the crap they released on the N64. Granted they did do some decent stuff on the SNES though.[/QUOTE]

that's a generation gap if I've ever seen it. Goldeneye and PD were ridiculously popular and amazing games for their time. Those were the last truly mainstream FPS games (mainstream as in EVERY single person you hung out with loved it, gamers and non-gamers alike) before Halo came around. Those were good times!
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