Midway Arcade Treasures...any good?

i bought it. Its fun...everything is arcade perfect from graphics to sound. Im just having fun playing the MKs on it. if your in to Nostalgia than you should get it. if not than dont waste your time
Edit:as for the firmware stuff maybe...i updated to 2.0 so i would have no idea if it would work with 1.5...
looks good, all those games are great...but it doesn't look 29.99 good.
[quote name='integralsmatic']i bought it. Its fun...everything is arcade perfect from graphics to sound. Im just having fun playing the MKs on it. if your in to Nostalgia than you should get it. if not than dont waste your time
Edit:as for the firmware stuff maybe...i updated to 2.0 so i would have no idea if it would work with 1.5...[/QUOTE]

You can tell this when you put the game in your PSP if under the game they have a PSP Update it will tell you which version is necessary to run the game.
I think the GS review was totally offbase. Are the MK games perfect? No. But no version, especially a portable one, has been. The ones that my friends rave about, the SNES versions which we played to death in the 90's, aren't even close to being this close to the arcade. If anything, I was really impressed by the MK games on the collection, and let down by some of the others.

For instance, Marble Madness, which is one of my favorite games, has been stretched to fit the PSP screen, and it looks really bad. The sound is off on it (too slow), which is something that also plagues Paperboy.

On the plus side, though, Paperboy is actually really good on here aside from that. It's easier than other versions, and a lot of fun. You can also say that about Toobin', an old fave of mine. This is easily the best version of Toobin EVER. IMHO, it even beats the arcade version, because you can just control the guy's movement instead of using the hands buttons. Very nice. You actually rotate the PSP and play it vertically and it looks GREAT.

Some of the lesser known games are a lot of fun here, too. Cyberball, which I never played, is a blast. Ditto Arch Rivals, which kind of makes up for the lack of an NBA Jam on here (no doubt scrapped due to licensing).

In short - there are a ton of great games on here. Some are translated well (MK, Toobin) some are kind of in the middle (Paperboy) and some are bad (sadly, Marble Madness).

If you have any other questions, let me know - I play this thing constantly.

I actually didn't like it very much. I felt that it was well behind the mark set by Namco Battle as far as classic comps for the PSP go. MK really doesn't feel right, and the controls are funky. IMO, the PSP does not do fighting games right.

Here's hoping for a really great Capcom Classics Remix.
Funny you'd say that. I picked up Namco AFTER Midway Classics, and I was actually more disappointed in Namco. I just felt like they left SOOOOO much out. I don't understand why we couldn't have gotten ALL the Pac-Man games. I'm not talking Pac-Attack, I'm talking Super Pac and Junior Pac. I also felt like the arranged games were a waste. They just weren't fun to me.

I'm with you, though - I'd love to see a good Capcom release. But what I've read so far doesn't fill me with a lot of hope.

Isn't there also a Taito Legends coming to PSP? I'm into that...

I agree about Jr. Pac-Man, and in fact it would work better because of the wide PSP screen, which could in theory eliminate the scrolling used in the game. A widescreeen Pac Man game... that really could work.

They did leave out a lot of stuff. But the stuff that's there is pretty good. And I'm happy that they made entirely new Erangement games instead of just porting the old ones over. I especially like the Rally X Erangement.

The Midway game... I just didn't feel it was done with the care of the Namco collection. As far as Capcom's goes, the selection is funky and most of the games should have been on the comp discs for X-Box and PS2 to begin with, but I'm happy just to have it.
Are people pretty happy with Midway Arcade Treasures?

I was thinking about picking it up as I like the old games (sit down, play for a bit, and then move on to something else). I read some reviews of it where they just said that somethings were just a bit wonky on it (sound kind of off, graphics stretched, etc.)

I've picked up Namco and am impressed with that. Pac Man feels like Pac Man. I can adjust the graphics but basically have that Pac-Man game feel to it (along with the other games included).

Just wondering if, for a classic gamer but not one who's memorized the patterns of evey game for the 70s and 80s, if this collection is worth getting or if it's a pass because it was just poorly done.
Namco Collection is way awesome, this Midway game doesn't move me though. I'm not a super big fan of any of the games, I'd pay $10 tops for it.
I like some of the games (Defender, Sinistar, etc.) but, from the PS2 'Midway Collection' (1-3) I was disappointed. They tried to do these weird-fancy interfaces and it just got in the way.

I think the old PS collections played better, too. On the PS2 Midway Collection with Smash TV there's noticable slowdown in the game (frequent; where there shouldn't be; I know if you get a ton of stuff on the screen it has always slowed down a little) whereas on the PS it just worked/played.
I got this in the mail (sucker for the classics). I'd recommend to others that you pass on it.

If you look at the Namco Museum for the PSP you see what the arcade classics could be. Looking at the Midway Arcade Treasures you see what happens when the publisher is 'just trying to get it done to meet the contract'. This seems to be the case with most Digital Eclipse products.

I'm just going to see the Digital Eclipse logo as a reminder to not buy the product from now on.

The other arcade/classics collections are good, though:
Capcom Reloaded
Capcom Remixed
Taito Legends (you need to really appreciate the older/early games, though)
bread's done