Minnesota game law struck down

"One of the most popular games in America teaches a little boy how to have sex with a prostitute and then beat her to death, and then rewards that," said Rep. Jeff Johnson, who sponsored the bill in the House.

If that's the criteria for fining things, then you should have fined all of my childhood friends, and passed legislation that wouldn't allow me out of the house, ever.
The funny thing is, for everyone saying how "obvious" it is that violent video games cause violence, there is little science about this.

If there is so much worry about video games causing violence, why not charge a $25 fine for R rated movies? The politicians know these laws won't hold up tot he courts, it's sad they waste our time and money passing the laws so they can feel good for a day.
It's a lot easier to attack games and win the votes of shitty parents who don't take care of their kids properly than to tackle real problems in our society.
theyre acting like were a society that doesnt like, promote, or condone violence... we LOVE violence. Just look at any R rated film, or any M rated game. All the violence you can handle. Violent media is eaten up by Americans and we come back for more.

Its SEX that we have a huge problem with. Decapitations, Castrations, Disemboweling... all fine. Titties? ZOMG!!! Adults Only rating!!! God forbid my 15 year old knows that women have breasts!
[quote name='Puffa469']theyre acting like were a society that doesnt like, promote, or condone violence... we LOVE violence. Just look at any R rated film, or any M rated game. All the violence you can handle. Violent media is eaten up by Americans and we come back for more.

Its SEX that we have a huge problem with. Decapitations, Castrations, Disemboweling... all fine. Titties? ZOMG!!! Adults Only rating!!! God forbid my 15 year old knows that women have breasts![/quote]

Or that little 10 year old Johnny knows what a pastie(sp?) is
What's sad is how right Puffa is. Most of us won't go and shoot 12 people in a drive by in real life, but most (if not everyone here) either has had sex or will have sex at some point.

and, come on, most 15 year olds know as much about sex as many 40 year olds.

Another odd thing, if a 15 year old goes and kills someone, we in Michigan like to charge them as an adult and lock them up for the rest of their lives. But, gee, if little 15 year old Jonny plays a violent video game, we treat him like some retarded sponge that cannot make his own decisions.

Come on, let's get some consistency here.
bread's done