Mirror's Edge (360) $9.99 w/free shipping at Newegg

I hate to be a SUPER cheapo, but I just don't have the money right THIS second. How long will it be at this price? Is it the new regular? Or is it a limited time offer?
[quote name='Rongod22']I hate to be a SUPER cheapo, but I just don't have the money right THIS second. How long will it be at this price? Is it the new regular? Or is it a limited time offer?[/QUOTE]

It may not hold. They may lower it by a dollar and add $3 shipping to it. There's really no telling on this.
Wish they had the PS3 version for $20, trying to build my collection for it and it has the exclusive map + trophies.
Definite buy for a ten spot...always knew I could hold out till it hit this price point. Well, that and you really should have a HDTV to see everything, as I recall from the demo. :twisted:
[quote name='SimaYi']Wish they had the PS3 version for $20, trying to build my collection for it and it has the exclusive map + trophies.[/QUOTE]

Amazon has the PS3 version for $14.41 (through BGV, a Fulfilled By Amazon vendor). Amazon itself is selling it for $14.67.
[quote name='oscargrouch']I picked one up along with a new DVD Writer. For $10 I played Too Human, I am sure I will enjoy Mirror's Edge much more.[/QUOTE]

Mirror's Edge is so much better than Too Human you can't compare them. I end up picking up a lot of questionable games just because they are cheap, but Too Human is the only one so far that was just flat out bad and not fun to play.

(And yet I still finished it... what is wrong with me?)
[quote name='h8b1llg8ts']With a 800 + backlog I can't see why one more would hurt at that price.[/QUOTE]

And I thought I was bad with 10. Damn.
[quote name='h8b1llg8ts']Not a huge fan of the demo but it had it's moments. With a 800 + backlog I can't see why one more would hurt at that price.[/QUOTE]

That was hyperbole, right? Right? I've been steadily gaming/collecting for 20 years and I don't even own 800 games let alone have an 800-game backlog!
[quote name='rapsodist']That was hyperbole, right? Right? I've been steadily gaming/collecting for 20 years and I don't even own 800 games let alone have an 800-game backlog![/QUOTE]

Well, maybe he does have that big of a backlog. If the last game he played was Pitfall...
[quote name='brkptr']Mirror's Edge is so much better than Too Human you can't compare them. I end up picking up a lot of questionable games just because they are cheap, but Too Human is the only one so far that was just flat out bad and not fun to play.

(And yet I still finished it... what is wrong with me?)[/QUOTE]

man i still have too human wrapped that i bought for $10 at target when it hasn't even been out for that long... i actually was interested in the story ... i know it had some bad reviews but i've also seen people say they were into it

still debating on mirrors edge
[quote name='The SPism']man i still have too human wrapped that i bought for $10 at target when it hasn't even been out for that long... i actually was interested in the story ... i know it had some bad reviews but i've also seen people say they were into it

still debating on mirrors edge[/QUOTE]

I thought the TH story would be cool too - I loved Eternal Darkness on the GC and had faith Silicon Knights would make another cool game even if the reviews said it wasn't... but not even the story was good. I can usually find good points in games even if the reviews are bad (I had a ton of fun with Bionic Commando, for example) but TH is one where it did not pay off for me.

Since you already have it, it's worth a shot to see if it does anything for you. But IMO your time (and $10) is much better spent on Mirror's Edge.
I bought Mirror's edge for this price. Too Human is an aquired taste. Many did not like the game (mainly because they did not put enough time into it), but many people like myself really enjoyed the game and at the end, the controls and camera angles actually make sense, and is a relief instead of buttom mashing. I think the bad reviews really hurt the game, and the developers arrogance to some degree, but there is a hardcore group of people that still play this game. If they ever make a sequal (and the story is definately not finished), if they can put 4 player co-op (instead of the 2 that they have currently), and fix some of the 'issues', this franchise has huge potential.
[quote name='oscargrouch']I picked one up along with a new DVD Writer. For $10 I played Too Human, I am sure I will enjoy Mirror's Edge much more.[/QUOTE]

I could almost bet you $10 you would. My friend kept telling me to try ME, when I finally did I was blown away. Entirely unique in a sea of uninspired games this gen.
bread's done