Mirror's Edge - HMV DEAL!

I picked up Dead Space on Monday (£15) and I remember seeing Mirror's Edge for £15-20, can't remember. It wasn't ten, though. Of course it could have dropped down by then :)
I've been renting it out at the moment and I've breezed through about half the story mode in a few hours. It might well be worth it at £10 but no higher than that. I'd definately recommend renting it out for a weekend, though. It's a little frustrating but there's nothing out there quite like it.
[quote name='SunKing5786']I've been renting it out at the moment and I've breezed through about half the story mode in a few hours. It might well be worth it at £10 but no higher than that. I'd definately recommend renting it out for a weekend, though. It's a little frustrating but there's nothing out there quite like it.[/quote]

I agree, Mirror's Edge is one of those games where the frustration is something you have to get past to have fun - sort of like how a lot of games used to be before they became "accessible". But the thrill of mastering long stretches of obstacles is something that I haven't found in any other game.
Mirror's Edge is a good game, not a blockbuster beacuse not everyone could "understand" it, even muster it. This said, it's still WELL WORTH 15 quids if not more.

so, is this offer valid or just a "one time" deal? seems the latter
It is weird that at the time, the game was being called out for being overly frustrating. I mean, it is, but it's no where near as bad as I imagined it to be. There are issues, especially surrounding the combat, but if it were only slightly tweaked to make it more forgiving, the game would be a lot better.

It's really a shame it didn't sell so well, because I am 100% sure that with some improvements made it could become a very profitible franchise.
bread's done