Missing US soldiers tortured before killed


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BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The bodies of two missing U.S. soldiers showed signs of "barbaric torture" when they were found by American and Iraqi troops on Monday, a senior Iraqi general told Reuters on Tuesday.
"The two soldiers were found yesterday by a combined U.S.- Iraqi force. We found they had been tortured in a barbaric fashion," Major General Abdul Aziz Mohammed said, amplifying remarks he had made earlier at a news conference.
The U.S. military declined to confirm his statement, saying it would notify next of kin before announcing any death.

What was the purpose of this torture? The entire thing makes no sense to me.
our tortue is in the name of freedom, theirs is just barbaric.

it's all fucked up either way. one of those soldiers was from madras, oregon. i have friends from there.
our tortue is in the name of freedom, theirs is just barbaric.

Depends on your perspective. I doubt they'd agree.

And I'm not sure some of our more infamous actions are in the name of freedom. I think they're more in the name of pissed off soldiers.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Depends on your perspective. I doubt they'd agree.

And I'm not sure some of our more infamous actions are in the name of freedom. I think they're more in the name of pissed off soldiers.[/quote]

listen, to me, nothing feels more like freedom than braining someone with a tire iron while they're chained to a wall... in the name of freedom.
[quote name='camoor']What was the purpose of this torture? The entire thing makes no sense to me.[/quote]

What was the purpose of "our boys" killing innocent civilians in a blind rage a few weeks back?

Who knows... we're not wanted there, largely.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']What was the purpose of "our boys" killing innocent civilians in a blind rage a few weeks back?

Who knows... we're not wanted there, largely.[/QUOTE]

Its a delicate subject. I love how the republican pundits try to say that everyone appreciates what America did to liberate them from Saddam and try to make it seem as if the issue ends there.

What they don't say is that yes a large number of people were appreciative of us helping liberate Iraq but now they want us out of there. They want to be a true sovereign nation free from a foreign military occupation. Even though they might not realize how precarious their situation is, they want to be left alone.

What if France had decided to stick around after our own Revolutionary War to help us run things? We probably wouldn't have stood for it and would have eventually wanted them out despite the fact that we were very appreciative of their initial help in fighting Brittain.
It's a hard issue. I have a buddy shipping out over there in a few months (he's in 13 Fox as a fire support specialist), another friend in ROTC who will probably end up over there, and then I'm still debating on the best method to get in (my school doens't have a ROTC chapter). All I know is that if the friends of those guys are anything like me(ie knew the dead soldiers for an extended period of time), there will probably be some senseless torture as a reprisal. Violence flows in a cycle, friends.
Ugh, E-Z you probably voted for Corzine, right?

Anyways, if we leave Iraq now and not stay the course, we'll have another Cambodia incident where things just get exceedingly worse.

They did this torture because it is suppoed to strike fear in the American people for their boys and expedite the removal of the troops.

For the record I'm all for our boys coming home, I just think we should finish the job we started. I voted Bush. Do I regret that decision? More so than not. I kinda wish I abstained from that election, to be honest.

What this generation needs to realize is that this is what war is. It's never pretty and although the loss of life is horrible, there have been days where America's lost in a day what we've lost in the three years in Iraq.
What does Corzine have to do with this?

Let's face it. Nothing we do is going to make things better there. It's going to erupt into a civil war no matter what happens, if it hasn't done so already. We've failed miserably in iraq due to poor planning (besides the fact that this war was unnecessary from the beginning). Better to redeploy our troops and stop wasting taxpayer money on something will achieve no results anyway, and hasn't done so yet.
[quote name='Warlock TCK']What this generation needs to realize is that this is what war is. It's never pretty and although the loss of life is horrible, there have been days where America's lost in a day what we've lost in the three years in Iraq.[/quote]

This is what I see as the problem...everyone's putting this debacle under the umbrella of "war," like all wars are the same in purpose, scope, and necessary outcome. Comparing this ridiculousness to something like World War II is a crock. We're stuck in the guerilla muck over there like we were in Vietnam - there is no end in sight. You'd have to kill off the Islamic religion for them not to fight - HELLOOOOO we're foreigners in the HOLY LAND...their holy texts MANDATE that they make the ultimate sacrifice to get rid of us because we're basically taking a dump on their spirituality, which is what most of them LIVE for (contrary to us - we have Hollywood, NHL/NBA/NFL, DS Lite, etc.).

And then there are those who don't necessarily feel this way, but there's nothing else to do over there so...

ok, enough ranting. I know soldiers die protecting liberty and maintaining peace, but this is counterproductive. I'd rather us be fighting CURRENT atrocities (like Darfur) than playing the shooting gallery ducks for bored Islamic boys running around in penny loafers and dress shirts/slacks throwing debris all over the place. Fundamental Islamists are a fact of life, we're not going to get rid of them all...why can't we just leave? *coughOILcough*
[quote name='Kyz']This is what I see as the problem...everyone's putting this debacle under the umbrella of "war," like all wars are the same in purpose, scope, and necessary outcome. Comparing this ridiculousness to something like World War II is a crock. We're stuck in the guerilla muck over there like we were in Vietnam - there is no end in sight. You'd have to kill off the Islamic religion for them not to fight - HELLOOOOO we're foreigners in the HOLY LAND...their holy texts MANDATE that they make the ultimate sacrifice to get rid of us because we're basically taking a dump on their spirituality, which is what most of them LIVE for (contrary to us - we have Hollywood, NHL/NBA/NFL, DS Lite, etc.).[/QUOTE]

You LIVE for movies, watching sports and playing video games? Wow.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Torture and targeting civilians are standard rules of engagement in Iraq for both sides, according to their respective leaders.[/quote]

Well, the United States leaders do not condone "barbaric" torture.
Something like this, I see as signs of desperation by the terrorists. Frustration.

It serves no real purpose. It won't win any sympathizers to their side, it doesn't help American Democrats to spin about how the U.S. military is brutalizing innocent terrorists (as witnessed by notes found on Zarqawi about how he hoped to keep using the leftist american media to aid his cause), and it justifies ANY "extreme" actions the U.S. military is/will be taking.

It's sloppy and unmeasured. That seems to me the signs of someone losing their grip on their goals in particular and the war in general.
I was watching something where they said this is a common tactic when they feel they're at risk of being caught. They just ditch the evidence and escape. One guy said that may have happened in this case, and that had been a significant concern in previous cases and why they had to act so quickly once they found out, since the people holding the person often realize someone is on to them.

I don't remember what that's from though, just that I saw it yesterday.
[quote name='penmyst']Something like this, I see as signs of desperation by the terrorists. Frustration.

It serves no real purpose. It won't win any sympathizers to their side, it doesn't help American Democrats to spin about how the U.S. military is brutalizing innocent terrorists (as witnessed by notes found on Zarqawi about how he hoped to keep using the leftist american media to aid his cause), and it justifies ANY "extreme" actions the U.S. military is/will be taking.

It's sloppy and unmeasured. That seems to me the signs of someone losing their grip on their goals in particular and the war in general.[/QUOTE]

Right. Very convenient that Zarqawi had those notes on him. I'm sure an as-of-yet untranslated page will say something like "Boy, that President Bush sure knows how to stay the course and make life difficult for us terrorists. I can only hope that the American Democtatic presidential candidate gets elected, so that we in Al Quaeda will finally win."

C'mon: we can't even get our story straight about where we found the notes. It's psy ops of the most blatant kind, and if you buy that BS, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Anyway, point is, it doesn't justify shit. It shows us that's how terrorists act, and when we act the same way ... well, it's too fucking obvious, really.

I mean, is Haditha a sigh of our troops' frustration because they know we're "losing"? I wouldn't say that. It's simplistic, and so is the reverse.
[quote name='elprincipe']You LIVE for movies, watching sports and playing video games? Wow.[/quote]

No, that bit was sarcasm...I apparently live to work.

My point was - they don't have shit to do over there besides what they do.
[quote name='Kyz']No, that bit was sarcasm...I apparently live to work.

My point was - they don't have shit to do over there besides what they do.[/QUOTE]

:lol: You live to work? I feel sorry for you, man.
bread's done