Mistaken identity in IM


4 (100%)
So I'm just sitting at my comp when I get this...
[23:25] *** amy_lover2009 has added you to their contact list. You may choose to accept or deny this action. You may also add this user to your contact list or ignore this user.
[23:26] *** You have been successfully added to amy_lover2009's contact list.
[23:26] no_name613: who are you?
[23:26] amy_lover2009: fuck, fuck, fuck a duck, screw a kangaroo, sexually harrass an orangutan and fuck YOU
[23:26] amy_lover2009: ok
[23:26] amy_lover2009: ok
[23:26] no_name613: ok...
[23:27] amy_lover2009: your worst nightmare bitch
[23:27] no_name613: hmmmm ur not bob dole
[23:28] amy_lover2009: you really want to know?
[23:28] no_name613: sure
[23:28] amy_lover2009: fuck YOU
[23:28] amy_lover2009: thats my name dont wear it out
[23:29] no_name613: hmmm, if thats you then who am i?
[23:29] amy_lover2009: robert smith bitch
[23:29] amy_lover2009: i know everything about you
[23:29] no_name613: i'm robert smith?
[23:29] amy_lover2009: i even know where you sleep bitch
[23:30] no_name613: lol, i think you got a case of mistaken identity
[23:30] amy_lover2009: or ann smithcritter
[23:30] amy_lover2009: lol
[23:30] amy_lover2009: or one of you dumbfucks
[23:31] amy_lover2009: duckfuckert
[23:31] no_name613: uh, my name ain even close to smith
[23:31] no_name613: you might wanna research this shit before you make death threats u know
[23:31] no_name613: cuz damn do u look silly making death threats to the wrong guy
[23:31] amy_lover2009: we aint making death threats
[23:31] amy_lover2009: dumbfuck
[23:31] no_name613: lemme tell u something
[23:32] no_name613: u dont know who i am
[23:32] amy_lover2009: what you fuck kangaroos?
[23:32] *** Auto-response sent to amy_lover2009: I am currently idle.
[23:32] no_name613: but i got a 12ga benelli nova in my closet
[23:32] amy_lover2009: ohhhhh wow, what you probably fuck yourself in the ass with the barrel too\
[23:32] no_name613: yeah, gets me off sometimes
[23:34] no_name613: never done a kangaroo before, but now that u mention it....
[23:34] no_name613: oh wait, it was a wallabe, well thats pretty much the same thing
[23:35] amy_lover2009:
[23:36] no_name613: oh, ur little ding doesnt work on me, im not using YIM
[23:36] amy_lover2009: you are so fucking gay you little $$$$$$ ass motherfucker, i should turn you in for being a trisexual you sick motherfucker
[23:36] no_name613: how's the weather anyway?
[23:37] amy_lover2009: hey fucker how's the weather there
[23:38] no_name613: it was pretty good
[23:38] no_name613: really warm tho
[23:38] no_name613: but it cooled off now
[23:38] amy_lover2009: ok
[23:39] amy_lover2009: what you not talking now?
[23:39] no_name613: so did u have a good day today?
[23:39] amy_lover2009: fuck no
[23:39] no_name613: aw, why was it so bad?
[23:40] amy_lover2009: b/c it just was
[23:40] no_name613: alright man, just sayin if u wanna talk about it u might feel better
[23:40] amy_lover2009: no i dont want to ok
[23:41] amy_lover2009: how about your day?
[23:41] no_name613: alright, just dont keep all that bottled inside
[23:41] no_name613: mine wasnt bad
[23:41] amy_lover2009: why?
[23:41] no_name613: woke up, went to work, came home
[23:41] no_name613: just the usual
[23:41] amy_lover2009: how the fuck is that bad?
[23:41] no_name613: i said it wasnt bad
[23:42] no_name613: but it wasnt great either
[23:42] no_name613: just an average day
[23:42] amy_lover2009: so were are you from? are you from florida?
[23:43] no_name613: no
[23:43] no_name613: i live in utah
[23:43] no_name613: ive been to florida a few times tho
[23:43] no_name613: u know that school full sail, i went and saw it once
[23:44] amy_lover2009: yeah i took a shit on it
[23:44] no_name613: man, its a pretty big school u must have needed to really go bad
[23:44] amy_lover2009: hell yeah
[23:45] no_name613: whatd u eat?
[23:45] amy_lover2009: were is utah
[23:45] no_name613: uh...maybe u need to pay more attention on geography class
[23:45] amy_lover2009: dont live i the usa
[23:46] amy_lover2009: so who are you ?
[23:46] no_name613: its in the western US
[23:46] no_name613: im in utah i told u
[23:46] amy_lover2009: i dont know were that is i live in russia
[23:47] no_name613: oh crap, r u my russian bride?
[23:47] no_name613: i totally forgot about u, sry babe, jsut gimme a few more months and ill have the money to bring u over
[23:48] amy_lover2009: ok
[23:48] amy_lover2009: so what are you doing to night?
[23:49] no_name613: nothin much, i was just chattin with ppl online
[23:49] no_name613: im probably gonna go to bed soon
[23:49] amy_lover2009: why?
[23:49] *** Auto-response sent to amy_lover2009: I am currently idle.
[23:49] no_name613: cuz its like almost midnight here
[23:49] amy_lover2009: so
[23:50] no_name613: i gotta sleep sometime
[23:50] amy_lover2009: what time is it?
[23:50] no_name613: 11:50
[23:51] amy_lover2009: it will only be like 10:00 were you are at?
[23:52] no_name613: no, its 11:51pm
[23:52] amy_lover2009: do you know any one from mich
[23:52] no_name613: mich?
[23:52] no_name613: guess not, i dont even know what mich is
[23:52] amy_lover2009: michigan?
[23:53] no_name613: oh, michigan, nope dont know anyone from there
[23:53] amy_lover2009: are you lieing to me?
[23:53] amy_lover2009: duckfucker
[23:54] no_name613: no, i told u, im not this robert guy
[23:54] no_name613: who is this robery guy anyway?
[23:55] amy_lover2009: so you still a duckfucker
[23:55] no_name613: did robert take u to a secret getawat in russia and he ditched u there so u had to sell ur body to make ends meet?
[23:56] no_name613: now ur out for revenge!
[23:56] no_name613: man, that would make a great movie
[23:56] amy_lover2009: he fucks pigs and chickens for gas money
[23:56] no_name613: man, that seems like an easy job
[23:57] amy_lover2009: yeah thatrs your job
[23:57] no_name613: only downside is well...being shunned by society
[23:57] no_name613: no, my job is tech support
[23:58] amy_lover2009: no your jod is fucks pigs and chickens for gas money
[23:58] no_name613: wait, i thought it was kangaroos?
[23:58] no_name613: man, u cant even get ur story straight
[23:59] no_name613: you've been lying to me!
[23:59] no_name613: all this time!
[23:59] no_name613: it was all a lie!
[23:59] no_name613: how dare you!
[23:59] no_name613: I trusted you!
[23:59] amy_lover2009: do you now dustin?
[00:00] no_name613: sorta i talked to him once
[00:00] no_name613: he seemed to think i was someone else also
[00:01] amy_lover2009: talk to him
[00:01] no_name613: he wont, i messeaged him and he didnt reply
[00:02] amy_lover2009: he messeaged you and you are not talking back?
[00:03] no_name613: other way around, he wont talk to me, but oh yeah i blocked him, thats right
[00:03] no_name613: ok i unblocked him
[00:03] amy_lover2009: ok
[00:04] amy_lover2009: ok he will talk now ok
[00:04] no_name613: yeah im talkin to him now
[00:04] no_name613: so what u doin in russia?
[00:05] amy_lover2009: i live in russia
[00:05] no_name613: how long u lived there?
[00:06] amy_lover2009: for 16 years
[00:07] amy_lover2009: brb ok
[00:08] no_name613: ok, i wont go nowhere
[00:13] amy_lover2009: ok
[00:14] amy_lover2009: well are you going to talk ?
[00:14] no_name613: i guess, man ur so demanding
[00:15] no_name613: oh hey i gotta get me those pics of robert and the duck, i need to post those on the net
[00:15] amy_lover2009: no
[00:15] amy_lover2009: you can have then you have to give me money
[00:16] no_name613: man, im not spending money for humiliating pics of some guy
[00:16] amy_lover2009: then you cant get then
[00:17] no_name613: cmon all i wanna do is post em all over the net, i thought u would want that
[00:17] amy_lover2009: i dont have them on here yet ok
[00:17] no_name613: ok, but youll get them to me when u do?
[00:19] amy_lover2009: ok i will
[00:20] no_name613: well im tired im gonna go to sleep
[00:21] amy_lover2009: no
[00:21] no_name613: no? i cant go to sleep?
[00:21] amy_lover2009: fuck you bitch
[00:22] amy_lover2009: bye bitch
[00:22] no_name613: alright ttyl
[00:22] amy_lover2009: ok bitch
And the chicks friend started talking to me too

[00:04] sk8er_stonner2006: hey
[00:04] no_name613: Dustin!
[00:04] no_name613: whats up!?
[00:04] sk8er_stonner2006: ......how do u know me.....?
[00:04] no_name613: i dont
[00:05] no_name613: but amy seems to think i do
[00:05] sk8er_stonner2006: lol
[00:05] no_name613: and amy seems to think im some robert guy
[00:05] no_name613: who is this robert and what did he do to her?
[00:06] sk8er_stonner2006: he is a chicken and duckfucker and he got caught fucking a kangaroo once also
[00:06] sk8er_stonner2006: seriously
[00:06] no_name613: lol ok
[00:06] no_name613: did he like cheat on amy with a duck then?
[00:07] sk8er_stonner2006: no, that was the kangaroo, amy caught him
[00:07] no_name613: lol nice
[00:07] sk8er_stonner2006: and he took pictures of himself fucking a duck and a chicken
[00:08] no_name613: lol, u got those?
[00:09] sk8er_stonner2006: no amy does
[00:09] no_name613: oh man, i gotta get those and post em all over the net
Oh man.... they just won't stop bugging me, I'm thinking about blocking them...but this stuff is just gold.

[00:33] sk8er_stonner2006: bitch
[00:33] sk8er_stonner2006: duckfucker
[00:34] no_name613: damn i thought we were done wtih this
[00:34] sk8er_stonner2006: nope
[00:34] sk8er_stonner2006: lol
[00:34] sk8er_stonner2006: nah man i just got bored cuz nobody is on so i had to say something to somebody lol
[00:34] sk8er_stonner2006: help me find some chicks man
[00:35] no_name613: what, i thought u already got a woman
[00:35] sk8er_stonner2006: she is going to sleep lol
[00:35] sk8er_stonner2006: and i am bored
[00:35] sk8er_stonner2006: so i wanna talk to someone
[00:35] no_name613: i think amy is on isnt she?
[00:35] sk8er_stonner2006: oh yeah but i dont talk to her much
[00:35] sk8er_stonner2006: oh she just got off :(
[00:36] no_name613: aw, well she's not very nice to talk to anyway
[00:36] sk8er_stonner2006: lol i know from expierience
[00:36] sk8er_stonner2006: lol
[00:37] sk8er_stonner2006: so, do you go to church?
[00:38] no_name613: used to, havent gone in a long time
[00:38] sk8er_stonner2006: oh, i used to never go, but now i do every week
[00:38] sk8er_stonner2006: i am trying to straighten out cuz i am going to have a kid soon
[00:38] sk8er_stonner2006: lol
[00:39] no_name613: damn dood, aint u a little young
[00:39] sk8er_stonner2006: yeah kinda
[00:39] sk8er_stonner2006: lol
[00:40] sk8er_stonner2006: kinda sucks too, cuz the girl i got pregnants' parents like hate me, i wish they would see that i really have changed and all but they just wont, it really sucks
[00:40] sk8er_stonner2006: cuz i want everything to work out for my kid
[00:40] no_name613: yeah man, u gotta do what u can for the kid
[00:41] no_name613: sounds like ur on the right track
[00:41] sk8er_stonner2006: of course
[00:41] sk8er_stonner2006: sure am
[00:41] no_name613: just dont go messing with other girls :p
[00:42] sk8er_stonner2006: dude, i used to be into drugs and everything, and i quit it all and started going to church so i can change myself
[00:42] sk8er_stonner2006: quicklike lol
[00:42] sk8er_stonner2006: lol, sure wont
[00:43] sk8er_stonner2006: i jsut wish her parents would see though, so me and her can raise the kid together, i dont want a kid that doesnt know me or something
[00:43] no_name613: hey man, her parents may never like u, thats just how some ppl are, but if u raise that kid right, then ur doing alright
Check out the guys Yahoo profile....
This thread is good for:
  • Persuasive Argument for Eugenics
  • Proof against evolution
  • Evidence that if we exterminated all high schoolers, no one would give a shit
  • Showing that Americans cannot spell "stoner," hence pointing towards devolution
  • Providing a few names to fuck with on AIM when I'm bored
[quote name='ValkyrieVF-1S']I bet you it is one of your friends messing with you. ;P[/quote]

I remember back in 98 or 99 when I was on aol. I im'd a friend and convinced him I was some hot girl from school and he spent about an hour flirting with me online. He was ready to kill me when he found out, but I couldn't stop laughing.
IM convos are cruise control for cool.

[23:34] no_name613: never done a kangaroo before, but now that u mention it....

[23:34] no_name613: oh wait, it was a wallabe, well thats pretty much the same thing
ROCKO?! You asshole, he's my bitch. :(
[23:43] no_name613: u know that school full sail, i went and saw it once
[23:44] amy_lover2009: yeah i took a shit on it

Hahaha classic. Silly Russians.
She thinks you're the singer from The Cure? Furthermore, she wants the singer from the Cure to "screw a kangaroo?"

She got it wrong regardless, it's "fuck, fuck, fuck a duck/screw a kangaroo/finger-bang an orangutan/support your local zoo."
That's nothing, one of my idiot freinds gave out my IM to all of his little siters freinds. They are like 13.

THAT was hell.

My block list is huge now.
[23:26] amy_lover2009: , , a duck, screw a kangaroo, sexually harrass an orangutan and f*ckYOU
[23:26] amy_lover2009: ok
[23:26] amy_lover2009: ok
[23:26] no_name613: ok...
[23:27] amy_lover2009: your worst nightmare bitch
[23:27] no_name613: hmmmm ur not bob dole


five star funny
And these are their actual AIM s/ns? Man, we should really just begin IMing them with personal information to screw with their heads.

CAGs unite, form of...annoying mob!
[quote name='Strell']This thread is good for:
  • Persuasive Argument for Eugenics
  • Proof against evolution
  • Evidence that if we exterminated all high schoolers, no one would give a shit
  • Showing that Americans cannot spell "stoner," hence pointing towards devolution
  • Providing a few names to fuck with on AIM when I'm bored

Seriously... people suck... especially cos players and furries. I try to stay away from those kinds of scenes.
[quote name='Blade']And these are their actual AIM s/ns? Man, we should really just begin IMing them with personal information to screw with their heads.

CAGs unite, form of...annoying mob![/quote]

Posting this on /b/ would be a better choice. A gaming forum with 55,000 members vs. an imageboard with over 1,000,000,000 posts a month? Let's hit 4chan. :D
... you do realize this is the polar-opposite of "mistaken identity", right? "They" knew exactly who you were -- you were being fucked with by someone you know.
Haha, I used to do shit like this to my friends all the time. Until it got around and everyone knew it was me after the first few sentences.
Its one of you friends messing with you.
When I was in High school, my friends and I were all library aids 4th period. So we would just go to the computers and get on AIM. We would mess with other people in the library that was on aim. If it was a dude we would say we were some hot freshman in a city near by. Then we would send them a picture of someone we googled. If it was a girl on aim we would tell them that we're sleeping with her boyfriend. Sometimes we would say we're a women and sometimes if we knew that girl and her boyfriend he would be gay. Then we would send a picture of a bear (bear in the gay way not the animal)

Good times.
bread's done