MLB 08: The Show CAG League 2.0 - Dodgers World Series Champs! Congrats to cdrw123!!

Thanks for the compliments - you had some incredible plays on defense - including robbing a homer. Hate to lose, but 2 - 1 to a guy in first place I can live with. Exciting game.

[quote name='talonthrawn']Helluva game Keith. Hardcore pitchers duel. I thought when you got Soriano on I was done. Anyways well played, you are a very patient hitter and you were making me think before I threw just about every pitch.[/quote]
ivan, I'm not 100% sure if I can play Saturday morning, I might have to work. Would you be able to maybe play Saturday night or maybe tomorrow?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Gotta say I'm disappointed Wpark. More than anything, I think that game was just bad luck for you. You hit a lot of balls hard, but right at my guys. And my bats finally seemed to wake up and get some hits. I don't know if you'd qualify this as a "legitimate" loss or not, but did I do anything to piss you off or are you just sick of the Reds? Just trying to understand here man.

I kinda thought the whole game felt like you were just trying to get it over with (Webb threw a complete game on like 80 pitches). I almost felt bad for trying because it really seemed like you weren't. It's almost like you went into it expecting to lose. Not really your best effort, but if you just don't care about the game, I guess I understand.[/quote]

It was a legitmate was a well played game by you. I had scouted you as a guy who pitches around, and you are, but you hit your spots well, you know when to throw a ball and when to throw a strike. I think the first inning I got Webb to throw a lot of pitches. But here is the thing: How many pitches did I guess correctly in both position and pitch? And how many balls did I hit well? It really wasn't you, it's the team. If I have any other team that is in our league, I hit at least one of those balls out of the park. The team is void of any threat. I had one big hit with Jay Bruce on that gapper to right in the 9th inning, but that was it. And don't get me wrong, Webb is a Cy Young pitcher, maybe I got unlucky. But I'm confident that with any other team, I score runs. Go ahead and look at my offensive production before and after Griffey and Dunn left my team. I haven't scored a run in three games. Half the guys on my starting line-up I don't know, and I follow baseball pretty close. I just think it was stupid for us to update the rosters with the season, because even the greatest player of MLB The Show can't beat the Red Sox or Angels with a terrible team.

And I don't understand your thought that I seemed somewhere else? I wasn't rushing my pitches at all to give you time to guess the pitch, I was taking pitches like mad unless I correctly guessed your first pitches location...I didn't make any dumb base running I'm not sure why you feel like it wasn't my best effort. I was hitting the shit out of balls, and becasue of my team, can't even get them into the outfield. How can you say I wasn't trying? I tried my fucking hardest to get a run out of a lineup of fucking nobody's. And honestly, in the 6th inning or 7th inning when I saw Webb only threw 50 pitches, I thought it was a glitch. Cause I was looking at alot of pitches...alot. But whatever. I'm out because I can't compete anymore with the losses to my team. Say you are disappointed, but no one can tell me that if they lost their only two dominant threats and their team went to shit, they wouldn't take the same action after falling this fast. You're fucking lying if you say otherwise.
[quote name='Wpark83']And I don't understand your thought that I seemed somewhere else? I wasn't rushing my pitches at all to give you time to guess the pitch, I was taking pitches like mad unless I correctly guessed your first pitches location...I didn't make any dumb base running I'm not sure why you feel like it wasn't my best effort. I was hitting the shit out of balls, and becasue of my team, can't even get them into the outfield. How can you say I wasn't trying?[/quote]

I understand where you're coming from. All I meant was that after about the 3rd inning (when I scored my first run) you started swinging at a lot of first pitches. I don't know, to me it just felt like it got easier to get you out. Maybe I just got reacclimated to pitching with Webb though. You had me sweating in that first inning though.

If you really want to quit, I'll drop you from the league. But, I've looked at your upcoming schedule, and you have a bye next week. After that, you play the Phillies (PapiChullo), the Dbacks (me again), the Cubs (cusemankeith), and the Dodgers (humanoidtyph0on). So, you've got 4 games left. Since you have a bye, you can give it a week and then decide, or just pull out now. It's up to you.
[quote name='Supreme']ivan, I'm not 100% sure if I can play Saturday morning, I might have to work. Would you be able to maybe play Saturday night or maybe tomorrow?[/QUOTE]

I am not sure about tonite. I am might be going out but what about Sunday morning or later today?
Good game PapiChullo. Even though I think we both didn't play up to our potential due to the lag we still made it a competitive game. That was probably close to the worst lag I've played besides the last game I played against a guy in Chicago. I don't understand what makes it lag because I've played people from the east coast plenty of times with no problems. Anyhow good game and hope your next game run a little smoother.
All right guys, this is your 24 hour warning for week 11 games! It looks like there's only one game that still needs to be played, and that's between ivanctorres and Supreme. The deadline for you guys is: Oct 07, 2008 03:49 PM PST.

I really hope you can find time to get it in! Thanks! :D
DestroVega, can you play late tomorrow night? Like around 10? I'm gonna be away from the PS3 between Friday and early Monday so I'd like to get our game in then. I could also possibly get on tonight, but that is going to be difficult.
Actually, I'm around the PS3 now if you'd wanna try tonight. I see you're online. If not yeah I can try for tomorrow around 10 EST. But I'll be around for a few hours now and again later tonight and tonight would be better actually.
I don't think tonight will fly bro, just got in from the gym and taking the woman out to dinner... I'll post back but tomorrow at 10 is probably the only way we get it in before Monday... if we have to wait till Monday that's fine too, I'm free that night as well.
All right guys, we've got some VERY interesting changes going on for week 12! Sorry for getting this week activated a day late, but the wife and I went on a 5 hour trip yesterday that, because of construction, turned into an 8 hour trip. That put me way behind on work, and I'm just now catching up.

Anyway, I turned on my PS3 tonight to discover that because of the real MLB season having ended, The Show brought back all players off the DL. This caused some drastic changes in both pitching rotations and everyday lineups.

So, I'm just going to list everybody's rotations here as The Show has them now (plus your long man/men...because some of these guys were in rotations before). I need you guys to tell me how you want your rotation from here out. Think of this as your shot in the arm down the stretch!

Supreme - Red Sox
1. Beckett
2. Matsuzaka
3. Lester
4. Schilling
5. Wakefield
6. Byrd

DestroVega - Yankees
1. Wang
2. Mussina
3. Pettite
4. Hughes
5. Kennedy
6. Igawa

ivanctorres - Rays
your rotation is the same

Ultimate Matt X - Indians
1. Lee
2. Carmona
3. Westbrook
4. Sowers
5. S. Lewis
6. Mastny

Fuzi0n - Tigers
1. Bonderman
2. Verlander
3. Rogers
4. Galarraga
5. Willis
6. Miner
7. Robertson

talonthrawn - Angels
your rotation is the same, but you've got Escobar as your longman. If you want any changes, just let me know.

PapiChullo - Phillies
1. Hamels
2. Blanton
3. Moyer
4. Myers
5. Kendrick
6. Durbin

melokeith - Cubs
your rotation is the same

Wpark83 - Reds
1. Volquez
2. Harang
3. Arroyo
4. Cueto
5. Belisle
6. Masset

cdrw123 - Dodgers
1. Penny
2. Billingsley
3. Lowe
4. Maddux
...and hilariously, The Show doesn't even have the Dodgers rotation filled out, but they've got 2 longmen...which would make:
5. Schmidt
6. Kuroda

OK that's the chaos for this week! PLEASE just post what you want your 1-5 to be. I'm even going to allow for "resetting" of the rotation because of this, with the only restriction being that whoever you started last week CANNOT pitch this week. Also keep in mind that we're on a #2 week, so whoever you put as your #2 will pitch this week, and then you'll just continue down your new rotation next week.

Not to mention, TONS of position players have been brought back as well. The Dodgers are freaking LOADED. Blake, Nomar, Andruw, and Pierre all on THE BENCH! The Yanks got Posada back (and are carrying 3 catchers with Molina and Pudge).

Wpark83, this is a great time for you to get back into it man. Freel and Phillips are back, among others. You have this week off, but the Reds might actually be worth your while again.

And amazingly, I've regained Byrnes, Hudson, and Upton...right when I need them the most! This should really feel like opening day all over again guys! Best of luck to everyone!

And here's the schedule!

Week 12 Schedule (the current round expires on Oct 15, 2008 10:49 AM PST.)

Detroit Tigers (FuzionMC) at Boston Red Sox (CaptainBackslap)
Pitching Matchup: Kenny Rogers vs. Daisuke Matsuzaka

Arizona Diamondbacks (n8rocker82) at Chicago Cubs (cusemanKeith)
Pitching Matchup: Danny Haren vs. Rich Harden

New York Yankees (DestroVega) at Cleveland Indians (TheUMX)
Pitching Matchup: Chien Ming Wang vs. Fausto Carmona

Tampa Bay Rays (ICT_EsqGamer) at Los Angeles Angels (talon7)
Pitching Matchup: James Shields vs. Jered Weaver

Los Angeles Dodgers (humanoidtyph0on) at Philadelphia Phillies (PapiChullo)
Pitching Matchup: Chad Billingsley vs. Jamie Moyer

*off this week: Cincinatti Reds (Wpark83)
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[quote name='DestroVega']I will throw Wang and start the rotation over... 1-5.... fuck Igawa.[/quote]

So, like this?

1. Kennedy (week 16)
2. Wang (starting this week)
3. Mussina (week 13)
4. Pettitte (week 14)
5. Hughes (week 15)
[quote name='n8rockerasu']So, like this?

1. Kennedy (week 16)
2. Wang (starting this week)
3. Mussina (week 13)
4. Pettitte (week 14)
5. Hughes (week 15)[/quote]

that's fine I guess... but I didn't have a game last week so ouldnt wang be at the top of the list and kennedy at the bottom?
[quote name='DestroVega']that's fine I guess... but I didn't have a game last week so ouldnt wang be at the top of the list and kennedy at the bottom?[/quote]

My bad! You're right. I forgot about that. Sorry, bringing everybody back is throwing me off. It's really a technicality though since there are 5 games left, so everyone will get to pitch one more time anyway. Plus, rotations aren't enforced for the playoffs. But yeah, just seeing Ian at the top of a rotation would make me sick too. I'll fix it right away! Also, I think it's hilarious that they gave Igawa a spot back on the roster, and Pavano got bounced. :D

The rest of you guys, please post your 1-5's with the new roster BEFORE you play your game. Thanks!
Good game keith. You capitalize on mistake pitches like no one I've ever seen. Two guesses at two opportune times, and you get 4 runs on the board. The Dbacks also hit more fastballs for infield pop ups than any team I've ever seen. I'm starting to suck at everything. This is upsetting. Good game to you though.
Well, those homers were lucky... I mean opportune!
Not sure how you picked off Soriano that time, but I was sure that missed opportunities (especially the 1st inning) would come back to haunt me.

Good game though... was sweating it out til the last out.
[quote name='melokeith']Well, those homers were lucky... I mean opportune!
Not sure how you picked off Soriano that time, but I was sure that missed opportunities (especially the 1st inning) would come back to haunt me.

Good game though... was sweating it out til the last out.

Haha, yeah, that Soriano pickoff was hilarious...on a step a righty. Being a Yankee fan, I know him well. I just laughed and said "Soriano is lazy"

I didn't mean anything bad about your homers. Just opportune in that they were both hit with 2 outs and a guy on (one of whom reached on a 3-2 walk). I had plenty of chances too though. Just couldn't capitalize. No idea how Young homered in the 9th after striking out all day long. That was lucky.
[quote name='Wpark83']So I pitched Harang last week, so who has to be my guy next week? Cause I want it to be Arroyo.[/quote]

Anyone but Harang. It can be Arroyo. I want everybody to post a new 1-5 for me since the roster update since there were so many changes. Since you have a bye this week, you can use Arroyo next week as your #2 or #3.

But since we'll be on a #3 week, you have to use your #4 the next week (ie. if you have Arroyo as your #2, and Volquez as your #3, Volquez would have to be skipped, and you'd move on to your #4 along with the rest of the league the following week).

HOWEVER, since there will only be 4 games left, you could technically pencil in Belisle (or any other guy you don't want to pitch with) as your "#3", have him be the guy you skip, and then he wouldn't have to pitch again the rest of the season. Rotations will not apply to the playoffs, so having Belisle as your #3 wouldn't mean squat. Make sense?
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wat. The ghost of Curt Schilling lives!


And fuzion, let me know when you want to play.
[quote name='Supreme']wat. The ghost of Curt Schilling lives!


And fuzion, let me know when you want to play.[/quote]

Thanks for posting your rotation!

And yeah, word is Fat Actress sutured himself up, haha. Wait, where's the ketchup? On a serious note, I wonder if he gets a world series ring this year.
Alright then here's my setup

1. Harang
2. Arroyo
3. Belisle
4. Cueto
5. Volquez

So I'll use Arroyo next week, then skip Belisle and never have to use him, right?
[quote name='Wpark83']Alright then here's my setup

1. Harang
2. Arroyo
3. Belisle
4. Cueto
5. Volquez

So I'll use Arroyo next week, then skip Belisle and never have to use him, right?[/quote]

Yup, after Arroyo, you'll have Cueto, Volquez, and Harang to wrap up the regular season.
[quote name='cdrw123']Papi where u at i sent u a pm when do you wanna play?[/quote]

cdrw123, I need you to post your 1-5 again since the last MAJOR roster update. I doubt you saw my post on the last page, but all players from the DL were brought back, and your pitching staff has changed a lot. Please list what you'd like your new 1-5 to be.

Thank you to the others who have posted their new rotations!
[quote name='cdrw123']okay so my 5 starters will be:
d. lowe
c. billingsley
b. penny
h. kuroda.
c. kershaw[/quote]

u mean this lineup
[quote name='cdrw123']Papi where u at i sent u a pm when do you wanna play?[/QUOTE]

I sent you one later yesterday, I was out during the day watching football. Let's get the game in tonight. PM or send me a message on PSN when you're free. I'm free anytime starting now.
[quote name='cdrw123']u mean this lineup[/quote]

Just out of sheer curiosity, how old are you? Go back one page and read post #415. If you haven't noticed, everybody else in the league has been posting new rotations because the rosters are COMPLETELY different in since Monday. Check it out.
[quote name='Fuzi0n']Shit, I thought I made my list to start this week. I wanted to throw in that order with Bonderman this week.[/quote]

I was going to ask, but then I remembered you said Kenny Rogers was your favorite pitcher (still not sure if that's sarcasm, haha). I tried to make it pretty clear that we're on a #2 week. I even went through a lengthy explanation with Wpark83 to make sure he had his rotation the way he wanted it. Don't know what to say man. Sorry. You played your game though right? Who did you throw?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I was going to ask, but then I remembered you said Kenny Rogers was your favorite pitcher (still not sure if that's sarcasm, haha). I tried to make it pretty clear that we're on a #2 week. I even went through a lengthy explanation with Wpark83 to make sure he had his rotation the way he wanted it. Don't know what to say man. Sorry. You played your game though right? Who did you throw?[/quote]

It's cool, I threw Rogers today and I'll just keep the rotation as it is with Verlander next week.
[quote name='Fuzi0n']It's cool, I threw Rogers today and I'll just keep the rotation as it is with Verlander next week.[/quote]

You sure? I mean, you can put Bonderman at any of the 3-5 spots so you'll at least get a chance to use him. And rotations won't matter for the playoffs anyway. It's up to you.
Just wanted to remind you guys, there are still 2 games that haven't been played this week. You guys have until: Oct 15, 2008 10:49 AM PST (ie. tomorrow)to get it done. Please try to get these games played. I'm going out of town tomorrow afternoon (until Sunday), but HOPEFULLY I'll be able to get the next week posted and have everything up to date before I leave. This is another reason I wanted everyone to confirm their new rotations, so I'd have a little bit of notice who's supposed to be pitching next week. A few of you still haven't told me how you're handling the changes. It must be nice to be that lazy.
Since my rotation didn't change, I'll stand pat, as is. Figured you knew that, but don't want to be lumped in with the lazy folks. :lol:

[quote name='melokeith']Since my rotation didn't change, I'll stand pat, as is. Figured you knew that, but don't want to be lumped in with the lazy folks. :lol:


Haha, no. I kinda figure you wouldn't want to change anything. A couple rotations did stay the same, so unless people just wanted to mix things up for the final stretch, I didn't really expect changes.

But some rotations were all out of whack. Some teams had too many starters and some didn't have enough, so I was even going to try to guess how people would want that sorted out. But we all know how much trouble reading is :roll:
N8-I havent heard from Talon at all this week. I sent him a PM and we tried to get a time set up bot got nothing set up.
[quote name='ivanctorres']N8-I havent heard from Talon at all this week. I sent him a PM and we tried to get a time set up bot got nothing set up.[/quote]

Yeah, he's been kinda flakey lately. He finally responded to my messages in the Madden league, but still hasn't played his games. He must have come down with a case of douche-itis. Hope he gets better soon...
All right, a quick update before I head out of town (cdrw123, I'll be back Sunday). We had one unplayed game this week, between ivanctorres and talonthrawn. ivan, you get the win for that one. I still need updated rotations from Ultimate Matt X and cdrw123. I don't know if you'll even see this, but if you do, it would be really nice to have a new 1-5 from you guys (keeping in mind that this week we're on #3, so plan accordingly)

Now, on to the schedule!

Week 13 Schedule (the current round expires on Oct 22, 2008 11:10 AM PST.)

Los Angeles Dodgers (humanoidtyph0on) at Arizona Diamondbacks (n8rocker82)
Pitching Matchup: Brad Penny vs. Randy Johnson

Philadelphia Phillies (PapiChullo) at Cincinatti Reds (Wpark83)
Pitching Matchup: Joe Blanton vs. Johnny Cueto

Boston Red Sox (CaptainBackslap) at Cleveland Indians (TheUMX)
Pitching Matchup: Jon Lester vs. Jake Westbrook

Los Angeles Angels (talon7) at Detroit Tigers (FuzionMC)
Pitching Matchup: Jon Garland vs. Justin Verlander

Tampa Bay Rays (ICT_EsqGamer) at New York Yankees (DestroVega)
Pitching Matchup: Matt Garza vs. Mike Mussina

*off this week: Chicago Cubs (cusemanKeith)
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I guess I'll use Sowers because of the 5 guys on the front page he is my third. I don't think I really have a better option. Oh, and I'll go with the other guys in order too. I didn't notice the game doing anything crazy with my rosters, but basically I went Lee, Carmona, 3rd best in stats, 4th best, and 5th best overall.
Supreme can you play tomorrow afternoon? If not I'll be around late Friday and then through the afternoon Saturday and Sunday. Late those days too, but not sure what time.
Ultimate Matt X - Indians
1. Lee
2. Carmona
3. Westbrook
4. Sowers
5. S. Lewis
6. Mastny

Your rotation per The Show's most recent listed 2 pages ago. This is what you have to choose from.
bread's done