MLB 2K6 thread

I'm looking forward to this one. I just hope it's not like the current gen versions with a little bit of graphical polish.
i was really looking forward to this one until the ign review hit a little low (7.3 for xbox). say what you want about reviews but they usually help to target the range the game belongs in. unless gamespot hits a high 8 or 9, im likely to save my cash for something else.
From what I'm reading everywhere the release date was moved up to 4/10 as you have posted. IGN has a review up for the current gen version, I believe they scored it a 7.3. Based on that review only it sounds like a mixed bag but it sounds like it has alot of postives. I'm looking forward to reading the impressions at to see what the overall consensus of the game is.
Can't wait for it! If it's anything like NBA2k6 it should be awesome. I'm getting it no matter what the reviews say, need my baseball fix for the 360!
I'm looking forward to it (if it's good). I'll probably wait for the reviews though. 7.3 for the Xbox version doesn't get me too excited...
I am definitely picking this title up! The screen shots I've seen so far look amazing, and like others have said, "I need by baseball fix":)......and being that this is the only choice we have, it's the one I'm going to have to go with. I sure wish EA would have gotten the baseball license and Take2 the football....oh well!
I'm def picking this up. Hopefully the dates on EB/GS sites are right for next week. I haven't read anything about it going gold though.
wasn't sure if i was going to get it...

but after they added WBC into this game.....i'll buy this game even if it's 100 bux!
Soon as I picked up my 360 last week, went out and changed my preorder from the Xbox version to 360. Looking forward to playing it.
After playing MLB 06 The Show and really loving it, I was thinking about buying MLB 2K6 for the 360 since I liked 2K5 quite a bit. But, I think I'm going to hold off buying this since I don't generally think it's a good idea to buy a sports' debut on a new system. I'll enjoy my rental of MLB, just like I have been with NBA 2K6, but the 2K7 games will have the polish that these 2K6 games don't.

And go Rangers. Nail those Sox.
I'm undecided right now. The 360 version is going to have to score alot higher. Otherwise I'm just gonna grab this game when It's alot cheaper, or trade in it for it.
Some people are reporting glitches in the CURRENT-GEN games...such as the wild pitch glitch. Hopefully the 360 version fixes these....I'm still getting it since I want my baseball fix.
From what I've read of the wild pitches it was from people not used to using the new payoff pitching sytem which caused them to throw a wild pitch which makes sense. I've only read of a few instances where the cpu throws them but it should happen once in awhile. So far ign has given the game the lowest score. Everywhere else is giving it a pretty solid score. gave it an 8.3

Other reviews

I see numerous people upset that they have to tap the button to advance the baserunner. They are upset because the don't feel it is sim like but all they have to do is turn off the option for the baserunner speedboost. It sounds like the graphics on the current gen version aren't mind blowing but the 360 owners(which most are here) don't have to worry about poor graphics.

I'm definately picking this game up with the EB trade in deal.

How bout those Marlins last night!! I barely know anyone on the team so this is going to make the GM Career mode very interesting. Their payroll is ridiculously low.
I'll definitely be purchasing this game. Hopefully Fry's will have some sort of deal on it. Although I almost completely disagree with their top 25 Starting Pitchers lsit a while back, I can't wait to play some next-gen Baseball.
Yep, lets hope the rosters are pretty acurate also or they better have a D/L one soon with opening day rosters. I want the Tigers to have all their young pitchers (Zumaya, Tata, Verlander....)
[quote name='Pratt75']From what I've read of the wild pitches it was from people not used to using the new payoff pitching sytem which caused them to throw a wild pitch which makes sense. I've only read of a few instances where the cpu throws them but it should happen once in awhile.[/QUOTE]
OR, maybe the whole point of the payoff pitching system is just to cover up the wild pitches glitch. HMMMMMM??
na jk
I'm interested in this title, but what can the 360 offer besides improved graphics when it comes to a game like this? At $40 I would have been more tempted. I have Top Spin 2 and NHL2k6 to keep me busy for now.

Maybe when I can snag this for $40 or it gets some insane reviews.
accurate rosters no. on the xbox they had rosters that werent even updated from january. they did make an update but it still doesnt have guys like joshima...not that i care
After reading the reviews for the Xbox version I'm a little worried. It did go gold today though so it will defenitly be out next week.
Yeah, seems like a lot of mixed reviews. Hopefully the 360 corrects some, but I would doubt that. I still want baseball though. I thought the 360 had semi-up to date rosters. There is gameplay video with Coco Crisp on BoSox.
Well, releasing this week....even with mixed reviews, I'm excited.

Although, I'm getting from Best Buy (Gift Cards/RZ), so I may have to wait until the 12th since that is their release date....oh well.
Well someone is gonna FINALLY buy Quake off me eventually, and I am going to keep Farcry in hopes they fix up the controls, if not I'll just deal with them over time. So I think my chances of getting this pre-E3 are very low. I'll wait till E3 is over and all the 360 games are announced for the remainder of the year before deciding if I want to buy this game or not. I only have two open slots (three if Halo gets to next year) for 360 games, and I'm sure Tony Hawk and another NHL2k game will be out before the years end, so...
My brother picked up the PS2 version. I played it and it does play well. I disagree with some of the points from the IGN review. Hopefully the 360 version plays the same or better. There was already a roster update so we might be seeing one for the 360 version the day of release. I cant wait!!!
How do people like the NEW swing system (if they played the Ps2/XBOX version)?

I think the 360 videos showed more up to date rosters....not sure though. They better have good rosters though, or I will be fixing them myself.
Today is the day gentleman, PLAY BALL!!

From the feedback I've read about the new swing system it sounds like it's going to be more of a personal preference. Some like it, some don't but you at least have the option to switch to one button swinging. It sounds like most think the new payoff pitching system is very well done.
I posted and said that there was a roster update for the current gen versions but I was wrong. Currently no update. Also after playing the game the only problem I had with the fielding is the guys took a little long to throw. Im def picking up the 360 version today though.
Yep, I cannot wait to get it....although, it appears Best Buy won't get it until tomorrow :( Oh RZ/Gift Cards will make it no cost to I can wait)

Is Best Buy website accurate on new releases for stock? I want a new game today....but I can wait if I ahve too.
I caved in and bought it from Best Buy this morning. I was gonna just wait and get it through Gamefly but I am weak. :D Ah well at least I didn't buy BF2 i'll rent it and everything else that comes out till prolly NCAA 2007.
Sweet, Best Buy had it....I'll check mine today. I need some baseball action, I guess I'll deal with glitches, if any. Post some impressions $hady.
Yea I saw on XBox forums a bit ago that some places didn't get it today but my Best Buy had it when they opened. (Florence, KY)

My impressions:

- You get a pack of 3 baseball cards inside, 11 cards in the set. I got Mariano Rivera, Derek Jeter and Andruw Jones.
- You get a 48 hour trial code.
- LOL I haven't played it yet, had some Ebay and other junk to do since I got back home. I'll post later about it, I haven't played this series since way back on the PSX.
it's playing now on my machine, I played 2 innings and then set it to CPU play while I ate lunch and perused the manual. Looks ok. Not as good as NBA, but not bad. They're booing Jeter which I find funny. Animations are still a little wonky at times for fielding, but the replays/announcing/overall presentation is very slick. It's going to take actually reading the manual and some practice to get used to how to play. New favorite feature: I put it on Yanks/Sawx for the watch game, and on a really close call Francona came out to argue. There was an anger meter on screen like it's a minigame, he ended up getting ejected.
LOL glad you enjoyed my early impressions here are a few more after playing 2 games. I'm coming over to this game as a EA fanboy every year playing and usually loving their baseball games.......

- Pitching is a bitch, it's gonna take lots of practice to get it down. First game with the Reds I threw 10 wild pitches and 2nd game with the Red Sox I threw 8! Also they have a thing where in tough situations your location thing starts shaking. That's cool but I was up one run in the 8th with Schilling on the mound at 80% stamina with a guy on 2nd and a stiff at the plate and my aim icon was shaking pretty bad. There shouldn't be that much action for a stud on the mound with a lead at home.

- Defensive controls are not near as tight as MVP was. Again with practice you'll get better though and learn to position your OF to compensate for slow fielders vs whatever hitter is up. Coco freakin crisp is faster than all the Reds outfield combined! :drool:

- The sprint thing is corny you keep hitting a to make your baserunners go faster. It's annoying...:roll:

- Batting is kinda cool, I had it somewhat down by the end of the 2nd game. Manny hit 4 homers and is dominate at least on the default difficulty settings.

- They have a WBC roster and a 3/22/06 mlb roster update online for download. A few things I noticed: no Arroyo for Pena trade, that Japanese catcher is not on Seattle and of course Barry Bonds = Joe Young a white guy with a beard and 94 overall on stats. (Barrys not in the MLBPA or whatever for the video games licensing) Roger Clemens is nowhere to be found while they still have Sammy Sosa as a free agent.

MLB 2K6 for the Xbox 360 left this reviewer cold...:lol:

It's a fun game, I'm liking it so far. It's not mind blowing next generation or anything but if you like baseball it's good times.
How are the Reds overall? I am also a Reds fan :). I really would like a baseball game but I can't hardly justify paying $59.99 for an "ok" game like this. Heck I only paid $44.99 for Oblivion =)
I was going to go straight to Gamestop after work to pick this game up as I'm already jonesing hard for a baseball game for this season and the 360 is the only console I have right now. I have been reading the posts at the 2k sports website forums and gamefaqs, and it seems that people are having a lot of problems with the game freezing up and there seems to be a lot of negative comments about the game in general.....a bunch of positives too though:) Of course, the negatives just may be from the haters and trolls, but I think I'm going to wait another day or two to hear some more feedback here and read some reviews before I pick this up. I hope these problems I'm reading about are isolated because I am dying for some next-gen baseball!
ARGH my shit played fine earlier today, I played 2 games and messed around with the rosters etc. Now I turn it back on a lil while ago and it froze up on the title screen. No big deal I thought so I reset the system and started again. I finally realized how to pitch correctly and shut them down for 2 innings then my game froze as soon as I hit a homerun. It's happened 4 games in a row now, all on homeruns hit by me and all by different teams...... The last time I turned it off the I felt my 360 and it was warm on the top and very hot on the back, I have my system on it's side inside my enertainment center but it's never this hot even after long sessions of gaming when i've checked it....

I'm gonna check those sites mentioned in the above post and see what they are saying.
Well... here's my story...

I got out of class at about 9:05 this morning and drove around to pick up this game. Driving around consisted of going to Fry's, Walmart, GameCrazy, Toys R Us, Circuit City, EBGames, and then another EBGames, before I actually found a copy of the game.

I purchase the copy and get home at about 11:15. I tear it open and noticed the cards (Jeter, I-Rod, and don't know the other one) and xbox live trial, and thought it was cool they added that in. Anyway I throw in the game and it looks fine. I turn on both wireless controllers to get a quick exhibition game going against my brother. Three innings later I am up 1-0, then all of a sudden right between the bottom of the 3rd and top of the 4th, my screen turns black, and there is no response from my 360.

At this point I am a little nervous that my 360 might be bugging out. I reset the 360 and hope it plays. Next game the same thing happens but at a different time. The game after I am finally able to get through 9 solid innings of baseball. Relieved I decide to start my franchise. First game... between the Bottom of the 1st and Top of the 2nd, the BSOD (Black Screen of Death) comes back to haunt me.

So far out of 5 or 6 games, only 1 has gotten through a full 9 innings. I decide to check another game to see if there are any problems, so I throw in Oblivion. Almost 2 hours and a few quests later, my 360 is still going very strong.

This bring's me to the present, I decided to check online to see if anyone else is having this problem and it seems I'm not the only one. Very dissapointed so far. 2k Sports better offer a some sort of real fix for this....
[quote name='FFMooglestar']Well... here's my story...

I got out of class at about 9:05 this morning and drove around to pick up this game. Driving around consisted of going to Fry's, Walmart, GameCrazy, Toys R Us, Circuit City, EBGames, and then another EBGames, before I actually found a copy of the game.

I purchase the copy and get home at about 11:15. I tear it open and noticed the cards (Jeter, I-Rod, and don't know the other one) and xbox live trial, and thought it was cool they added that in. Anyway I throw in the game and it looks fine. I turn on both wireless controllers to get a quick exhibition game going against my brother. Three innings later I am up 1-0, then all of a sudden right between the bottom of the 3rd and top of the 4th, my screen turns black, and there is no response from my 360.

At this point I am a little nervous that my 360 might be bugging out. I reset the 360 and hope it plays. Next game the same thing happens but at a different time. The game after I am finally able to get through 9 solid innings of baseball. Relieved I decide to start my franchise. First game... between the Bottom of the 1st and Top of the 2nd, the BSOD (Black Screen of Death) comes back to haunt me.

So far out of 5 or 6 games, only 1 has gotten through a full 9 innings. I decide to check another game to see if there are any problems, so I throw in Oblivion. Almost 2 hours and a few quests later, my 360 is still going very strong.

This bring's me to the present, I decided to check online to see if anyone else is having this problem and it seems I'm not the only one. Very dissapointed so far. 2k Sports better offer a some sort of real fix for this....[/quote]

Damn, I was so looking forward to playing this game today, but your experience seems to be what atleast 50% of the people posting on other boards are posting. I guess I'm kind of glad I didn't pick it up today. Hopefully, 2k will come out with a fix, or I might just have to buy a gamecube on the cheap and go back to MVP 2005.
Ok there goes my homerun theory....... I just tried disconnecting my internet connection and playing that way since there was a discussion about online/offline troubles on another board and I made it to the 5th inning but my game froze as I was getting ready to slide into 2nd base on a hit to the outfield...

Lots of people on the 2ksports boards are talking about not making it past the 2nd inning and freezes when trying to get online.

This sucks....

BTW this is 2 in a row now for 2K sports titles. College Hoops had that online problem where most of the time you couldn't connect to people but this looks like a much bigger problem.
[quote name='$hady']Ok there goes my homerun theory....... I just tried disconnecting my internet connection and playing that way since there was a discussion about online/offline troubles on another board and I made it to the 5th inning but my game froze as I was getting ready to slide into 2nd base on a hit to the outfield...

Lots of people on the 2ksports boards are talking about not making it past the 2nd inning and freezes when trying to get online.

This sucks....

BTW this is 2 in a row now for 2K sports titles. College Hoops had that online problem where most of the time you couldn't connect to people but this looks like a much bigger problem.[/QUOTE]
I've read alot about this problem as I was going to pick it up today but not anymore. This is a HUGE problem, and my guess right now is that they will issue a recall because the discs are probably defective and they will just release a new batch of games. With a problem this big I don't think they'll release a patch, just a new batch of games. It's pretty sad that this is happening, ya know if you can't make a game right maybe you shouldn't have bought the exclusive rights to it, yeah 2k I'm talking to you.
I wish IGN or Gamespot would have come out and revealed this problem to everyone a couple of days ago. They could have saved everyone a big hassle by doing so.
WHAT A CROCK! I just deleted all the rosters I downloaded and all the vip profiles on my HD and tried again. 5th inning it froze up between top and bottom of the inning. I started it again and the damn thing frozen in the top of the 1st when the cpu got a ground rule double.

I paid $64 for this game and i've played only 2 games! How I managed to play those 2 full games is beyond me........ I even managed to unlock the homerun achievement in one of those games this afternoon.
bread's done