mlb 2k8 or the show???


17 (100%)
Right now, Im liking the show but the only problem with that is that I do not have a ps3 and am still sorta iffy about spending 400 or more on another system. I am a college student and will not be living on campus next year, so that means I need a little more financial assistance(which I have set). Mlb 2k8 looks good also, but it seems like the show has more to offer on the plate, besides the "mor storage on blu-ray" advantage

which one do you all plan on getting any why?
I plan on getting 2k8 because i have a 360 and not a ps3.

I really couldnt see a baseball game being enough or even the final straw to make me buy a whole new system. It's too bad 360 doesnt have MLB power Pros, that would be a no brainer of great wonders.
The Show is the best baseball game available. 2K7 was absolute garbage. I have a 360 and a PS3 so I am definitely getting The Show. If you only have a 360 you have to just live with 2K8 and try to avoid ever playing The Show 08 so you don't know what you are missing and realize how awful the 2K baseball franchise is. It is a shame 2K doesn't make a better baseball game.
I have a 360 so im going to try 2k8. When the new ps3 bundle comes out in june ill be picking a ps3 up and ill get the show.
2k8, but i'll wait till it gets under $30. i bought 2k7 on launch, great graphics, but gameplay was a joke especially on LIVE. if its improved i might give in, but we'll see
I fail to see how everyone is saying hands down the show. No 2k demo has been released for comparison and the full version of the Show isn't on shelves, all you have is a demo. I'd say ask this again in about a week.
[quote name='drbutchevil']I fail to see how everyone is saying hands down the show. No 2k demo has been released for comparison and the full version of the Show isn't on shelves, all you have is a demo. I'd say ask this again in about a week.[/QUOTE]

last year it was a better game and reviews are already saying it has been tweaked to make it even better. 2K7 was awful, I just don't see how they can make the kind of improvements they need to make to get me to interested in 2K8. I wish 2K made a better game I wouldn't mind having a good baseball game to play online for my 360. The Show picks up where MVP left off. If you had ever played The Show you would see why most people think The Show will be far superior to 2K8. Who knows maybe 2K8 scrapped the entire package of 2K7 and rebuilt it to resemble The Show. Unless that happens 2K8 will be left off of my list of things to buy.
The show is amazing, and I am not going by just the demo. Many retailers broke the street date yesterday. If anyone is interested look at many people are listing areas that broke the date. I got mine last night at a 24 hr walmart in Town & Country MO which is a suburb of St. Louis for those that are interested. So far I have been nothing but pleased, the graphics are top notch and the gameplay is as well. IGN gave the game an 8.7 and I really don't see 2K8 being better. I like how last yr 2K kept saying they got the mechanics down and made the game realistic, and when I bought that game I had 8 hr's a game and robbed 8 hr's a game. I am also, worried at the fact that no demo has been released and there is very little detail about the game.
[quote name='sociopharm02']last year it was a better game and reviews are already saying it has been tweaked to make it even better. 2K7 was awful, I just don't see how they can make the kind of improvements they need to make to get me to interested in 2K8. I wish 2K made a better game I wouldn't mind having a good baseball game to play online for my 360. The Show picks up where MVP left off. If you had ever played The Show you would see why most people think The Show will be far superior to 2K8. Who knows maybe 2K8 scrapped the entire package of 2K7 and rebuilt it to resemble The Show. Unless that happens 2K8 will be left off of my list of things to buy.[/quote]

I disagree, I thoroughly enjoyed 2K7 and the interviews with Brinkman and the previews indicate the game WAS tweaked to be more fun to play. As for last years The Show, I had heard completely different from what you are saying, as in, it was garbage. Check out for some full game videos of 2K8.
I got to say having played 2K7 myself, if you "thoroughly enjoyed" that game then I don't see how taking this conversation any further is actually worthwhile. I have played both and personally thought The Show was leaps and bounds better than 2K7. If you enjoyed 2K7 then I am sure you will love 2K8. I honestly don't understand how that is possible but it doesn't really matter unless you have a PS3. If you have only a 360 then there is not a lot of debate as to which one to get. I think The Show needed to be tweaked to make it even better, but 2K7 needs more than just a tweak. It needs major work to get it on the level of The Show. Bottom line is that if you enjoy game play and want to feel like you are playing a game of baseball then get The Show. If you enjoy horrendous fielding and the feeling like you are moving in molasses by all means grab 2K8 and revel in its achievement of making you hate yourself for spending 64 dollars on it. I think that actually is one of the achievements for the game. The second you put it in the 360 that achievement is unlocked. I am just kidding of course but I rarely get on here tooting a game for how awesome it is. However having been burned last year by 2K7 I hope to help people avoid making the same mistake I made.
[quote name='sociopharm02']I got to say having played 2K7 myself, if you "thoroughly enjoyed" that game then I don't see how taking this conversation any further is actually worthwhile. I have played both and personally thought The Show was leaps and bounds better than 2K7. If you enjoyed 2K7 then I am sure you will love 2K8. I honestly don't understand how that is possible but it doesn't really matter unless you have a PS3. If you have only a 360 then there is not a lot of debate as to which one to get. I think The Show needed to be tweaked to make it even better, but 2K7 needs more than just a tweak. It needs major work to get it on the level of The Show. Bottom line is that if you enjoy game play and want to feel like you are playing a game of baseball then get The Show. If you enjoy horrendous fielding and the feeling like you are moving in molasses by all means grab 2K8 and revel in its achievement of making you hate yourself for spending 64 dollars on it. I think that actually is one of the achievements for the game. The second you put it in the 360 that achievement is unlocked. I am just kidding of course but I rarely get on here tooting a game for how awesome it is. However having been burned last year by 2K7 I hope to help people avoid making the same mistake I made.[/quote]

Perhaps thoroughly was exaggerating a bit. I am willing to admit 2k7 had alot of problems, such as, too many homeruns, too many robbed homeruns, poor fielding, general feeling of slowness when running in the field at the default slider level. However, all of the above, and more have been mentioned in various different previews and interviews for the game.

Fielding from
Finally there's fielding, something that plagued MLB 2K7 because of the sluggish movements of the players and the outright glitches that somehow made it into the final product. In this year's MLB it's no longer a migraine headache to make pinpoint movements when trying to catch a fly ball. They've also redesigned the way you'll be diving for balls. The old preemptive prompt that no one fully grasped is dead and gone, replaced by a simple tap of the right trigger that forces your player to instantly dive.
Homeruns and Singles vs Doubles and Triples, from Ben Brinkman himself from
Brinkman: Singles and home runs last year… there was a disproportionate amount. Now, that’s not (due) to just the hitting AI or the pitching AI, that’s also the fielding AI. Fielders are more realistic; they’re not always taking the perfect line to the ball. In the rare chance of the ‘wall climb’, they’re more likely to miss it. We’ve done a lot of tweaking; there are a lot more doubles, a lot more triples, a lot more plays near the plate that the catcher has to field.
I realize believing something a developer says 9 times out of 10 tends to turn out bad, but I believe in Brinkman, he was, afterall, the main mind behind MVP 2005. And, yes, I do own a 360 only, so my choice is limited. I just find people's blind faith in The Show, and blind hate for 2K8 to be quite disappointing. Like I said, ask this again this time next week when more opinions are in. The answer may be the same, it may be different, or it could be both kick ass and are worth it and everyone wins. Lets hope for the latter.
I agree with you drbutchevil I hope in a week we are saying they both kick ass. I don't really gain anything by 2K8 sucking. I hope it is good and if it is I will definitely be buying it so i can play my 360 only brethren in a game of baseball. We shall see.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Hands down The Show. Its the best baseball game out there.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, much better than the MLB 2K series, baseball card or not.
yeah, I'm torn as well... most of my friends have 360's and are going to get 2K8... but it looks like the show might be better. ugh.
I like 2k baseball. I had The Show 06 for PSP, I think it was 06, the one with Vladmir Guerrero. I prefer 2k baseball over MVP/the show.
i only have a 360 so it'll have to be 2k8 if anything...but i'm not buying anything until I see a demo. Do you think a concurrent release of the demo with the game? Stupid. Demo should have been out at the least a week before release. Is 2K hoping people will buy it on blind faith? Pretty ballsy considering how much 2k7 gets abused.
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