MMO for her/him..

I suggest one of the ones that are compatible with a ps3/xbox controller.  It make people who play other video games more comfortable (of course this assumes they play other games).  Anyway, I suggest DC universe online, since it's learning curve isn't ridiculous, and it's fun to play.

WoW is great for beginners, they walk you through pretty much everything.  Don't play with a controller, that's a ridiculous statement.

I was referring to games that are designed to be played best WITH A controller, not trying to play a game not designed for a controller with a controller.

WoW, Guild Wars 2, something more simplistic and perhaps 2D like NEStalgia. I agree that native controller support is a plus if the person is at all comfy with console games.

Hmm...DCUO is a good suggestion. Defiance has full controller support, plays like a third-person console shooter, and is both simple and cheap ($10 with no monthly). PSO2 if you can set it up for them with the English patches but it'd be kinda a pain to keep up to date on multiple machines.

I've found that new players have the most difficult time with new-to-them control schemes but once they get their heads around that then the underlying systems really aren't super difficult to grasp and can be learned at a slower pace. I mean even EVE is basically about clicking around and numbers when you really boil it down. :booty:

How have I not heard of NEStalgia? What server, if there're more than one?
Algol. The playerbase is pretty small though so be warned. I'm talking like ~40 online at a time.

It was just the first 2D MMO that came to mind...I bought a lifetime subscription a long time ago as it was super cheap. ($10 or $20 I forget)

I agree that WoW would probably be your best bet. My husband introduced me to WoW a few years ago, and I still go back to play from time to time. If they didn't completely ruin it, I would also recommend Star Wars if only for their really fun leveling experience.

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